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Thread: eBid For Dummies?

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Default eBid For Dummies?

    I love this site. It just takes me a while to learn things. Like I could not get into eBid Forms and finnaly found out about re-typing my password and it all looks go now. I will probley live in the How To and Getting Started type forms. I am going slow with a few postcard listings because I am forever going back and makeing changes. My catagories were not coming out in the right places. Still have a few to fix but things are looking up. I am telling the members at my Postcard Club, Tropical Postcard Club, all about it and how I am doing. So let me go to work now and Good Postcarding to one and all. - Millie

  2. #2


    There is definitely a learning curve here. Every site is going to be a bit different. However, once you get through the first few listings, I think you'll find it's very easy here to add new listings, change old ones, and track what's happening.

    Don't be afraid to ask questions if you get stuck. There are already a lot of threads here chock full of helpful tips, so check them out first.

  3. #3


    Welcome, Millie!

    May I make a suggestion? I know that this is more work, but it might help with sales in the long run. Actually, I'm hoping that this will help as it is what I'm doing with my postcard auctions.

    In my Collectables Store, I have broken the postcards down into subcategories.

    Canada > Provinces (several categories)
    US > States starting with ABCD
    US > EFGH
    Other countries > lumped together because I don't have that many of those for sale at this point in time
    Then I might put a category for comic postcards, or greetings

    If there are too many auctions in one section, I won't sometimes take the time to sift through a few pages looking for this or that. And, often, I don't know what I'm looking for until I see it.

    (Now I hope that this helps both of us and that we'll start seeing more postcard buyers on eBid.)

  4. #4
    Forum Newbie
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    I would just like to say thank you to Tias Tresures and First Green Is Gold for very positive e-mails. I shall go and look at their stores. It is good to see how others are set up.
    One thing I will be looking for is how far down can you break catigories? One e-mail told how they broke theirs down. I have a group for US. AL to ID, Il to Mo etc. with the proper states under them. Can I break down a state say Florida into cities like a Miami catagory, Tampa catagory etc. Sincerely, - Millie

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