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Thread: Reincarnation is making a comeback!!!

  1. #11

    Default Re: Reincarnation is making a comeback!!!

    That is exactly what i was told yesterday when i bumped into a clairvoyant, and showed her my interest, she told me to go to the local spiritualist church and then go to join a circle... So when i get some spare time thats exactly what i will do. :lol:

  2. #12

    Default Re: Reincarnation is making a comeback!!!

    That is exactly what i was told yesterday when i bumped into a clairvoyant, and showed her my interest, she told me to go to the local spiritualist church and then go to join a circle... So when i get some spare time thats exactly what i will do. :lol:

  3. #13

    Default Re: Reincarnation is making a comeback!!!

    I don't believe in reincarnation, I didn't when I was a frog either.

  4. #14

    Default Re: Reincarnation is making a comeback!!!

    I don't believe in reincarnation, I didn't when I was a frog either.

  5. #15

    Default Re: Reincarnation is making a comeback!!!

    This may sound crazy BUT...
    When I was a small child (very young) I had vivid dreams about world war 2. I could smell the smoke during the air raids, I could hear the bombs being dropped... I always woke up very scared as I was hiding from and being chased by soldiers. I have always wondered, looking back, how I knew about the war (being only 25 now and certainly not alive then...)
    I was too young to know about it yet as I grew older, I realised that what I had dreamt was very accurate. I still occasionally have these dreams now.
    Right, here's for the weird bit... I found french exceptionally easy at school, in that I picked it up as though it was natural to me. Although I found german to be quite easy going, I found myself feeling uneasy at the sound of spoken german.... it still makes me feel weird now.
    I am sure that this all means something or am I reading too much into this? Deep down, I feel that I was alive during the war, obviously not in this life but in a previous one perhaps? How can I find out???

  6. #16

    Default Re: Reincarnation is making a comeback!!!

    Thats a really interesting one there Morticia, I used to have dreams of something that would have happened in WW2.

    When I was young, about 2 or 3 I used to spend a lot of time with my great nan and my grandad and would spook the hell out of them by talking to them about being a Spitfire pilot - usually starting off with 'you know when I died in that Spitfire nan?'. What I'd do then was go on to tell them a story about flying this Spitfire and attacking a train, but when I flew in to fire on the engine the Germans uncovered an ackack gun which had a tarp over it and shot me down. I could recall in loads of detail the smell of the burning plane, oil and leather and the actual burning sensation while I was trapped in the cockpit before the plane crashed and the dream ended.

    I can still remember parts of it now, but not in as much detail - or rather without the useful bits I could use to try and do some research into it like squadron markings and so on, and unfortunately my grandad died around that time, and my great nan a few years ago so it'd be hard to try look myself up if you know what I mean, but I did take my grandads death badly and had to see a child psychologist to help me come to terms with it so I suppose I might be lucky and have more of this on record in his report if he wrote this all down since I told him about that as well - knowing my luck though it'll probably just say basket case .

    What is funny though I've always been mad about planes and even tried to join the RAF, but being born with spondylyo buggered that up (I did get in, but they discovered it on my medical history just before my medical and that was that ) - now I just dream of having the cash one day to get my private pilots licence, and getting my own Spitfire of course .

  7. #17

    Default Re: Reincarnation is making a comeback!!!

    Hi Orca... I think it's weird... but what other explanation for these dreams are there? At the ages we were, I think it's very unlikely that we would have been able to 'imagine' these scenes as accurately as we did. I have always wondered about these dreams as I still remember how scared I felt each time. These dreams still occur now but not as frequently as when I was very small. If I had just had these dreams as an older child, teen or adult, I could have put it down to watching war films, studying WW2 at school, speaking to family members about the war, etc. but I knew nothing about it when I was little!!!
    Weird... what is really annoying about all this is I'll probably never find out either.... :wink:

  8. #18

    Default Re: Reincarnation is making a comeback!!!

    Hi Orca... I think it's weird... but what other explanation for these dreams are there? At the ages we were, I think it's very unlikely that we would have been able to 'imagine' these scenes as accurately as we did. I have always wondered about these dreams as I still remember how scared I felt each time. These dreams still occur now but not as frequently as when I was very small. If I had just had these dreams as an older child, teen or adult, I could have put it down to watching war films, studying WW2 at school, speaking to family members about the war, etc. but I knew nothing about it when I was little!!!
    Weird... what is really annoying about all this is I'll probably never find out either.... :wink:

  9. #19

    Default Re: Reincarnation is making a comeback!!!

    Hi Orca... I think it's weird... but what other explanation for these dreams are there? At the ages we were, I think it's very unlikely that we would have been able to 'imagine' these scenes as accurately as we did. I have always wondered about these dreams as I still remember how scared I felt each time. These dreams still occur now but not as frequently as when I was very small. If I had just had these dreams as an older child, teen or adult, I could have put it down to watching war films, studying WW2 at school, speaking to family members about the war, etc. but I knew nothing about it when I was little!!!
    Weird... what is really annoying about all this is I'll probably never find out either.... :wink:

  10. #20

    Default Re: Reincarnation is making a comeback!!!

    Hi Orca... I think it's weird... but what other explanation for these dreams are there? At the ages we were, I think it's very unlikely that we would have been able to 'imagine' these scenes as accurately as we did. I have always wondered about these dreams as I still remember how scared I felt each time. These dreams still occur now but not as frequently as when I was very small. If I had just had these dreams as an older child, teen or adult, I could have put it down to watching war films, studying WW2 at school, speaking to family members about the war, etc. but I knew nothing about it when I was little!!!
    Weird... what is really annoying about all this is I'll probably never find out either.... :wink:

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