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Thread: So we didn't all die ... this time. When's the next one due?

  1. #1

    Smile So we didn't all die ... this time. When's the next one due?

    OK, so that's the 2012 End of the World (as we know it) rubbish out of the way, but does anyone know when the next date is?

    There always seems to be someone claiming that the world will end on a certain day, so when's the next day and what's the predicition all about?

    Or, if there isn't one yet, what's your suggestion? When will we all get killed off and what will cause it?

    My guess is that a fair few people will messily explode about five minutes after the main meal on the 25th December.

  2. #2

    Default Re: So we didn't all die ... this time. When's the next one due?

    Well Damian here are a few dates for you to pick from:

    2013, May 19 - Ronald Weinland stated Jesus Christ would return and the world would end on this day.

    Plus many more futuristic dates for the end of the world can be found here
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  3. #3

    Default Re: So we didn't all die ... this time. When's the next one due?

    Well, the spending spree I had (thinking I wouldn't have to pay for it all) has now left me broke.
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  4. #4

    Default Re: So we didn't all die ... this time. When's the next one due?

    Tomorrow I think. Doing some research I found that the Mayans didn't have daylight savings time.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: So we didn't all die ... this time. When's the next one due?

    after afew devils foda aka mince pies
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  6. #6
    Forum Lurker gyronny's Avatar
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    Default Re: So we didn't all die ... this time. When's the next one due?

    That's a relief, I was a bit busy today and didn't know if the world had ended :-)

  7. #7
    Forum Saint madelaine's Avatar
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    Default Re: So we didn't all die ... this time. When's the next one due?

    google tells me that it is 2034

    "An article in Weekly World News describes a find by a Professor Lloyd Cunningdale of Salt Lake City who was excavating with his students at the site of the famous Donner party disaster of 1847. The latter were a group of settlers bound for California who became trapped by snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Cunningdale and students have found a time capsule left by the settlers which contains many predictions for the future. They predict that nations will abandon traditional methods of conflict and resort to the use of biological warfare. In 2016, one such disease will spread and kill all of the humans on the planet. "

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  8. #8
    Forum Diehard rokins_toys's Avatar
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    Default Re: So we didn't all die ... this time. When's the next one due?

    Actually, they are both wrong lol. The Mayan calendar is just a long cycle one, lasts for like 5,000 years, and today, that cycle ends and restarts, and now another 5,000 year cycle begins. the Mayan's never said the world would end at the end of this cycle, all this end of thw world stuff came about from people just misinterpreting the calendar. Their calendar ends and begins just the same as our 12 month calendar ends and begins again. Their is no evidence that the planets are alligning, and even if they did, even NASA will tell you it will have next to no effect on us at all. Trouble with things like this Mayan thing, people just like to try and find a meaning in something when no meaning exists to begin with. They are looking for something that does not exist. They see and find what they want to see and find.

    I could easily say on December 31st will see the end of the old and bring a new beginning, and people will translate that as being an end of the world prediction thing when I am just saying December 31st sees the end of the old cycle and the beginning of a new one.

    Yes, you can get solar flares, coronal mass ejections, even supermassive coronal mass ejections and these supermassive ones can end life on Earth, wiping out our atmosphere, boiling the oceans away and incinerating everything, but these supermassive ones are extremely rare.

    People are just theorizing about the meaning of the Mayan calendar, when it is just a calendar that ends and begins again, just like ours does today and those theories are not based in any real fact. Just because the Mayan's said it will bring a new beginning, they never said the world would end. January 1st always brings a new beginning for us but the world does not end for it to happen!

    Yes, the world as we know it today will end someday. And there are many, many ways that can and will happen and I know all of them and have studied them and it is pretty frightening stuff, but they are real, based in real facts, because we now have a much greater understanding of how the universe works and we know the threats to our planet exist because those threats are all around us all the time.

    So what threats are there out there that threaten life on this world?

    Humans - right now, the biggest threat to the Earth and ironically, the biggest threat to human civilisation and all life on Earth is Humans. We are on a path that started with the industrial revolution and we have been changing the climate since then and our polution of the atmosphere increases year on year while very little is being done to combat it. Energy companies will not do what is necessary because it will mean providing free energy they cannot rip you off for. Governments are reluctant to force the energy companies to do what is necessary because they think more about tax revune from fossil fuels. Politics and greed getting in the way of doing what ultimately in the end will have to be done. You can have all the wind/solar farms you want, they are small scale, in the control of energy companies, and as of now, doing nothing to significantly reduce our use of fossil fuels for homes and buildings of every other nature. If energy companies and the governments pulled their heads out the sand and put solar panels on the roofs of every home in the world, so much excess energy would be procuded you'd have more than enough excess energy to power every home, building of every other nature and street lighting etc. Energy companies do not want this to happen because of what it will do to their profits. Governments do not force it to happen because they fear losing tax revenue, whereas, the governments are gravely mistaken, as for Britain for example, if people's energy bills were reduced by 70% due to the above, they'd be saving over £800 per year on energy bills, money they will spend in the economy in other areas where everything is subject to VAT anyway so the tax revenue will still be there.

    Ultimately, the point is, we've disrupted the delicate balance of gasses in our atmpshere. We continue to cause unnecessary damage with carbon emissions from powering homes and buildings of every other nature when a plan that was devised 4 years ago, if it had of been implemented by the worlds governments 4 years ago, we'd be seeing a massive reduction in carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions right now, we'd be slowing down the damage we are doing to the climate, at the same time, if another project had begun 4 years ago, we would have removed over two hundred million tons of excess carbon from the atmosphere during that 4 year period which would have been put safely back into the ground and I'm not talking about technology that is on the drawing board, carbon scrubbing facilities the size of football stadiums, which are at least 30 years from being built, and as they are powered by fossil fuels, will produce just as much carbon as they remove so there is no point to them when there is a new reforestation method that has been overlooked using an airdrop method which can reforest and area the size of Britain in 12 months which is hundreds of millions of trees, if not just over a billion, and if they had been growing right now, as they grow, they'd increase how much carbon they remove from the atmosphere, and storing that carbon in their branches, trunks and roots and putting in safely back in the ground, something the technology cannot do. Hundreds of millions of dollars have spent on research and development for building stadium sized carbon scrubbers that will not see the light of day for another 30+ years while we could have been slowing down and undoing the damage if two simple projects had been started 4 years ago.

    Greenhouse gasses are vital for life on Earth, some trap heat, others reflect the suns energy/heat back into space. Volcanoes are important for life on Earth because they produce all these greenhouse gasses, which is vital, because solar winds are constantly stripping away our atmosphere so volcanoes replace what is stripped away. Now, we're in a terrible state, seeing terrible weather conditions around the world, global warming affecting different parts of the world in different ways, that's how complicated it is, and you can even directly link the famines in Africa from Band Aid to climate change, because global warming affects rain bands, it changes rainfall patterns which directly affects a country's ability to grow crops etc. and this is now getting worse in those countries while countries like Britain get drenched in excessive rainfall because warmer ocean surface temps combined with warmer air temps means an increase in water evaporation, increase in cloud cover due to that water evaopration, increase in rain.

    We are losing our ice shelves that sit on the oceans which reflect sunlight. We are losing our glaciers which provide us with fresh drinking water. This means the oceans are increasing the amount of carbon they absorb, and within 50 years, the acidity levels will increase so much we will lose the majority of marine life, and the terrifying thing about this is, plankton is responsible for 60-90% of the oxygen in the atmosphere, you kill off the plankton, you kill off a massive source of oxygen production as plakton are the real lungs of the planet, not trees, satalite imagary has shown that oxygen produced by the worlds forests, only about 10% of that oxygen gets into the atmosphere, the rest is reaborbed by the forests.

    We have not reached the tipping point yet, but we are approaching it rapidly. Eventually, we will lose our ability to act while myself and a team of specialists from around the world have been sitting on two crucial projects for the past 4 years that can solve all the above, solving other problems too, restore the imbalances, restore weather patterns, restore glaciers and ice shelves etc. and prevent from happening what will happen when the time comes that the climate does what it does naturally to restore those balances which does not end well for human civilisation, but politics and greed are standing in the way of us doing what ultimately has to be done.

    Blackholes - not all blackholes are stationary in space. There are what is known as "wondering blackholes" that move through space. You do not need me to drawn a picture of how one of them will rip the Earth and our solar system apart and suck it all into it.

    CME's/Solar Flares - These can knock out our power grids and depending on the size of them, could put us back in the stone age technologically speaking. Supermassive coronal mass ejections however are a different story altogether, you do not want to be on Earth when one happens. Thankfully, they are extremely rare, when one does happen, it will extinguish all life on Earth, our atmosphere will be incinerated along with everything on the surface, so even if you went far enough underground, you'd die anyway from radiation, starvation etc.

    Supervolcanoes - Just because these things are huge, doesn't mean they'll erupt on a super scale. The amount of eruptable magma varies. Toba erupted 70,000 years ago, bringing a year without a summer, massive crop failures etc. and people died from starvation, but Toba has the potential for far worse eruptions. Yellowstone, the threat is high, but there is another supervolcano in America where the threat level is very high. Either way, both of these volcanoes have the capacity to release so much ash/dust/soot that it will encircle the globe, blocking out sunlight for at least 6 months, causing a volcanic winter which will see crop failures and billions dying from startvation because it would take a few years to clean up the environment to be able to grow crops again.

    Comets - Same as below.

    Asteroids - a 6 mile wide asteroid killed off the dinosaurs and 70% of other life 65 million years ago. You would need an asteroid of at least 10-12 miles wide to extinguish all life on Earth. People asked how could an asteroid hitting one side of the planet kill off dinosaurs on the other side of the planet? It's very simple, ejecta - millions of tones of debris being shot into the upper atmosphere, it stays there orbiting the planet and with the rules of gravity, comes back down to Earth in what can only be described as like a meteor shower. This heats up the atmosphere as well as starting fires all around the world, setting forests and vegetation on fire. We know this happened because directly above the KT boundary, there is a layer of soot from all the vegetation/trees around the world that were consumed by fire, after this impact, the world literally and physically was set ablaze.

    Our sun dying - it will happen. Humans will be well extinct on Earth by the time this happens 5 or 6 billion years from now. Our sun will become a red giant, incinerating Earth and everything on it. Technically, we orbit within the sun's outer-most atmosphere. Our sun is not big enough to end it's life the way suns a hundred times the size our ours can, our sun will eventually become a white dwarf.
    Last edited by rokins_toys; 22nd December 2012 at 12:28 AM.
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  9. #9

    Default Re: So we didn't all die ... this time. When's the next one due?

    Re: So we didn't all die ... this time
    Speak for yourself..... at 11:11 yesterday morning my world came to an end..... or at least ways I got a blue screen of death on my computer and it wouldn't reboot.... Which is near enough the same thing in my book

    just got my computer back from my tech boys.... somehow a file in the boot up files got corrupted!!!! (even they dont know how or why)

  10. #10
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    Default Re: So we didn't all die ... this time. When's the next one due?

    Still here too! Guess I have to go do my yard sale again today!

    Sorry to hear your pc died. My pc is fine but my phone died!

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