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Thread: Where is the Ebid Corporate Information on the website?

  1. #31
    Forum Newbie crispybo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Where is the Ebid Corporate Information on the website?

    Quote Originally Posted by cheaver View Post
    I am intrigued.... I have found this thread an interesting perspective but I am failing to reconcile the dormancy of your own account which has no feedback, either as Buyer or Seller, in 15 months. I am also wondering what was the trigger for this apparently sudden eBid caring...
    Hi Cheaver:
    Regarding your first question, I have a six year old daughter, that should explain most of my 15 month dormancy as well as being involved in the management of a small start up company. Just like everyone else, all of our lives get filled up with family and job responsibilities. If and when you get a free moment, you get online to pursue other interests. I joined Ebid last summer so when the time was right and my busy schedule permitted me to be get involved to be a seller on Ebid I would do so. At this point in time, I felt is was time to jump on board on the Ebid ship and see what it will take to work together to be successful selling my possessions on the Ebit website.

    This takes me to your second question, what triggered my interest in caring about Ebid? You are probably thinking, "what the hell does this guy care about Ebid", he doesn't even have any feedback on Ebid. Well just so I am very clear on this, I don't have any unsavory motives or agenda for starting this thread, I am being sincere with my questions and attempts to be constructive with my suggestions. You are right, I don't currently have any feedback, but that is something I would like to change. Like others have stated in this threat, when they go to a new website, they check out the "What About Us" links to get familiar with the company behind the website you are currently on, it is the least people should do when visiting one of the endless number of e-commerce websites available to all of us.

    As I stated in my initial post at the top of this thread, when I tried to learn more about Ebid on their website I couldn't find any. This cause some concern for me, especially since they wanted me to send them money to be a seller +. Naturally, as a potential business partner with Ebid, I wanted to know what I was going to get for my upfront fee, who is behind Ebid, what kind of support is Ebid currently willing to provide it's sellers, and what does the future hold for Ebid.

    I don't think these questions are unusual or odd, but rather elementary. I don't want to put a lot of time and resources in becoming a seller+ if there is little chance of long term financial rewards. I need information to determine what the likelihood is of Ebid having a product and resources to grow and attract the necessary online traffic to help the sellers on Ebid. This exercise in my due diligence lead me to discovered Ebid doesn't do a very good job or none at all to answer most of those questions. As a soon to be seller, I want Ebid to become more popular and drive more traffic to the site, since that is the name of the game. We all want to make money, and the more people who feel comfortable in joining Ebid as buyers and sellers, the better it is for everyone.

    I don't think the status or what you are calling "dormancy" of my Ebid account has any relevancy on the points I have shared on this issue, but I hope my response has answered your questions on my motivations regarding why I care about how Ebid presents itself on their web-page. Like most people, I want to make money. The more professional and polished Ebid appears to potential customers, the better it will be for the current sellers on Ebid for which I plan on becoming here in the very near future.

    I am not one to point out problems, for the sake of complaining. If I see a problem, I am going to make the appropriate decision makers aware of the problem, and then suggest a possible solution. I can see there are numerous sellers who are passionate and care about Ebid. Having strong supporters for your website, is a great start, but to get over the hump of being a small player on the Internet, you need to capitalize on every available opportunity possible to grow and become more successful. My comments and suggestions are simply what I perceive as missed opportunities to make Ebid's website better to bring in more customers into the Ebid community, which hopefully will result in more success for Ebid Ltd, and the sellers.

    I am encourage that several Ebid community members have shared their interest to have company information be more readily available on the Ebid website. Hopefully the decision makers at Ebid (who ever they may be) see this interest and suggestions and takes it seriously enought to follow thru on these ideas. It would be even better if this information also includes some kind of information on the people involved with the company, which I believe will allow the Ebid community to become stronger business partners and allies for each other.
    Last edited by crispybo; 28th October 2011 at 10:13 PM.
    Have a great day, and adios from "Extra Crispy" in Phoenix, Arizona.

  2. #32
    Forum Saint cheaver's Avatar
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    Default Re: Where is the Ebid Corporate Information on the website?

    I wish you well in your endeavours. I just paid the fee (couldn't believe no listing fees, or listings limit, & only 2% FVF on sales using gallery pics) and spent some time getting to grips with eBid. I still have a lot to learn but I recovered my fees very quickly. Support have been fantastic when I have needed them & so have the Forum folk. What can I say other than to repeat, I wish you well.

  3. #33
    Forum Saint JanetB's Avatar
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    Default Re: Where is the Ebid Corporate Information on the website?

    Quote Originally Posted by crispybo View Post
    By the way, I see Gazza appears to be the main voice for Ebid, but I don't know who she is? She is listed as administrator on her Forum post, so is she just a forum adminstrator or does she have any decision making authority at Ebid? What role or other titles does she have at Ebid? I see comments referring to Mark and Gazza, but not about Gary, is Gary active in Ebid still?
    Gazza is Gary, one of the eBid owners, the other being Mark

    You'll find Gazza posting updates etc here:


  4. #34
    Forum Newbie crispybo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Where is the Ebid Corporate Information on the website?

    Quote Originally Posted by jeweleffects View Post
    Gazza is Gary, one of the eBid owners, the other being Mark

    You'll find Gazza posting updates etc here:


    Thanks Janet and juliebabe25 for setting me straight on who Gazza is. I guess I better stop asking who "She" is now!
    Have a great day, and adios from "Extra Crispy" in Phoenix, Arizona.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Where is the Ebid Corporate Information on the website?

    Quote Originally Posted by TiasTreasures View Post
    Unless UK law is very different from US law, privately held companies are not required to give us information that we don't need to know. That definitely includes their future plans and strategies.
    Apologies for being a day or two late arriving to this discussion...

    UK law may well be different from US law, but one thing that is does demand is that a company website is obliged to display its company registration number and its registered address in an obvious or easily accessible location. This is usually at the bottom of each page in some sort of footer or in an "About Us" type page which can be accessed from anywhere.

    I've got to admit, that after a year here, I've no idea how to get to this information or even to the T&Cs (where they apparently reside) mentioned elsewhere in this thread using only a single click from any page.

    Although everyone here knows (or at least assumes ) that there's no con-artistry going on, you've got to admit that to a new potential member, it's not encouraging.

  6. #36

    Default Re: Where is the Ebid Corporate Information on the website?

    To put on a kind of Business School hat here, I think that the wider issue that is at the heart of the matter is eBid’s relationship management with the various stakeholders in the eBid business.

    A good model when starting up a new company or operation that is intended to have a meaningful profile is first to identify the key stakeholder groups that will make the operation a success, identity what kind of inputs and outputs the stakeholder groups need from their interaction with the operation, develop a series of ‘values’ which are a conceptual statement of how the various stakeholder groups will be ‘valued’ in the business., and then from the values establish a series of ‘behaviours’ for all the employees (and stakeholders where appropriate) of the operation to follow when engaging with the stakeholder groups. Then the lower level technical how to do it stuff can be developed.

    This might sound like a load of vague wishy washy stuff which is just academic theory. However, when done well in practice it means that the operation really understands the needs of the stakeholder groups and does what it is necessary to meet those needs with appropriate behaviours In other words it achieves successfully a good standard of relationship management with all the stakeholders that will underpin the operation becoming successful.

    The point has been raised before in the Forum that the eBid site does not give a clear statement on eBid’s buying proposition for buyers. Although there are some words about the number of listings and listing categories, I do not think that there are any unique selling points to make buyers feel that eBid really is the place they have to come to as their first shopping port of call on the internet. Although the low cost of doing business on eBid is promoted, eBid’s selling proposition for sellers could be stronger as well.

    A lot of time and effort and money has been spent by eBid in years gone by to get the technical corner stone of a good website in place, without which there would be no basis to drive the eBid business forward in future years. With limited resources it is not possible to do everything all at once. So the comments above are not intended to be criticism. But it would be nice now that the website is largely sorted out if the eBid management could spend some time paying attention to these issues of stakeholder relationship management and how this impacts upon the eBid project and how eBid develops the product and communications (including easy access to corporate information) accordingly.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Where is the Ebid Corporate Information on the website?

    I think I rather prefer ebids 'small time' attitude to Ebays corporate greed.
    I have spoken to Mark and Gary in the past by phone,I would expect it's easier to get in touch with Lord Lucan than anyone of any relevance at Ebay or Poopal. Even if you did,they are so isolated,brainwashed and out of touch that any attempr at conversation would be worthless.

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