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Thread: For my ''friend Al''...

  1. #1
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    Default For my ''friend Al''...

    This is the best drummer from my ex-country…he is really out of league and he can use drums in any way he can…he is been with same bend for 16 years…and he is the first person who end up in the jail in 1970’s because police from my ex-country catch him with 7 pounds illegal drugs, he end up in the jail for 3 and half years…after war start in my ex-country he is been really disappointed with all stuff he see what is happening around in country and all other 5 people from the bend left him alone and all 5 escape outside in the West, and on January 13. 1994 he throws yourself from the 6th floor from Belgrade Hotel and died…in that time he is been 39 old only…

    Instrumental performance…Title: Fire or Dzambo…


  2. #2
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    Default Re: For my ''friend Al''...

    Thanks for the thought Dzambo. I'll be in front of a computer in a few hours and check it out.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: For my ''friend Al''...

    Wow Dzambo he was some drummer. Thanks for sharing.
    Last edited by LesliesDaughter; 11th October 2011 at 01:39 PM. Reason: So sorry Dzambo, spelled you name wrongly.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: For my ''friend Al''...

    OMG what a sad story, but I'll bet your friend is rocking the roof off now with Jimi, Janis and John.

    Thanks for sharing the link, will check it out.

    Best wishes for many sales to all,

  5. #5
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    Default Re: For my ''friend Al''...

    Thanks again Dzambo. Good drummer but didn't do a heck of a lot for me. I tried to listen to the drums without the techie stuff and it was pretty much a "Smoke on the Water" beat. Not difficult but very good just the same.

    A current drummer who can probably knock everybodies socks off is the drummer for Umphrey's McGee. Now he is phenominal.
    One of the beats I have been trying to perfect over the last 6 months or so is from the drummer from Black Label Society in the song Still Born. What he does with his hands is fairly easy but what he is doing in this song with his feet is very hard to do.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: For my ''friend Al''...

    Well…Al….I understand you but we are not that ‘’rich’’ and have bigger audience and much more chances to go in the top and pratice with the best…but I think we still have some people around who can in any time use drums and ‘’double’’ most of drummers from the West…and my ex country is very small and is very hard to go out and let many people to know for particular guy…but still we have many good guys….
    And this one guy is change previous guy in the group where previous guy go to jail…today is 56 year old and is still around….

  7. #7
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    Default Re: For my ''friend Al''...

    I'm not exactly sure what being "rich" has to do with the ability to play the drums is or where they are from has to do with anything. Your 56 year old drummer is pretty good and if you watch/listen to him then listen and watch this video you will see where he got his style from.
    This is from a drummer before he was "rich" and he is from a little ol' country called the UK.



  8. #8
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    Default Re: For my ''friend Al''...

    Well…’’Al’’ maybe you’re right but as can I see you never live in other country where is much stuff different from the any country in the West…Right now in my born natural country working people make about a $100.00 a month and that’s all…and before in my ex-whole country where this drummers play in that time working peoples make it even a less for a month from now in this day’s and to practice or find and buy drums or ability to play for many is going to take much more time in years before reach starting point from the West drummers….and many good musicians just drop out because is take too much time and to have a concert is going to take much more time to collect money for better instruments or similar stuff…my natural born country now is about size of Chicago and that’s it…and my ex-whole country before that is size about state of Illinois…and by the way my Government before don’t help or support with money rock n’ roll stuff or around this…so you’re on your own…you have Communist rules and in same time if you try something you’re on your own and you need to earn like people in the West to make something which is very hard and take many years just to move a little bit…but in other way Government help with money Sports, especially Basketball and before in my ex-whole country we won that many Euro Championships and World Championships which is I think no country in whole world before or even now can won that many like Yugoslavia….And now whole situations is different after war from 1 country we have 6 new countries which each one have Democracy but nothing changes for better life for regular peoples or even for a drummers….In the end UK Country to match with ours old country or even new countries is far…far...far...more richer…and I think London like City is more richer and have better Economy from our whole ex old country or all 6 new countries…Well…I understand you after all because to give same or similar chance some people must live in the both system in Capitalism and Communism to see how is person have chance to make something from yourself from each system…..thanks again for your reply ‘’Al’’…good day to you……

    P.S. And by the way this same drummers with this same group in 1977 have big concert in Belgrade in that time people don't have much money for tickets so after all concert begings with free attendance and round up about a 100.000.00 peoples in night, but mucis is that loud and noise around and noise from the peoples and Government don't have other choice and can't control that many peoples and after about 1 and half hour Government just ''shut down'' power completly in that part of city...so what can you do after that....drummers in Communism is way...way...different picture from the West any country...

  9. #9
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    Default Re: For my ''friend Al''...

    Indeed the richer countries have it much, much easier and may even have better opportunities but I would be willing to bet most of those $2,000 and $3,000 drum kits Daddy buys for the kid just sit and collect dust and never get used to learn how to play the drums.
    Although "the richer" are given more opportunities they just don't use them or take advantage of them and always seem to just want more.
    It's practice that makes a musician great (they do need rythem). Really doesn't matter if a drummer is playing on a $10,000 set of drums or pots and pans. If you listen you will be able to know if it's a good drummer or not and if a good drummer can make pots and pans sound good imagine if he had a real drum set. Being a drummer myself I look and listen for things in a drummer others might not. For example most will here the sound of a nice expensive sound of a good cymbal I listen/watch for the way it was hit. Just because a drummer is banging on an expensive set of drums doesn't mean he knows how to play them well.
    Jack White still uses a cheap "toy" guitar on stage and he makes it sound very nice because he is good at playing a guitar.
    Watch this video, drummer has a snare drum. The rest are pots pans and buckets. He is actually a good drummer and he doesn't have a hell of a lot invested in his kit.
    Obviously he has a passion to play the drums and made do with what he could afford.


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