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Thread: ebay are pushing it

  1. #11
    Forum Lurker
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    Default Re: ebay are pushing it

    they are beyond a joke how can they enforce those everyone who is not a business to take back stuff because of peoples change of mind and in some cases damaging the item to get it returned. it's putting bad face to those that genuinely have a problem. they are become the biggest scammers ever never mind the people who are selling on them. which is a shame specially for people trying to just declutter or just trying to beable to buy something else when they have no money to actually go to the shops. isn't that what's keep the economy going OH MY GOD EBAY KILLED THE ECONOMY AS WELL. that will be headlines. if it wasn't for us poorer folk on the minimum wage trying to buy and recycle then they'd have to only rely on the rich. who i doubt want second hand clothes and brick a brack.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: ebay are pushing it

    Totally spot on Doggiemad and superb poem! You should put that on youtube or as an advert for ebid too, its brill' well done!
    Back to what youre saying it's just beyond. Adruml's case sums them up, this is similar to one of the stories the top seller was on about. They are just clueless ripoff control freaks.
    You raise so many pertinent points here Doggie, I couldn't agree more. I used to do car boot sales aswell, for various reasons I stopped 5 years ago and ebid gives me the opportunity to have mine here instead, where as you say ebay used to be the original one, back in the day when it was run so well.
    Another thing that really makes me see red is their postage and packaging rules. As if we aren't crippled and debilitated enough by their greedy, unfair policies they have the audacity to make us virtually have to do it for free (cos we do make vast profits after all grr) and they have those underhand detailed seller ratings where buyers can just discreetly mark what they want against us. I NEVER have used them as a buyer, I refuse out of principle. It just beggars belief what they get away with! It is virtually impossible to make any profit there, even that topseller said that with all his thousands of listings, many high value, so goes to show..
    I actually found this site by telling google I hate them in sheer frustration, google then led me here

  3. #13
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    Default Re: ebay are pushing it

    i love it lol glad you found ebid i found them from the community board through ebay someone mentioned them as they had been barred as well. yeah i'm really fed up about what ebay forces us privates to do. one it's supposed to be like a carboot. that means you stick all the pictures on as best as you can answer all questions best you can then sell. no returns as everything has been shown or answered unless something disasterous happens then why should you. especially not for change of mind.

    then yeah there is the postage. if i had a car i'd have to fill it up with petrol to go to the shops they don't give me that also to go to the carboot i have to pay for that so it's right when you want something from someone that you pay for the postage as it's probably cheaper than going from one end of london to scotland and back to get it. this is the buyers responsibility as they want it. they could come and get it. i am going out my way to package to the hilt to allow you to get it to your door. Don't get me wrong i appreciate every buyer i get and as soon as i've got payment i run out the door with the parcel the same day if they are open and post. i don't expect money for time and effort or bus fares or petrol as i choose to sell to everyone and to be honest it wouldn't be right. i'm getting my stuff rehomed and being able to buy new lol. as long as postage and a little for packaging is covered that's all i ask i will recycle whatever i can find to package.

    ebay has forgotton this it does actually cost to ship and no i don't think the seller should cover the cost postage isn't free. and it's bad enough paypal take some of the money out of your postage overall after ebay fees. this shouldn't be touched. that's why people bump up their postage prices to cover their fees. 10% ebay and 3.4 % plus 20p paypal and that's not including listing fees. i'd say you loose a third of your money to them.

    the thing is the bigger they are the harder they will fall we've all been told that as kids when picked on from others ebay will be no different. in the end a revolution is coming. power back to the people is needed. we're all skint and looking for something even little things that keep us slightly sane. ebay ain't one of them ebid is.

    just wish i'd get more sales though lol....

  4. #14
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    Default Re: ebay are pushing it

    the bay will get away with their own rule changing as long as the public allows it....by this I mean allows it by using them....and there will allays be a lot of users...so...no idea how to stop them.............papa.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: ebay are pushing it

    Quote Originally Posted by papagran40 View Post
    the bay will get away with their own rule changing as long as the public allows it....by this I mean allows it by using them....and there will allays be a lot of users...so...no idea how to stop them.............papa.
    I'm pretty sure day by day they are stopping themselves. Eventually they will be the biggest online Chinese shopping mall around!

  6. #16
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    Default Re: ebay are pushing it

    Hi, iv just jumped from the sinking ship! just used it in the past like carboot but at home, then i started to try & sell my hand crafted stuff useing the free 100 99p listing you get a month! was just starting to pay for its self ie fees but then thay changed things agin! i whent to check my stuff & all my listings had been ended! my seller rateing wasent high enuf!!! id been getting good feedback but its thos star things people dont fill them in!
    Well to hell with them greedy gits............. Im staying hear on EBID it seems like a much nicer & honist place to be! Deepest Blessings To All!

  7. #17
    Forum Diehard rokins_toys's Avatar
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    Default Re: ebay are pushing it

    FeeBay are just pi$$ed at you for offering free shipping if the buyer pays using another method that bypasses PayPal which they own and make far more money out of due to charging two fees per transaction (25p flat rate fee + 3.2% of overal transaction value), when banks/credit cards etc make more than enough profit from the 15p flat rate fee, so the percentage on top is just greed on their part, which is why I say eBay has both their hands in your pockets.

    FeeBay has a lot of silly policies, many of which should not exist to begin with, others that are in violation of UK laws and government legislation not just EU rules and laws. We'd never go back to FeeBay, too much nonsense over there, too much dictatorship regime going on over there from people who are only interested in lining their own pockets with high fees wiping out your profit margins, even more the case these days that is. Sellers over there are blind, the sales there mean nothing when you're selling pretty much everything at a loss after it has been listed for 2+ months, especially on items with small profit margins that are barely £2.00. The greater the profit margin you have on items, then you're looking at greater increases in fvf's and paypal fees so you might walk away with £1.00-£2.00 profit out of something that has a £8.00 profit margin.

    The more sellers that stay there, just for sales that mean nothing at the end of the day as they're selling pretty much everything at a loss, the more FeeBay will do what it pleases until those sellers wake up and walk away and come to eBid instead. FeeBay are walking all over the sellers, treating them like trash, and the sellers bend over and take it just so they can sell everything at a loss for the sake of regular sales to maybe break even once or twice a year while selling at a loss the rest of the year haha. Sellers shouldn't whine about FeeBay and their policies when they stay there, being a doormat for them. Make a stand,stop listing there, walk away, loss of revenue is the only thing FeeBay understands and the only thing they will react to..
    “Doing business without proper advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does and the girl doesn't even know you're winking at her either."

  8. #18
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    Default Re: ebay are pushing it

    I see eBay are complaining that the slow rollout of 4G in the UK is going to cost the economy money from loss of online sales over Xmas.

    You would have thought that if they were that concerned about the UK economy, that they would stop using (admittedly legal) tax avoidance means to deprive the UK economy of, something like, 50 million GBP a year.

  9. #19

    Default Re: ebay are pushing it

    Quote Originally Posted by astral276 View Post
    I see eBay are complaining that the slow rollout of 4G in the UK is going to cost the economy money from loss of online sales over Xmas.
    Replace UK economy with eBay and we have what they are really complaining about.

  10. #20
    Forum Master TonyBridger's Avatar
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    Default Re: ebay are pushing it

    Quote Originally Posted by doggiemad View Post
    what i'm more annoyed at is what right do the have to tell me what type of payment i can accept for my items .
    It is their business so they can do what they want with it. If you don't like their rules you don't have to use their site.
    My posts only state my own opinions, unless I've stolen them from someone else

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