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Thread: Google shopping feeds from multiple marketplaces: Problem? Solution?

  1. #1

    Default Google shopping feeds from multiple marketplaces: Problem? Solution?

    I have listings on Ebid that should be appearing on Google Shopping soon. I am about to list the same items on the "dark side", but I have heard that Google Shopping may delete your items if they find duplicates from multiple marketplaces. I did some reading and found that the "dark side" does not permit you to prevent your items from showing up on Google Shopping.

    Has anyone had an issue with disappearing listings on Google Shopping because of duplicates?

    Is there any way to purposefully create a listing that will not appear on Google Shopping? Google shopping will just delete words dealing with Shipping and characters that it doesn't like. Make the title all caps?

    Any thoughts? I don't want to go through all this hassle only to have my listings deleted.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Google shopping feeds from multiple marketplaces: Problem? Solution?

    Quote Originally Posted by bzindustrialsales View Post
    I have listings on Ebid that should be appearing on Google Shopping soon. I am about to list the same items on the "dark side", but I have heard that Google Shopping may delete your items if they find duplicates from multiple marketplaces. I did some reading and found that the "dark side" does not permit you to prevent your items from showing up on Google Shopping.

    Has anyone had an issue with disappearing listings on Google Shopping because of duplicates?

    Is there any way to purposefully create a listing that will not appear on Google Shopping? Google shopping will just delete words dealing with Shipping and characters that it doesn't like. Make the title all caps?

    Any thoughts? I don't want to go through all this hassle only to have my listings deleted.


    I have had the problem when I have listed identical items on eBid and FeeBay that they did not show up in Google Shopping. Which means no Google leads to eBid for my product, and only FeeBay searchers find my FeeBay listings.

    Live, Learn, and Laugh -


  3. #3

    Default Re: Google shopping feeds from multiple marketplaces: Problem? Solution?

    If you have some differences in the first 250 words of the description, title and pictures, this usually takes care of the Google duplication policy issue. I don't know exactly how much has to be different, but my boilerplate wording here is different than at my other sites and usually the price, as well. So far, that has been enough to keep this from being a problem with my listings. I've heard it has to be as much as 20% different, but don't know this for sure. Some say a different picture and price can be enough.

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