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Thread: Just updated to Ninja Lister v.0.99.35 and it's still being slow about photos

  1. #11
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    Hi, again, bykimbo. You helped the last time I added a post (my stupidity with the category lists not being added to Ninja Lister and other NL niggles - including this).

    Do you think we should be getting in touch directly with the eBid boffins about it? I know the program is still being developed but I can't be the only person who thinks this is a problem that needs to be sorted out. I wouldn't consider releasing anything for public use that had such an obvious problem. I know it's free but surely it should still work without driving me mental!

  2. #12
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    Hi, again, hotandvintage. Do you mean that I can shut the program down (exit out of it) without backing up (when the program prompts) and Ninja Lister will still save my data? Does NL always save, even if I haven't chosen to backup? Or are you just referring to the save option on each individual listing? Sorry, if I'm being really dense but what's the point of the program asking if it wants me to save/backup if it's going to do it anyway? Or am I misunderstanding your post?

    I just spotted your beta release post and I agree but this problem has been reported multiple times by many users for (at least) the last 3 months. Surely, that should be long enough to fix the issue.

    Anyway, I'm off to try raindropsies' filename (instead of browsing) idea and hotandvintage's plan for keeping my task manager open to see what's going on. I'll check back tomorrow and see if any more ideas have been posted.

    Cheers, again, to all

  3. #13
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    I think it's always worth reporting a serious problem through the support desk if there's no indication it's already being dealt with. The worst you should get is a "we know, and we're working on it" and at best it might be that the problem's slipped through the net and you trigger a real investigation.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImmortalXerxes View Post
    Hi, again, hotandvintage. Do you mean that I can shut the program down (exit out of it) without backing up (when the program prompts) and Ninja Lister will still save my data? Does NL always save, even if I haven't chosen to backup? Or are you just referring to the save option on each individual listing? Sorry, if I'm being really dense but what's the point of the program asking if it wants me to save/backup if it's going to do it anyway? Or am I misunderstanding your post?

    I just spotted your beta release post and I agree but this problem has been reported multiple times by many users for (at least) the last 3 months. Surely, that should be long enough to fix the issue.

    Anyway, I'm off to try raindropsies' filename (instead of browsing) idea and hotandvintage's plan for keeping my task manager open to see what's going on. I'll check back tomorrow and see if any more ideas have been posted.

    Cheers, again, to all
    Yes it will save all your listings and files and what not if you say no, when you close it, the back up is for your own peace of mind or as it is a beta, just in case something goes wrong.

    The beta part. That would possibly be so if it were a microsoft team of fifty working on this and they would still leave a thousand security issues but I do not think there will be a massive team working on this. It is more likely a one or two man team trying not just to work out the kinks but also make sure our accounts and the site are always safe.
    I have a feeling this is going to be like the fourth bridge and they end up just wishing they offered the ebid API to those that wanted it to make their listers work on ebid.

    Good luck hope it works out.

    This box is acting all funky, dancing up and down as I type. It is like the mouse is stuck on active and moving it up and down.. Stupid microsoft, it never does this on firefox.
    Last edited by hotandvintage; 12th September 2010 at 12:02 AM.

  5. #15
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    Hi, hotandvintage. I totally get your point about the beta release. It could just be that that one guy has just hit a mental blank on what the problem could be. Us bouncing thoughts off of each other might just help something click in his head (or not).

    Which reminds me: I opened the task manager up and kept an eye on it. The CPU usage shot up to between 40% and over 50% at various times while I had Ninja Lister open (usually around the time I was adding photos). Bit extreme on the old CPU (which usually runs at no more than 20% even with graphic heavy games) but at least I know now.

    regarding the text box shooting up and down: If you open the typing window up a bit, using the sets of double arrows beside the text box, the text won't keep shooting up and down. I had the very same problem, until I noticed the arrows (top right of box beside SpellChecker).

    Also, raindropsies. Nice one. Tried out your filename idea and it worked great! The only problem I can see is for the folders containing files that I've gone and *$%£!y well renamed! What an doughnut, I am! I think I'll just leave all the photo filenames as they are when I put them onto my machine from the camera.

    bykimbo. I think I'll wait for the next NL update and see if the problem is fixed then. The filename solution from raindropsies might just do the trick for the moment. I'm sure it'll be fixed eventually (fingers crossed).

    Thanks, again, to all

  6. #16
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    If someone could jing their slow experience for me and also bring their Task Manager window into view when recording it will be a great help finding the problem.

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  7. #17
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    I didn't even consider this before but some cameras seem to use formats which produce images which are fairly huge (mine come out at over 3MB each!) so changing the file type or (in some other way) reducing the size of images might speed up the whole process.

    Answering my own question, I know, but I've been on to eBid support and that might have been my problem all along (slaps own forehead!)

    This is my own old thread, I know, but I found helpful advice in old threads so I thought I should add it, anyway.
    Last edited by ImmortalXerxes; 27th November 2010 at 03:40 AM.

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