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Thread: bird feeders

  1. #21


    I've taken the plunge and got niger seed and a feeder. So far all I've seen on it is blue tits. The goldfinches are on my "box standard seed" feeder.
    Greater spotted woodpecker was back for the first time yesterday on the nuts and came back again today.

    Next trip when I need to buy seeds, I will get one of those "dish with a roof" type feeders to encourage chaffinches, robins, etc. and I suppose I am going to need another pole to hang it from.

    Foxescombe, I used to throw peanuts on the lawn for the squirrels, but they would still go for the feeders. Hence the poles and as far as possible all metal feeders, because they used to chew through my plastic ones, have pulled perches out of the bottom of feeders, so that the bottom would fall out and it's contents and up on the ground. Fat balls used to disappear completely within hours of putting them out. At one stage last winter I had one that was trying to chew through the metal of my poles!

  2. #22


    Ive been putting food on the ground for the ground feeding birds but yesterday i found a Rat in the garden feeding , chased it off but it kept comming back.
    Not sure to ignore it or stop putting feed on the ground.

  3. #23
    Forum Diehard LizzyA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BAGHAG999 View Post
    Ive been putting food on the ground for the ground feeding birds but yesterday i found a Rat in the garden feeding , chased it off but it kept comming back.
    Not sure to ignore it or stop putting feed on the ground.
    What sort of food are you putting on the ground. ? Rat wont heart you anyway, remember it is more frightened of you. and it needs feeding too.
    We had one kept coming through from next door earlier in the year, never seen one so big, but beautiful. we have fields around us so they will be there. not seen it for ages.

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  4. #24


    Mostly leave out bits bread and seed , must be a dumb rat there is a farm round the corner with grain all over the place.

    Will probally ignore it.

  5. #25


    We get a rat every now and again - it appears for a few week and then stops (maybe one of the neighbours put poison and /or traps out). Even if you only put food in feeders off the ground, you will still get a certain amount of spillage, so I'd just ignore it.

  6. #26
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    I bet thats where it came from, I know when We kept getting this one coming early last year, it sat in the middle of lawn, I was frightened to death someone might see it, and put something down. poor thing. Next door took away a shed from his garden and we think that was what disturbed it. they also have that wooden decking, which he moved abit, so I think that is where it is, they are always eating there so there will be food dropped through. but I must admit outside it was a beautiful thing.

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  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booksandstuff View Post
    We get a rat every now and again - it appears for a few week and then stops (maybe one of the neighbours put poison and /or traps out). Even if you only put food in feeders off the ground, you will still get a certain amount of spillage, so I'd just ignore it.
    I agree. We are all Gods creatures.

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  8. #28
    Forum Master foxescome's Avatar
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    Be warned about the Rats - if you have one that you see you will have 9 you don't see.

    I am an animal worshipper as most of you know but when it comes to rats - well I have to call in 'The Man' They cause far too many problems and will find a way into your home. Yes they are more frightened of you then you them but when it comes to finding somewhere nice & warm your shed or home will be perfect.

    Our rat man says if you have an abundence of squirrells then you will also have rats

    I know I sound harsh but they are called vermin for a reason

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  9. #29


    Just a quick update.

    Unlike the last 2 winters, the birds don't seem to have disappeared and my garden is full of activity.

    The niger feeder is working brilliantly. I had 5 goldfinches at the same time this week - previous best was 2 at once.
    I don't know if this is common or as a result of the extreme condition, but I had one of them pecking away at lavender heads, that were just above the snow level. I've never noticed that before. If anyone else has seen this before, please let me know - I always cut back all my lavender in autumn, but for some reason this little patch had been missed. If the birds do like the seeds, I will leave the cutting back until early spring.

    I bought some mealworms, which are supposed to attract robins and blue tits - as soon as I put some out I get a huge "cloud" of starlings and they don't leave until they've all been eaten. The other birds don't get a chance.

    Blackbirds, fieldfares and redwings have been eating all the berries of my various trees and bushes this week - not much left now for them.

    The last 3 or 4 days we've also had a pair of foxes coming into the garden - I've started to throw scraps out for them after dark; it must be very difficult for them to find food with a thick blanket of snow.

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