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Thread: CNN Breaking News .. Shooting at Newtown CT Elementary School

  1. #71
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: CNN Breaking News .. Shooting at Newtown CT Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by kentallpines View Post

    Lets pray for any parents of these mentally unstable children, that they turn in their children to the authorities in time. Recently just after the movie theater massacre, a mother turned in her son. It was discovered, she had good cause for concern, as he had already bought guns and was planning a massacre of his own. How brave his mom had to be to turn in her own son. I pray for her to not feel guilty or sad. She saved many uncounted lives and should be proud of doing the right thing.

    Ken Tall Pines

    This comment resonated after reading an article about the young man's mother. My heart broke and I began to feel the enormous weight of this incident. Often times when things like this happen, the conversations can mask the depth of emotional response. The shock and anger responses are protective to the emotional state of people.

    I read about the shooter's mother; the type of person she appeared to be; a good person, a giving person. Yet, she kept her family life with her sons, off-limits. She knew about her son (the shooter); she knew how troubled he was. Some of the comments within the article revealed that he was in a hell of his own. His mother was also experiencing that hell, because that was her son.

    As a giving and generous person, the writer of the article stated, that surely such a generous person would not have witheld needed help or counseling from an obviously troubled, withdrawn, emotionally tortured child/young man. Well, it would be revealing to see any evidence of counseling or treatment being offered to the young man during his early chilhood and beyond. His mother was called to his school often to deal with his withdrawal/anxiety episodes; as she seemed to be the only person who could get him out of those episodes.

    So yes, prayer is needed for parents of disturbed children, to have the courage to reach out for help for their troubled children. Also to turn their troubled children into the authorities if necessary. The school systems also have a responsibility to facilitate troubled students and their stressed parents, to seek the needed help. The "helping agencies" also have a responsibility to respond appropriately, to the call for help.

    My prayers go out to all the families, friends, and community of the victims.

  2. #72

    Default Re: CNN Breaking News .. Shooting at Newtown CT Elementary School

    Hi everyone;

    Yes I have AC power here (only 60 amp service), and a phone line, but no cel phone, and no cable TV service. Some neighbors here (½-¾ mile away) have dish TV or dish internet. I just have dial-up. I also have a small air conditioner in one bedroom, that gets used about the three hottest months of the summer.

    Hi iwiw60, yes Oregon has some really big bears. Michigan has black bears, 200-300 pounds typical. Yes a 357 is a tad small for bears and pigs also. I recently switched from bullets with 125 grain hollow points, to 158 grain hollow point and soft nose lead. I had considered a 44 magnum, but have weak wrists and the recoil would make it more difficult to hit a mark. If you can't hit what you aim at, you have no damn right to carry a gun. Bears usually don't bother people if you don't startle them. I always make enough noise so they don't get surprised by my presence. I fear the pigs the most because even people who hunt them do so with great caution.

    I too, do not think, taking away guns is an answer. 30-40 years ago when I lived in Chicago, there was a serial killer caught by the name of John Wayne Gacey. I remember his face as it is burned into my memory. He had sex with young teen-age boys, strangled them and buried them in the crawl space under his home. He covered them with quick-lime to reduce the smell of decomp.

    He was an evil creature, and a predator to be sure. I can never think of him as being a human.

    I do think that taking prayer out of school was a bad idea, and also not allowing teachers to discipline children. I'm glad I attended Catholic school as I feel I got a more disciplined and good education.

    Gotta go feed my kittys, and get them inside before something eats them. Heard something outside last night, and gotta be careful.

    Ken Tall Pines

  3. #73
    Forum Saint sidthelamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: CNN Breaking News .. Shooting at Newtown CT Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by kentallpines View Post
    Hi everyone;

    Yes I have AC power here (only 60 amp service), and a phone line, but no cel phone, and no cable TV service. Some neighbors here (½-¾ mile away) have dish TV or dish internet. I just have dial-up. I also have a small air conditioner in one bedroom, that gets used about the three hottest months of the summer.

    Hi iwiw60, yes Oregon has some really big bears. Michigan has black bears, 200-300 pounds typical. Yes a 357 is a tad small for bears and pigs also. I recently switched from bullets with 125 grain hollow points, to 158 grain hollow point and soft nose lead. I had considered a 44 magnum, but have weak wrists and the recoil would make it more difficult to hit a mark. If you can't hit what you aim at, you have no damn right to carry a gun. Bears usually don't bother people if you don't startle them. I always make enough noise so they don't get surprised by my presence. I fear the pigs the most because even people who hunt them do so with great caution.

    I too, do not think, taking away guns is an answer. 30-40 years ago when I lived in Chicago, there was a serial killer caught by the name of John Wayne Gacey. I remember his face as it is burned into my memory. He had sex with young teen-age boys, strangled them and buried them in the crawl space under his home. He covered them with quick-lime to reduce the smell of decomp.

    He was an evil creature, and a predator to be sure. I can never think of him as being a human.

    I do think that taking prayer out of school was a bad idea, and also not allowing teachers to discipline children. I'm glad I attended Catholic school as I feel I got a more disciplined and good education.

    Gotta go feed my kittys, and get them inside before something eats them. Heard something outside last night, and gotta be careful.

    Ken Tall Pines
    good evening Ken

    sounds like you have the best of both worlds were you live mains power and remote !

    do you use coleman stoves and lamps ?

    we dont have any large wild animals like you do, i think the fox is the biggest preditor we have which i see a lot of in my area would not want to corner one ! theres talk of releasing wolves again in scotland although i cant see it happening, nearly forgot we do have wild deer i saw a couple last year in a forest near to me, looks like they were released there as a trial as there not in the wild in my bit of the uk, and there are semi wild horses in a few parts, problem in the uk we just dont have vast areas of wilderness like you guys do . round my area theres often rumours of a big black cat been seen and the remains of a half eaten sheep, the farmers do then go out to try to catch it but they never have had any luck,
    http://uk.ebid.net/stores/under pressure


  4. #74

    Default Re: CNN Breaking News .. Shooting at Newtown CT Elementary School

    Hi sidthelamp;

    I do keep kerosene lamps here and lots of candles. I'm living in an area that is classified by the utilities as seasonal. Most of my neighbors only come up at deer hunting time, or some only on week-ends. Sometimes I get snowed in for a month or two at a time. They do not plow seasonal roads after deer season.

    If the mains get damaged by storms, it could be out for a long time. If the mains break down near a town where there are lots of customers, it will be fixed in a couple days. If the storm covers a wider area, with multiple break-downs, then the areas with lots of users will get fixed first. With me being the only year-around resident for several miles, I would be last to get repaired, and would probably be out for a week or two.

    I do have an outdoor toilet for use when the power is out. You can't flush a toilet if there is no electricity to run the water pump. I'm lucky to have wood heat, which requires no electricity at all.

    This winter I will be listing more stamps in my store on here, and doing some wood carving, with all the trees that fell victim to the last storm. I have a store on Etsy.com where I will be listing handcrafted wood items. Mostly small carvings, and also a few large sculptures. My store is "Black Forest Cabin Art". It will feature items that cabin folk would use as decor for their cabin. My eventual goal is to hand carve without a chainsaw, ten foot or larger totem poles.

    I don't know if you live in the country or not, but I've always been a big fan of the writer James Harriot, and the BBC TV drama series "All Creatures Great and Small". We get a lot of BBC stuff on the PBS network here. I also liked John Cleese in "Fawlty Towers".

    Got to get back to my listings for now
    Ken Tall Pines

  5. #75
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    Default Re: CNN Breaking News .. Shooting at Newtown CT Elementary School

    Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
    when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.
    their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
    they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
    they were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say.
    they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
    "where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.
    "this is heaven." declared a small boy. "we're spending Christmas at God's house."
    when what to their wondering eyes did appear,
    but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.
    He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
    then He opened His arms and He called them by name.
    and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring
    those children all flew into the arms of their King
    and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
    one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.
    and as if He could read all the questions she had
    He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."
    then He looked down on earth, the world far below
    He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe
    then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
    "Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"
    "may this country be delivered from the hands of fools"
    "I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"
    then He and the children stood up without a sound.
    "come now my children, let me show you around."
    excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.
    all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
    and i heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
    "in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."

    Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA

  6. #76
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: CNN Breaking News .. Shooting at Newtown CT Elementary School


  7. #77

    Default Re: CNN Breaking News .. Shooting at Newtown CT Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by Pink_Panther View Post
    US gun Laws:
    Shoot em up video games.
    Video games are not responsible. No more so than films, cartoons or books. Society is to blame. Bringing up children, teaching them right from wrong, giving them knowledge and understanding, nurturing compassion and kindness, rewarding positive thoughts and actions, these are the jobs of everyone around the kids - not just the parents on their own. Poorly taught, unguided, lonely children are far more likely to turn into killers; getting revenge on the society that made them feel sad, small, unloved, undervalued or hated. But nobody wants to admit that they are part of the problem, so they blame everyone and anyone else.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pink_Panther View Post


    etc etc etc.

    maybe you reap what you sow.
    Young people are being brainwashed with this carp.
    I think you have little understanding of what the terms mean.

    Whilst in the U.S. the term "survivalist" is now synonymous with "white power, compound owning gun nut", in the UK it is not. Nor, BTW, is "prepper".

    Preppers are merely people who are preparing for a breakdown in our society which can be the result of one (or more) of a wide range of causes. This does not have to be an "end of the world" scenario that will see the rise of a Mad Max style world, it can be something as normal as a big storm, an extended power outage or political rioting.

    Preppers see what we do as a form of insurance.

    Most preppers are not nuts. Most preppers probably think that non-preppers are nuts.
    Last edited by damian_steele; 20th December 2012 at 07:23 AM.

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