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Thread: What A Mighty God we Serve!

  1. #1131
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    God Save The Queen! Thank you LORD for smiling upon the union of William & Kate! May you bless their union with an enduring, faithful, and blessed future.

    LORD please be with the Southern States of our Nation who have been devastated by terrible tornados. Pleace give them peace and strength to rebuild their communities and lives. Oversee the emergency response, assuring it to be compassionate, efficient & effective. Comfort all those who have lost family and loved ones. I ask these things in the awesome and matchless Name of Jesus Christ the LORD. Amen.

  2. #1132

  3. #1133
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Youmeus - (1/1) Praying the New Year will be God focused - (1/13) Linda reports focusing on God's grace in her devotions & sharing about it with others

    Burgyeb -(1/1) Praying the New Year will be God focused -(1/14) Ava reports focusing on God's Word in her daily devotions & striving to live it.

    Luvintage- (1/2) Needs strength to act in wisdom for challenges being faced in her life

    Charlene, neighbor of Youmeus - (1/13) Had recent mastectomy, awaiting tx decisions, & is a widow who farms.

    Sofiag1964 (Sophia) - (1/17) Praise Report: "my sister is doing well & continue to improve since diagnosed with brain embolism; my niece Taya still improving & doesn't need oxygen tank as much due to the swine flu." Also praising God for blessing her with 6 months of free rent in her first shop.

    Sofiag1964 (Sophia)- (1/17) Requesting prayer for her fibromyalgia condition that is putting a strain on her physical strength as she runs her business.

    Hopeful2 (Sandy) - (1/17) Requesting continued prayers for her daughter Rene who has been struggling with cardiac problems. Rene is also homebound and is in need of prayers for the prosperity of her business of making & selling jewelry online. Rene's restoration to a state of wholeness in spirit, mind & body is the focus of prayer. [Jeremiah 33:3]

    Youmeus - (1/23) Is requesting prayers due to a very difficult week for her & her loved one's. Oh's Uncle was admitted to a facility due to Alzheimers. Neighbor with cancer awaiting source & treatment information. Her brother had surgery on Thursday for removal of a portion of his colon. ADIL's father had an aneurism, & it reportedly looks bad.

    Youmeus (Linda) had a doctor's appointment & was scheduled for a total hip replacement on Feb. 14th. Prayers for God's peace & strength needed to help Linda and her loved ones meet these difficult challenges. (3/8/2011) Linda reports on continuing to feel better since her successful hip surgery on Valentine's Day (2/14/11).

    Update (1/27) Youmeus reported family of DIL made decision to take father off life support on 1/26/11 and he passed away 3 hours later. Continue to pray for the families peace and strength. Also neighbor, Frank will be starting a treatment plan for esophageal cancer. Continue prayers for him that the treatment plan will be effective and that he will be able to tolerate the treatments.

    Youmeus - (1/30) Linda is thankful to God for providing traveling mercies for their family who attended DIL's father's funeral. She shared testimony of her DIL (Joy) concerning her father's passing (see 1/27 update above & post # 1076).

    Youmeus - (3/8) Linda is thankful for the many prayers received for her hip surgery on 2/14/11; she is in self-directed rehab & recovering nicely. PTL! (4/10/11) Linda continues to receive good reports from her doctor on her hip surgery success. Praise The LORD!

    Gramma1111 - (4/8) Pray for Jackie as she is dealing with illness in her family. Pray for Jackie's strength and family peace.

    Rene' (Hopeful2's Daughter) - (4/8) Sandy has requested continued prayers for her daughter Rene' who has chronic cardiac problems. Please continue to stand on Jeremiah 33:3 for a wholeperson healing from the LORD. Nothing is too hard for God! PTL! (see 1/17/11 request above).


    Continuing to pray for those on the prayer list. Hope things are going well. God bless everyone who visits this thread. Amen.

  4. #1134
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. [3 John 2 KJV] *

    Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is. [3 John 2 NLT] **

    *King James Version
    **New Living Translation

  5. #1135
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Thank you LORD for being a God who is touched by our infirmities. LORD please continue to work in the lives of each person on the prayer list and also on behalf of those with unspoken prayer needs in our midst.

    "May He grant your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans. May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory, flying banners to honor our God. May the LORD answer all your prayers. [Psalms 20:4-5 New Living Translation (NLT)]

  6. #1136
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Hi there everyone! Was pondering this prior post and conversations that occurred on pages 93 & 94 amongst some of the regulars on this thread. The conversations touched on serious issues that impacted people who loved God and on miraculous or potential angelic interventions that seemingly occurred. I will be starting my personal devotional reading on The Book of Job in a few days. Will start it off with this posted synopsis from page 94.

    Quote Originally Posted by burgyeb View Post
    Bad things can & do happen to good people. There is often no way to explain or understand why tragedy strikes with/without seemingly divine intervention. I did an over view of the book of Job about a week ago; noting Job's tragic condition even though he was described by The LORD as "a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil." (Job 1:8).

    God did not bring destruction into Job's life, but He did allow Satan access to Job & destruction was released on Job's possessions, his off-spring, & body, but not his life. "In all this Job did not sin, nor charge God foolishly" (Job 1:22)

    Job's 3 "friends" showed up to comfort him in his great loss...............and ended up condemning Job, calling him a sinner in need of repentance, and explaining his tragic predicament as evidence of a sinful life. What amazed me was the bitter dispute between Job & his 3 "friends" went on for 29 of 42 chapters without God saying anything.

    An often obscured, humble & sincere yet bold young man finally confronted Job for "justifying himself rather than God" (Job 32:2); and he confronted Job's 3 "friends"....... "for having no answer, and yet had condemned Job" (32:3). The LORD allowed this young man to continue in his human attempt to vindicate Job (Job 32-37). Elihu appeared to be influenced by the Spirit of God, God-fearing, & a true worshipper of God.

    Immediately following Elihu's monologue, The LORD broke in and appeared on the scene. (Chapter 38-41), He spoke to Job directly, upbraiding him for........"darkening counsel by words without knowledge" (38:2). The LORD went on to say to Job that..
    ......" he was contending with the Almighty........" (40:1). Job's rage was silenced in the presence of The LORD (40:3-5) and he worshipped The LORD and truely repented to The LORD in dust and ashes (42:1-6).

    Following Job's worship and repentance, God's wrath came against Job's 3 "friends", He called Job His servant, & had Job intercede for his 3 "friends" in prayer. God accepted Job's prayers. (42:7-9). Note: God was not angry with the young man Elihu. Perhaps it was his sincerity & pureness in his attempt to vindicate Job (compassion). The LORD turned Job's tradgedy around after he prayed for his 3 friends and blessed his latter end more than his beginning (42:10-17). Hallelujah! Amen.

    The LORD is awesome and He is good.

  7. #1137
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    LORD I thank you for being a God who cares about the troubles & calamities faced by mankind. My prayers go out to Joplin, Missouri and the State of Minnesota who have suffered from Tornados. LORD please be in their midst and give them peace and the strength to deal with the loss of life and damages done to their property and community. Also LORD, please continue to help those individuals and families in the Southern States of our Nation who were devastated with tornados and storms. I ask these things in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

  8. #1138
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!



    Youmeus - (1/1) Praying the New Year will be God focused - (1/13) Linda reports focusing on God's grace in her devotions & sharing about it with others

    Burgyeb -(1/1) Praying the New Year will be God focused -(1/14) Ava reports focusing on God's Word in her daily devotions & striving to live it.

    Luvintage- (1/2) Needs strength to act in wisdom for challenges being faced in her life

    Charlene, neighbor of Youmeus - (1/13) Had recent mastectomy, awaiting tx decisions, & is a widow who farms.

    Sofiag1964 (Sophia) - (1/17) Praise Report: "my sister is doing well & continue to improve since diagnosed with brain embolism; my niece Taya still improving & doesn't need oxygen tank as much due to the swine flu." Also praising God for blessing her with 6 months of free rent in her first shop.

    Sofiag1964 (Sophia)- (1/17) Requesting prayer for her fibromyalgia condition that is putting a strain on her physical strength as she runs her business.

    Hopeful2 (Sandy) - (1/17) Requesting continued prayers for her daughter Rene who has been struggling with cardiac problems. Rene is also homebound and is in need of prayers for the prosperity of her business of making & selling jewelry online. Rene's restoration to a state of wholeness in spirit, mind & body is the focus of prayer. [Jeremiah 33:3]

    Youmeus - (1/23) Is requesting prayers due to a very difficult week for her & her loved one's. Oh's Uncle was admitted to a facility due to Alzheimers. Neighbor with cancer awaiting source & treatment information. Her brother had surgery on Thursday for removal of a portion of his colon. ADIL's father had an aneurism, & it reportedly looks bad.

    Youmeus (Linda) had a doctor's appointment & was scheduled for a total hip replacement on Feb. 14th. Prayers for God's peace & strength needed to help Linda and her loved ones meet these difficult challenges. (3/8/2011) Linda reports on continuing to feel better since her successful hip surgery on Valentine's Day (2/14/11).

    Update (1/27) Youmeus reported family of DIL made decision to take father off life support on 1/26/11 and he passed away 3 hours later. Continue to pray for the families peace and strength. Also neighbor, Frank will be starting a treatment plan for esophageal cancer. Continue prayers for him that the treatment plan will be effective and that he will be able to tolerate the treatments.

    Youmeus - (1/30) Linda is thankful to God for providing traveling mercies for their family who attended DIL's father's funeral. She shared testimony of her DIL (Joy) concerning her father's passing (see 1/27 update above & post # 1076).

    Youmeus - (3/8) Linda is thankful for the many prayers received for her hip surgery on 2/14/11; she is in self-directed rehab & recovering nicely. PTL! (4/10/11) Linda continues to receive good reports from her doctor on her hip surgery success. Praise The LORD!

    Gramma1111 - (4/8) Pray for Jackie as she is dealing with illness in her family. Pray for Jackie's strength and family peace.

    Rene' (Hopeful2's Daughter) - (4/8) Sandy has requested continued prayers for her daughter Rene' who has chronic cardiac problems. Please continue to stand on Jeremiah 33:3 for a wholeperson healing from the LORD. Nothing is too hard for God! PTL! (see 1/17/11 request above).

    United States of America - (5/23/11) LORD we lift our Nation to you and ask that you would restore this Nation once again to be One Nation Under God Indivisible With Liberty and Justice For All. Let your blessing roll down like the waters. Still the ravages of natural disasters that are destroying our beautiful Nation. Bless our leaders at every level, make them mindful of your sovereignity and power, and obedient to your laws and commands. LORD heal our land and it's people. Thank you LORD for being a God who hears and answers prayer. Amen.


    Continuing to pray for those on the prayer list, and for Joplin Missouri, Minnesota, and the Southern States of the USA. Praying fervently for the United States of America, it's leadership, and it's people.

  9. #1139
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I come before you humbly asking you to shield and protect the residents of Joplin, Missouri from predicted further tornado activity later today. Also LORD, please extend your hand of protection over the States of Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, and Arkansas as dangerous tornado patterns are predicted to go through these states as well later today. LORD please miraculously divert and weaken the path of these storms. Thank you LORD for being a God who hears and answers prayers. Amen.

  10. #1140
    Forum Master youmeus's Avatar
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    I received an email (paragraph below) from a friend that had come from another friend of hers, I don't personally know these people but my heart breaks for them. I can't imagine what they must be going through.

    My family needs your prayers, again! My cousin, Mark Norton, and his 18 year old son, Will were caught in the tornado in Joplin. They were driving home from Will's high school graduation to his party at home. Less than a mile from home the tornado sucked Will out of the sunroof. Mark was trapped in the car for several hours before being found by resuers. He is in stable condition at Freeman hospital with multiple injuries. Will is still missing. Mark's sister, Tracey, will be on Anderson Cooper on CNN tonight at 9:00 to put Will's picture out there for people to see.

    Please pray for Will and his family. This is so frightening I can't even explain it!

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