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Thread: Email to previous customers over there

  1. #1

    Default Email to previous customers over there

    Hi, I have emailed many of my customers that have bought from me on feebay, it has worked a treat, my sales are starting and they are all from feebay, it is easy to do, go to paypal and see description of an item sold, the email address is there, copy and paste, I cc so I only 'send' one email to many people, here is the email I send, please feel free to copy, change the store to your store, you can keep mine but I am guessing you also want some business, or of course add yours and keep mine, whatever you decide all I can say is I have had nothing but positive responses from this and SALES.......
    many thanks for your recent Ebay purchase. I just wanted you to know of my new store on EBID Because of the fee structure I can, and do, offer the same items for a lower price on EBID and wanted you to know.
    I will not send anymore emails and hope you do not view this as spam.
    Thank you again.

    Please click on this link to see my store,http://vintageclothing-at-its-best.ebid.net or if in doubt please go to WWW.Ebid.net
    and search for VintageClothing store, that is me.
    I am sorry this is not a 'personal' thank you, it is simply that I want to alert as many people as I can and this seems to be the quickest way, whoever is reading this please be assured I am very grateful for your business and I hope I can serve you again, preferably on Ebid.
    Thank you again for your previous support .,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    It is as easy as that, good luck.

  2. #2
    Forum Master TonyBridger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VintageClothing View Post
    Hi, I have emailed many of my customers that have bought from me on feebay, it has worked a treat, my sales are starting and they are all from feebay, it is easy to do, go to paypal and see description of an item sold, the email address is there, copy and paste, I cc so I only 'send' one email to many people, here is the email I send, please feel free to copy, change the store to your store, you can keep mine but I am guessing you also want some business, or of course add yours and keep mine, whatever you decide all I can say is I have had nothing but positive responses from this and SALES.......
    many thanks for your recent Ebay purchase. I just wanted you to know of my new store on EBID Because of the fee structure I can, and do, offer the same items for a lower price on EBID and wanted you to know.
    I will not send anymore emails and hope you do not view this as spam.
    Thank you again.

    Please click on this link to see my store,http://vintageclothing-at-its-best.ebid.net or if in doubt please go to WWW.Ebid.net
    and search for VintageClothing store, that is me.
    I am sorry this is not a 'personal' thank you, it is simply that I want to alert as many people as I can and this seems to be the quickest way, whoever is reading this please be assured I am very grateful for your business and I hope I can serve you again, preferably on Ebid.
    Thank you again for your previous support .,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    It is as easy as that, good luck.
    I would advise you to be careful sending a email with too many names in CC as it is likely to be treated as spam by some isp. AOL is one company that has been known to close peoples broadband account down for doing this.
    My posts only state my own opinions, unless I've stolen them from someone else

  3. #3
    Forum Saint
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    I would say... never use CC to mail multiple address, please!? Use BCC. Blind carbon copy, not carbon copy. If you use CC you send everybody's address in clear text to every other recipient. Some of your customers might really object to having their email address circulated to the rest of your customer list. I would, I'm afraid. It also means that if those addresses get logged in the recipients' address books, any one of them getting a virus, for example, could end up spreading it to all... there a many good reasons why CC is a bad idea, sorry.

    There's also the issue of spam, but I've probably been mean enough (I really don't mean to be, this is good advice, honest!)

  4. #4

    Default Thanks for the advice

    Thank you for the advice given above I shall change my habits, that said it worked again this weekend another three sales to old customers from over the river in the bad lands, so it is working, but I shall do it more slowly and email each one seperatly. To be fair as well, it isnt spam as I am thanking them as well as asking them to have a look, public service broadcasting I call it.... lol. Any way cheers for the advice, all I know is it works, but I will make it work better from now on..

  5. #5


    Hi all,

    if BUYING from another site, it is also a good opportunity to promote ebid to those sellers, most would be happy to receive genuine suggestions on building their sales! ... and of course they will probably respond politely as you have just purchased from them!
    <a href=http://Nine-Star-Electronics.ebid.net target=_blank>http://Nine-Star-Electronics.ebid.net</a>






    .................................................. .......................................
    Want to join ebid??? Just follow this link >>>>

    (and i'll earn some "Buddy Points" ;-) Thank You!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by VintageClothing View Post
    Thank you for the advice given above I shall change my habits, that said it worked again this weekend another three sales to old customers from over the river in the bad lands, so it is working, but I shall do it more slowly and email each one seperatly. To be fair as well, it isnt spam as I am thanking them as well as asking them to have a look, public service broadcasting I call it.... lol. Any way cheers for the advice, all I know is it works, but I will make it work better from now on..

    And its working so what the heck, keep doing it! For your old buyers, it is a smart move. They liked you and want to stay in touch.

    I did that too, but also sent postcards to my best buyers. The rest I send out in groups as I added the stores. Why invite all the book buying people if you don't have any books right now? Open first, then invite them over. Then the groups were a bit easier to manage.

    There are also sites you can sign up with along lines of where did my feebay seller go? A couple of them. They allow you to leave message and ebid store links with summary, so that is also another way to reach them.

    Sounds like you are doing great!

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