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Thread: Reproduction and modern copy postcards.

  1. #1

    Default Reproduction and modern copy postcards.

    Hi, I think it would be easier for buyers if sellers mention in the heading if the postcard they are selling is a reproduction i.e. a modern copy. So often the fact that the postcard is not original is left until the last words in the description. This would not diminish sales but would increase trust in sellers. If you wish to buy repros that is your choice but I personally do not want them and do not wish to buy them by accident because the description is unclear, or not "up front" in the heading.

  2. #2


    on the whole I agree but.... what would you call a photo of a 1960's van/lorry that has just been issued for the first time in a postcard... it's not a repro, as the "photo" has never been issued before, but it is a modern postcard

  3. #3


    Hi, surely "modern" would be o.k. and if a date is known add that, the size of the p.c. is usually an indication of age, newer cards being larger format. A seller generally has an idea of the age of his/her cards. It is so disappointing when a card you thought to be a "bargain" arrives only to find it is a modern reproduction. When you find a seller that you trust to be open in their description you are more likely to go back and buy again.

  4. #4


    Such a complicated issue. Some people may not genuinely know it is a repro, they just buy a box of cards at a show and there is no date on them. Sell them as old cards.

    Or I have gotten items at estate sales I was almost sure were genuine but buyers kept asking about. Makes you hesitate. I have found old 85 year old advertising booklets worth maybe $30 to 50 if genuine, that looked like they were printed yesterday. What is it? Must be real, who would copy it and put in a $5 box of old cookbooks at an auction? But buyers keep asking, and after a while you would not bet the farm on it and it sells really slow.

    Or as Somer mentioned, could even be a modern picture of an old item. See that at local auctions all the time. This is "1937 Ford station wagon model". Wow, old 1937 model of 1937 Ford? No, 1937 Ford model made in 2007!

    Complicated issue, not sure what changes would be needed to make sure everything has the proper label.

  5. #5


    I am only suggesting that if the seller knows that they are selling a reproduction that they put it in the heading, i.e. Nostalgia cards Pamlin Prints or dated postcards, most Artist Signed cards are pretty obvious. If there is no indication of age and you cannot check the age in a reference book then you cannot put it. If you are selling a card that looks too good to be true then it probably is. Your point about the 1937 Ford type p.c. is most appropriate, usually the 1937 gets put in the heading, I still think this is misleading, sometimes deliberately.

  6. #6


    Good point. Right now seller can list anything he/she makes a good guess at. If wrong, listing may get pulled, but usually no one notices until buyer sees it closeup.

    Yes deliberate! Have seen local auctions with lots of similiar items, old clocks perhaps, and one will be introduced as "old schoolhouse clock, consigner was a collector (of all these clocks)". Buyer assumes lots, did not look close at that one, buys it to discover it has battery power!! One buyer made auctioneer (owner) take it back and re auction it. Auctioneer then made the smarky intro "you know this is a repro don't you?". It went very cheap! Auctioneer looked mad!!

  7. #7
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    I sympathize with you cottagecards because we have the same issues in jewelry. I really do think you are correct though, to say that "repro" should come in the title-if you mention that it's a repro at the end of the listing, then you obviously know from the outset that, that's what it is!
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