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Thread: Raja Orchids: Orchids and Other Nice Things

  1. #1

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  3. #3

    Default Re: Raja Orchids: Orchids and Other Nice Things

    As of last week, two of my stores have been fully established on eBid. I have not had many sales, but am grateful for the three sales that have already gone through. There are some really nice plants in my Orchid Store and also some good books in my Bookstore. So, please take a few moments to browse.

    Any suggestions about how to improve my listings would be welcome.

    I have also posted a General Care Sheet for Cattleya orchids and will continue posting specific guides for each species that I sell. So, if you buy a plant from me, the care sheets will be available in the Home and Garden forum.

    The listing that might interest you, for you or your loved ones:

    Thank you all for your support.

    Peace and Love!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Raja Orchids: Orchids and Other Nice Things

    Just wanted to share that there are new listings in all my stores. And now, thanks to eBid.net's policy on stores, I also have a dedicated store for charity. Twenty five percent (sometimes more) of the final sale price of each item listed here will go to Denton Humane Society. The Denton Humane Society serves the North Texas area and runs several shelters and spay and neuter clinics.

    So, please take some time to view the listed items and send me your questions, suggestions, and best wishes. The charity store link: Calico Charity Shop.

    Please also bid on my YDC99 item: YDC99 (Charity Auction for "Children Today"): A Set of FIVE Cookbooks.

    By the way, the store was suggested and launched by Olivia, our lovely calico, who has greatly benefited from the Denton Humane Society services!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Raja Orchids: Orchids and Other Nice Things

    Hi All:
    There are new listings added to all the three stores and I also have a cool set of cookbooks listed for YDC99. Please do visit my Stores and the charity auction. Store Links:

    Raja's Orchids
    The Bookstore
    Calico Charity shop

    Weekly Special (May 24 till May 27)

    If you buy any of the books listed in my bookstore in the next THREE days, I will add a 25% discount to your invoice!

    Thank you!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Raja Orchids: Orchids and Other Nice Things

    So, this was the first time I listed something in the YDC auction and it sold. And though it is not much, I am happy to contribute to charity. Please also visit my stores for new listings:

    Raja's Orchids
    The Bookstore
    Calico Charity shop

    Feel free to contact me for questions. Thanks!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Raja Orchids: Orchids and Other Nice Things

    Not much is happening in my stores in terms of sales but I have added more items and have also just concluded my first YDC sale. Please take a few moments to visit my stores, especially the charity store:

    Raja's Orchids
    The Bookstore
    Calico Charity shop

  8. #8

    Default Re: Raja Orchids: Orchids and Other Nice Things

    So, promoting my stores again. On the other hand, while my plants are not doing so well on eBid, they are doing great in the greenhouse. I also started my summer greenhouse extension project. Meanwhile, if you like orchids, books, or charity auctions please take a look at my stores:

    Raja's Orchids
    The Bookstore
    Calico Charity shop

    Thank you all for your support.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Raja Orchids: Orchids and Other Nice Things

    The summer greenhouse extension project is finished. You can view the pictures HERE. Meanwhile, if you like orchids, books, or charity auctions please take a look at my stores:

    Raja's Orchids
    The Bookstore
    Calico Charity shop

    Thank you all for your support.

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