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Thread: Why do I get the impression people are afraid to buy here?

  1. #81

    Default Re: Why do I get the impression people are afraid to buy here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Darthmatt View Post

    I've bought and browsed alot of stuff in the past 2months both for necessity and gift ideas, but despite checking here first have not located a single item and i've either come across sellers who have left and no longer respond, no items found or more recently items which are not only more expensive than ebay, but more expensive than shops where you wouldn't even pay postage. I wonder if some people have jumped in with high prices thinking they have no competition on here, but failed to see that its still cheaper to buy those things offline in stores Regardless of seller reasoning, a new buyer could take one look at that, choke on their drink and never come back. Of course prices will be subjective through all market genres and there will understandably be fluctuations as prices change on the high street, but the prices i have seen on here have been substantially higher.
    I agree with this however, we can afford to sell cheaper that at greedbay because we aren't being killed with fees. When I list my items, I search them on the bay and take a look at the completed listings. I try to always remember that an item is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it. When I see the completed listings on feebay, I come in with a lower starting price (keeping in mind that if it sells, it might only get 1 bid). If you take a look at my listings you will see that there is an auction starting bid and a BIN... and that's with ALL of them. I would venture a guess that most of my items are started lower than on Greedbay. We must be careful that WE as sellers don't become greedy here at EBID... if we do, it will come back to bite us.
    Last edited by Gizmo11111Gizmo; 23rd August 2011 at 02:52 AM.
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  2. #82
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    Default Re: Why do I get the impression people are afraid to buy here?


    You make some very good points.
    Especiallyabout people searching and finding items at 99 start versus say 12.99

    Also as you say ebay continues to rise in the number of listings even with all the fee rises etc etc.

    And they added 4 million listings in one day with a special, and ebid only has 4 million listings.

    And as you say ebid is dependent on sellers on here being good sellers, pricing wise and still being here, and sending the goods. But unfortunately ebid or any other site cannot enforce people to be "good sellers"

  3. #83

    Default Re: Why do I get the impression people are afraid to buy here?

    A few days back, I posted one item both on here and eBay. They were both 'buy it now' prices, with the eBay one higher to take account of the higher fees of selling on there. Because of the competition, I really wasn't expecting anything to happen on there and put it on a 30 days listing there. The equivalent item on here is on a week's listing and has picked up a few views. The eBay one has already sold.

  4. #84

    Default Re: Why do I get the impression people are afraid to buy here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fleetmark View Post
    A few days back, I posted one item both on here and eBay. They were both 'buy it now' prices, with the eBay one higher to take account of the higher fees of selling on there. Because of the competition, I really wasn't expecting anything to happen on there and put it on a 30 days listing there. The equivalent item on here is on a week's listing and has picked up a few views. The eBay one has already sold.
    I hear you, but I had the opposite happen. I had some US silver coins that I put up on Feebay in an auction and not 1 bite. I put them up here at a little higher first bid to account for the current silver prices and they are selling like crazy.

    Moral of the story is you can never tell what people will bid on, when or where. I won't list my coins on Feebay anymore as I can't afford to take the loss with all the fees.
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  5. #85
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    Default Re: Why do I get the impression people are afraid to buy here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Juliebabe25 View Post
    Yes they do as they often reply to posts.
    But we don't know what they want.
    They might be happy with a small site with a steady income, very few staff hassles and no major hassles
    A little preview on their plans would certainly rally the troops.
    If management were quite happy with the smaller size, fewer staff, fewer hassles approach, and they were to publicly say so, then smaller hobby sellers may be quite happy, but, - the serious sellers may be put off from even joining or trying eBid.

    If management were to say that they intended to build the site as big as possible - then I can see how it would 'rally' some members.

    If managements view is that 'We'll just move along One Day At A Time' and adapt to things as we go, some may see this as sensible, while others may view it as lacking forsight and commitment.

    Management's views or goals regarding the site may even be different now to what they were 5 years ago, even 12 months ago.

    I'm wondering whether it's really in management's best interests to say what they have in mind, though I do agree that if the lead comes from the top, then others at least know the direction things are heading in.

    It does seem that they are endevouring to build a quality site. Overall it's really very well laid out IMO.
    But it's a quality site that's one of the 'best kept secrets' on the net, which is a pitty because this platform really does deserve to have good sellers, large product variety and a healthy buying throughput.

  6. #86

    Default Re: Why do I get the impression people are afraid to buy here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gizmo11111Gizmo View Post
    I hear you, but I had the opposite happen. I had some US silver coins that I put up on Feebay in an auction and not 1 bite. I put them up here at a little higher first bid to account for the current silver prices and they are selling like crazy.

    Moral of the story is you can never tell what people will bid on, when or where. I won't list my coins on Feebay anymore as I can't afford to take the loss with all the fees.
    True, there's nowt so fickle as customers...! Listing on eBay still always makes me nervous....

  7. #87
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    Default Re: Why do I get the impression people are afraid to buy here?

    I already write this exactly same post on other thread and I going to say again….

    Don't get me wrong. eBay has the right to raise prices. But, not to mislead everyone, by making us think they are doing everyone a favor. Not!, eBay just ‘’insults Intelligence for most of us’’…eBay just doing favor for Investors and this guys don’t sell anything on eBay but pick up money without any hard work and absolutely do nothing to deserve that money…In my opinion we need the Laws for some of business and banned some of business companies to be bought by guys who make money out of nothing….
    Just leave some of free market and the money for regular guys like us, which just to try to make some ‘’bucks’’ with hard work and leave big guys out of reach because this peoples has enough money for rest of own lives ‘’already’’….enough is enough…
    But all this is already late for eBay, but for eBid we have chance ONLY if we are not going to be bought by same people or similar peoples like eBay….
    Peoples just don’t get it good old days is gone and to make living from any auction site for most of us is gone…some peoples have the chance like me from end of 90’is to around 2004-2005 but big guys ‘’smell’’ very big bucks in this business and ‘’stop’’ regular guys to make it the money from hard work and now exactly this big guys make it money without any work…

    In the end…good guy ‘’terry5732’’ member from eBid already write and copy words of CEO who say’s: "We had to create a mind shift at our company we had to think bold and not just incremental.
    We had to create a vision of the future so people could let go of a very successful past."

    eBay CEO John Donahoe

    P.S. Well…what now…? As anybody can see all around even our good paying jobs is gone and now people with bigger school works if can find job works for much a less…even before only one person in family work and pull out rest of but look now and even after that still not make it...world is much change and as can I see doesn’t matter what for the future any company any business if make it successful will be bought by big guys…and by the way we have without eBay 16 other auction sites and none of them is bought by big company or Investors because none of the come close for making money machine like eBay before if even any of this come close say good by low fees, free stores, and usual free stuff…big business just thinking like that and is not going to allow any big competitions around and will be bought just like that…as anybody can see eBay is already bought many small companies who in that time go a little up and thread eBay in other stuff, so eBay bought and implemented this stuff in own site and some like stuff is not good invest but eBay don’t care like this company who eBay bought don’t exist anymore like before and is no threat for eBay and that’s important for this company….In the end Gentleman & Ladies open your own eyes and be happy what you have now, good old days with good paying jobs even without school is gone…good old days with monster sales and low fees in any of auction site it is gone too…because I like too see this successful auction site with millions and millions seller’s and buyers with similar number of eBay numbers BUT if we even come close to that in matter of days eBay will not look on that like is nothing happening or any big company or big guys and we will have new rules….and same story of eBay will begin again all over….

    I don’t know how much this site worth now but if we make it will worth much more and big guys always has Billions of $$$$$ to change ‘’mind’’ for anybody…

    Just one more I have house just a sample and is worth a $150.000 now….in the future price go up and big buyer coming and offer me 20-30 times more….well what did you think I will say no and not pick up the money for which I need be alive in the next 300 years to make that kind of money…is just something like that I hope anybody can understand me….

    Like always this is all my only opinion…and I not saying all this must be a 100% for sure and true…BUT….if anybody can have different opinion I like to hear too…but doesn’t matter what in the future if we go up much…just wait after that if is my opinion or prediction true or not….AMEN…....

    P.S. My friend ''Steve'' I like to hear from you too...just say to me did I or did I not miss anything in my opinion...?.......or I need to read again and again and again some of members will say WE NEED....

  8. #88
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    Default Re: Why do I get the impression people are afraid to buy here?

    Dzambo - I think you have 'the big picture' on things .....
    You're a deep thinker and very observant.

  9. #89
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    Default Re: Why do I get the impression people are afraid to buy here?

    Quote Originally Posted by DZAMBO View Post
    I already write this exactly same post on other thread and I going to say again….

    Don't get me wrong. eBay has the right to raise prices. But, not to mislead everyone, by making us think they are doing everyone a favor. Not!, eBay just ‘’insults Intelligence for most of us’’…eBay just doing favor for Investors and this guys don’t sell anything on eBay but pick up money without any hard work and absolutely do nothing to deserve that money…In my opinion we need the Laws for some of business and banned some of business companies to be bought by guys who make money out of nothing….
    Isn't this what most people strive for? To be able to make money without doing anything? Let's see you work, work and work harder to be able to have enough to invest then when your investments pay off you make life a bit easier on yourself. Sorry, but I can't believe there are too many out there who wouldn't strive for this. Some make it some don't. Does that make them bad? Or do we just feel a bit jealous we haven't reached that plateau?

    Just leave some of free market and the money for regular guys like us, which just to try to make some ‘’bucks’’ with hard work and leave big guys out of reach because this peoples has enough money for rest of own lives ‘’already’’….enough is enough…
    But all this is already late for eBay, but for eBid we have chance ONLY if we are not going to be bought by same people or similar peoples like eBay….
    ...and if "regular guys" get another 8 years of on line bliss, so what. It was a great run now it has changed. Why wouldn't any other site want the same?

    Peoples just don’t get it good old days is gone and to make living from any auction site for most of us is gone…some peoples have the chance like me from end of 90’is to around 2004-2005 but big guys ‘’smell’’ very big bucks in this business and ‘’stop’’ regular guys to make it the money from hard work and now exactly this big guys make it money without any work…
    Back in the 60's the good old days were gone, then again in the 70's, 80's, 90's and now. Of course the good old days are gone, however good days are not gone. Folks will continue to make purchases there will be some folks getting rich and the rich will get richer just the same as it has always been, nothing different.

    In the end…good guy ‘’terry5732’’ member from eBid already write and copy words of CEO who say’s:
    "We had to create a mind shift at our company we had to think bold and not just incremental.
    We had to create a vision of the future so people could let go of a very successful past."

    eBay CEO John Donahoe

    I don't believe that was the entire quote but if that is what you have gotten out of it, oh well. CEO's are usually that dumb and make statements such as that that is why they make the big bucks.

    P.S. Well…what now…? As anybody can see all around even our good paying jobs is gone and now people with bigger school works if can find job works for much a less…even before only one person in family work and pull out rest of but look now and even after that still not make it...world is much change and as can I see doesn’t matter what for the future any company any business if make it successful will be bought by big guys…
    That would be the goal, find a succesful business, buy it and make money.

    and by the way we have without eBay 16 other auction sites and none of them is bought by big company or Investors because none of the come close for making money machine like eBay before if even any of this come close say good by low fees, free stores, and usual free stuff…big business just thinking like that and is not going to allow any big competitions around and will be bought just like that…as anybody can see eBay is already bought many small companies who in that time go a little up and thread eBay in other stuff, so eBay bought and implemented this stuff in own site and some like stuff is not good invest but eBay don’t care like this company who eBay bought don’t exist anymore like before and is no threat for eBay and that’s important for this company….
    So what your saying is the 16 auction sites should remain small with little profits to satisfy sellers who wish to remain small and obtain low fees? The idea of business is growth and I'm pretty sure profit. I don't know about anyone else out there but I really don't want to work the rest of my life. I would rather build, grow and by all means have someone buy me out. That would be more then welcome.

    In the end Gentleman & Ladies open your own eyes and be happy what you have now, good old days with good paying jobs even without school is gone…good old days with monster sales and low fees in any of auction site it is gone too…because I like too see this successful auction site with millions and millions seller’s and buyers with similar number of eBay numbers BUT if we even come close to that in matter of days eBay will not look on that like is nothing happening or any big company or big guys and we will have new rules….and same story of eBay will begin again all over….
    And if greed does take over new auction sites will crop up and start again. The scenario will be the same. Build, grow make money sell. That is what it's all about.

    I don’t know how much this site worth now but if we make it will worth much more and big guys always has Billions of $$$$$ to change ‘’mind’’ for anybody…
    Doesn't matter what this site is worth! What is it worth to you! If the owners decide to grow and grow fast make a profit then get out we have no say so and I applaud them for their success as we alll should. With their success will come profit for us all it's just up to us to jump on the band wagon while we can.

    Just one more I have house just a sample and is worth a $150.000 now….in the future price go up and big buyer coming and offer me 20-30 times more….well what did you think I will say no and not pick up the money for which I need be alive in the next 300 years to make that kind of money…is just something like that I hope anybody can understand me….

    Did they find a gold mine or diamond mine on your property? Wow 20 to 30 times more? That's a great return. I would be willing to bet even if you had attachments to the property (old family homestead or whatever) at that profit you would sell in a heartbeat yet you knock others for doing the same.

    Like always this is all my only opinion…and I not saying all this must be a 100% for sure and true…BUT….if anybody can have different opinion I like to hear too…but doesn’t matter what in the future if we go up much…just wait after that if is my opinion or prediction true or not….AMEN…....
    P.S. My friend ''Steve'' I like to hear from you too...just say to me did I or did I not miss anything in my opinion...?.......or I need to read again and again and again some of members will say WE NEED....
    You have pointed out life in general and the bleeding obvious I don't see where you may have missed a thing! Then again it's just my opinion.

  10. #90
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    Default Re: Why do I get the impression people are afraid to buy here?

    Al's quote...
    "Isn't this what most people strive for? To be able to make money without doing anything? Let's see you work, work and work harder to be able to have enough to invest then when your investments pay off you make life a bit easier on yourself. Sorry, but I can't believe there are too many out there who wouldn't strive for this. Some make it some don't. Does that make them bad? Or do we just feel a bit jealous we haven't reached that plateau?"
    Well - Al, probably a fair percentage of folk think this way (probably most) - it's 'the Great American Dream' to own your own house, car(s) maybe boat, holiday house, etc etc etc. and to retire with a big nest egg. (It's the Great Australian Dream too).
    It's sold to us every day through the media. These are the 'must have things' and without them our life just isn't successful.

    Trouble is that a lot of folk who think that way (and you can't blame them given the power of advertising), can end up enslaving themselves to a hugh amount of debt, meaning that they're on 'the treadmill' for their whole life chasing the proverbial 'carrot'.
    Like you say, some make it, some don't.

    But it gets out of hand when some (the minority) want to have the bigger house, the fancier cars, the most luxurious boats, the multiple holiday homes, and a huge nest egg. Though they're the minority, they can make life pretty difficult for the other 90% of us.

    And the point is Greed knows no bounds.

    And since money makes more money, there's a scrambling to stay on top financially. The short term winners will be the Greediest.
    They can invest in all the hi tech means to futher their 'empires' and do away with need for human workers and their 'dignity' from having decent employment.

    The rift between the 'wealthy' and the 'poor' is widening (and accelerating).
    That's why everyone is feeling the 'squeeze' as living standards are threatened because of the greed that's already strangling the life out of the average person.

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