I was wondering if there was a way that we could choose to send an Invoice to our customers which showed the UK VAT element of the sale and also to be able to put our own Invoice number on the Invoice as well as your order number, without having to manually do our own Invoices which can be quite time consuming if there are several eBid orders as well as our other orders (I am full of confidence there will be many orders from here given a little time)

I really do like this site, it is refreshingly friendly and reasonably uncomplicated and although I do not very much like the other site beginning with an 'e' I do like their Invoice system which allows us to choose whether to show VAT or not and to add our own Invoice numbers which then update automatically with each new order. This also allows us to comply with our VAT obligations regarding sequential Invoice numbers and showing the VAT on Invoices.

I have made the above sound very complicated, Sorry. I am sure I could have said it more simply..

I don't know if other VAT registered businessess on here would find it useful, but we certainly would.