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Thread: New to ebid

  1. #1

    Default New to ebid

    I'm been around but kinda new here and lost

    I not really computer savvy nor been able to communicate well in social forums tried Facebook and my family wanted to chat all the time, tried Twitter didn't understand it. It may be my age but I am wondering how to advertise if your not experience at this?

    I've sold on ebay and Amazon for years but never really advertise my stores

    Any advice you can give this old man I'll appreciate it

    Can't make banner the process totally loss me


  2. #2
    Forum Saint suesjools's Avatar
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    Default Re: New to ebid

    Hi and welcome. Don't feel bad, I'm not too tech savvy either. I did figure out how to post a signature pic though:

    Go to My Profile
    Go to Change my signature

    Add the following:

    Vintage dreams begin here.

    only instead of the vintage dreams bit, use the direct link to your store, i.e.:

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] (upload your photo)
    your store link

    As far as social networking it's not my cup of java either, so I don't do it, and I'm certainly not the most social creature in existence, however I do try to mention eBid to everyone I meet (or nearly) in the course of a day, even just in passing, as it gets the word out and, IMHO, word of mouth is the best advertising. Family, friends, strangers in the supermarket or wherever, I've found most people are friendly and receptive. Some even tell me they sell on Feepay or wherever and when I tell them of the eBid advantages they act surprised and usually pleased; (OK, I'm not sure how many have actually joined, aside from family members and a few close friends, but hey, you never know, and IMHO it's worth a shot anyhow).

    Just realized you asked about banners, not signature pix. The most helpful site I found for creating a store banner is Jan's wonderful tutorial:


    with step by step instructions for creating a store banner. IMHO bannerfans is much more user friendly than bannersketch, so you might want to try that one first.

    Good luck and best wishes for many sales,

  3. #3

    Default Re: New to ebid

    zhangpan Can you please stay on topic, all of your 5 posts have been off topic.
    Friendly Choice Deals: We sell everything here.

  4. #4
    Forum Saint Juliebabe25's Avatar
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    Default Re: New to ebid

    Yes Zhangpan needs to learn how to sell on auction sites properly.

    And I think Jeweleffects will create ebid banners for you, do a search for her or for banners.

  5. #5

    Default Re: New to ebid

    Quote Originally Posted by barepocket View Post
    I'm been around but kinda new here and lost

    I not really computer savvy nor been able to communicate well in social forums tried Facebook and my family wanted to chat all the time, tried Twitter didn't understand it. It may be my age but I am wondering how to advertise if your not experience at this?

    I've sold on ebay and Amazon for years but never really advertise my stores

    Any advice you can give this old man I'll appreciate it

    Can't make banner the process totally loss me

    A banner is not something magical,
    it's just a image, that is 310 pixels wide, & 90 pixels high.

    They can be made in any graphics program, (although I think it's also possible to make one in MS Word) & need to be in either a jpg, or a gif format.

    There are a number of free banner sites online you could try.

    I seem to remember ByKimbo has a generic one you can use.

    There a number of sellers on eBid who list them, currently there are nearly 600 listed,
    none of them are very expensive.

    Have you got many collectables to list?
    If you do I suggest you split them & the books into two stores now,
    before you create too much extra work for yourself later.

    Looking at your listings you have plenty of relevant keywords in your titles & descriptions, which will help their placement in all the search engines, not just google & google shopping.
    The search engines love content.

    You have good clear photos, which will encourage people to take a look at your items when they do find them.
    You use relevant image titles when you upload to My Gallery, which also helps,
    image search is used widely, & may just bring in a buyer.

    I'd would change your store description a bit & try & include some relevant keywords there if you can.
    Welcome to........................
    is nice & friendly, & great for your About Me page, but, the words in the store description are also used by the search engines.

    Making the most of your listings, is the best way to help advertise your items.

    Don't get too hung up on doing things you're not comfortable with.
    Last edited by Gothicina; 25th April 2011 at 06:34 AM.

    MAHATMA GANDHI - "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated."

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  6. #6

    Default Re: New to ebid

    Thank you suesjools I'm working on your suggestions and wishing you a great day in NC we have family ourself in and around Franklin

  7. #7

    Default Re: New to ebid

    Thanks Julie I will check out Jeweleffects later today

    still trying to reach 100 listings when you list one at a time it take forever


  8. #8

    Default Re: New to ebid

    Gothicina thank you also I will attempt to try some of these programs later on but I always appreciate all your help

    Thanks again


  9. #9

    Default Re: New to ebid

    What a blessing it would be if we could open and shut our ears as easily as we open and shut our eyes!

    Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)

  10. #10
    Forum Saint iwiw60's Avatar
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    Default Re: New to ebid

    Quote Originally Posted by thefriendliestguy View Post
    zhangpan Can you please stay on topic, all of your 5 posts have been off topic.
    Errrr....who's zhangpan??? Are you on the right thread??

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