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Thread: Include Mission Fish option for listings?

  1. #1

    Default Include Mission Fish option for listings?

    Thank you for your user-friendly auction site, eBid!

    I would love to be able to use "Mission Fish" in my listings to designate a % of the sales price to different charities. Would it be possible to integrate this option in the eBid listing and buying process?

    Mission Fish is easy for sellers to use, lets us add charities not already on the list, and buyers are confident the donation is being made.

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  2. #2
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    I don't like any of these intermediaries to charity donations. All off which cream off a bit from the top. I much prefer to donate the whole amount direct to the charity of my choice.

    If you don't trust someone to make the promised donation then should you be dealing with them in the first place?

  3. #3


    A 1st time customer may not have the confidence in a seller, with all the scams that go on internet-wide. A repeat customer has trust in the sellers product and delivery ... but may have a false confidence that the promised donation is leaving the sellers pocket in the right direction.

    When I put my money in a Salvation Army kettle, I know where it is going. But when I am buying online from someone I don't know personally, I can't be so certain. Even friends/family may rip us off occasionally!

    I know there is a portion of the donation that goes to the operation of Mission Fish -- I wish I could find a current statement for what that portion is, but can't, unfortunately. But any customers of mine that buy a Mission Fish designated item KNOW with 100% certainty that the money has been deducted by Mission Fish for that charity. As a seller, I like the ease of offering the certified donation to strangers shopping from me, and the ease of selecting charities and donation percentages per item. And I like that buyers who don't know me from Eve can be absolutely confident the donation has left my bank account as promised.

    So as a seller, I really like having the option of utilizing Mission Fish (or a similar organization) to certify to strangers that my donations are processed as promised. And I'd love to be able to use it here at eBid.

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  4. #4
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Virtueandpraise View Post
    I know there is a portion of the donation that goes to the operation of Mission Fish -- I wish I could find a current statement for what that portion is, but can't, unfortunately.
    Don't you find that rather disconcerting? That kind of information should be prominently displayed. You shouldn't have to go searching for it.

    Actually, on the US site it is at http://www.missionfish.org/help/poli...es-policy.html

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Virtueandpraise View Post
    A 1st time customer may not have the confidence in a seller, with all the scams that go on internet-wide. A repeat customer has trust in the sellers product and delivery ... but may have a false confidence that the promised donation is leaving the sellers pocket in the right direction.

    When I put my money in a Salvation Army kettle, I know where it is going. But when I am buying online from someone I don't know personally, I can't be so certain. Even friends/family may rip us off occasionally!

    I know there is a portion of the donation that goes to the operation of Mission Fish -- I wish I could find a current statement for what that portion is, but can't, unfortunately. But any customers of mine that buy a Mission Fish designated item KNOW with 100% certainty that the money has been deducted by Mission Fish for that charity. As a seller, I like the ease of offering the certified donation to strangers shopping from me, and the ease of selecting charities and donation percentages per item. And I like that buyers who don't know me from Eve can be absolutely confident the donation has left my bank account as promised.

    So as a seller, I really like having the option of utilizing Mission Fish (or a similar organization) to certify to strangers that my donations are processed as promised. And I'd love to be able to use it here at eBid.
    When I give to people that need help I give it to the family or person that needs it. I found out that when you give to the salvation army or any other charity the people that really need it only get 10 cents of every dollar that you give to the so called charity's.

  6. #6


    Many people who list for charity on eBid, use Just Giving as a payment method,
    the Buyer pays Just Giving NOT the Seller.

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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by bbplayer07 View Post
    When I give to people that need help I give it to the family or person that needs it. I found out that when you give to the salvation army or any other charity the people that really need it only get 10 cents of every dollar that you give to the so called charity's.
    Actually Salvation Army has ranked highest in money spent on supplies and other aid to the needy whenever I have seen reports on US charities. The last one I saw ranked it at 86% of the dollar not spent on admin costs. some other "charities" really are dismal, though, and seem to be a way for people to make money off the unsuspecting.
    Last edited by Virtueandpraise; 1st March 2011 at 08:47 PM. Reason: correct percentage

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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by astral276 View Post
    Don't you find that rather disconcerting? That kind of information should be prominently displayed. You shouldn't have to go searching for it.

    Actually, on the US site it is at http://www.missionfish.org/help/poli...es-policy.html
    I know, it was rather disconcerting I couldn't easily find the info! But I am not terribly computer savvy.

    I am glad to see admin costs at the level my sales donate are only 20%, and they lower the bigger the donation amoint. Even with the costs of running the computers and providing tax deduction forms, plus paying their workers, it sounds like it is nearly as efficient as Salvation Army.

    I remember years ago hearing of how the phone calls to donate to firefighter or police charities were from groups that made 50% or more off the donor's generosity. I'd call that a skim scam, not charity!

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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Gothicina View Post
    Many people who list for charity on eBid, use Just Giving as a payment method,
    the Buyer pays Just Giving NOT the Seller.
    I might have phrased it wrong. With Mission Fish the donation comes from a % of the winning bid, so the buyer knows part of their payment is going to the charity. The seller "pays" the donation % from their own account, or it is automatically deducted after a period of time, but either way the buyer knows his payment for the auction item includes a specific payment to the charity.

    I would like the ease of being able to switch on or off Mission Fish (or similar) donations in my regular listing process, or change charities or percentages. It's the one thing I miss from the other site.

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