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Thread: Contentious question about YDC

  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by cornishmaid1961 View Post
    I'm basing what I said on my experience of when I first joined in the YDC Kim.

    When I arrived on the forums I saw the posts for the YDC but for the first couple of months didn't take much notice. However when I had settled in and saw this strange thing being mentioned again and again on the KT I thought I had better find out what it was about ! (Not that I'm nosey or anything ! )

    Now unless I was particularly involved with a certain charity I don't think at the time that I would have bothered to visit a charity forum had it existed. Maybe that's just me but I wonder how many others don't visit the charity forum and how many others have never even heard of the YDC yet ?
    My experience is similar to yours. I regularly saw the YDC mentioned in the KT before joining in.

    I rarely visit the charity forum unless it comes up in the new posts and I have a particular interest in the post there.

    I tend to promote my charity interests on Facebook rather than here so the YDC threads are about the only posts I read and reply to here.

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by yorkiesauctions View Post
    lol, it certainly caught me out.

    I think the fact that it did catch so many folk out just goes to prove that it was handled wrongly. Changes to the YDC have always been done in a certain way, it's always been transparent so folk know it is all above board. Being transparent is very important for anything to do with fund raising as people are suspicious these days.

    The move just seemed very cloak and dagger to me and made me wonder if there wasn't something else behind the reason for the move. I doubt that there was anything else behind it, but that's how it made me feel at the time.
    Just as a matter of interest, how was anybody supposed to know "there was a certain way" of handling things in the YDC? I'm sorry, I just feel there's a danger of the YDC being seen by some as a sort of sacred cow, and anybody who touches it is immediately suspect if they're not already part of the inner circle. Apparently up to and including accusations of underhand behaviour.

    To be honest, I've spent the last few months promoting YDC like stink, and doing everything I can to look for ways to improve it and spread the word... and all that seems to happen is that the old guard complain that it's not like it used to be. No, neither's any other part of the world economy. Well, YDC is nothing to do with me, I'm just an interested party who wanted to see it work as well as possible and looked for ways to make the most of it in an increasingly difficult economic climate. I am grateful for everything YDC has done to help the RNLI, and proud of what we've all achieved, but I think it's time I gave my head a rest, and the wall a chance to recover. So I'll stop hitting one with the other and put my energies elsewhere.

  3. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by moonwitch View Post
    My experience is similar to yours. I regularly saw the YDC mentioned in the KT before joining in.
    I think that that is part of the problem now. As people move on and leave eBid and no longer take part in the YDC we're not getting new folk to take their place and keep up the numbers.

    Folk are not seeing the "buzz" created by the YDC anymore so their curiosity is not sparked like it used to be. When it was in the KT it created more posts from people having a laugh and coming up with ideas and newbies saw that and wanted to be part of the fun. Also regulars joined in more because it was there infront of them when they nipped onto the KT for other reasons, having it in another forum has killed off most of that now.

    Not all change is good, sometimes the old ways are the best. Having the YDC in the KT was definitely better.

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  4. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by bykimbo View Post
    Just as a matter of interest, how was anybody supposed to know "there was a certain way" of handling things in the YDC? I'm sorry, I just feel there's a danger of the YDC being seen by some as a sort of sacred cow, and anybody who touches it is immediately suspect if they're not already part of the inner circle. Apparently up to and including accusations of underhand behaviour.
    There is no "inner circle", the YDC can only grow if new blood join in and therefor new comers have always been more than welcome and regulars have always done as much as they can to encourage them. It's all part of the fun.

    I said that it seemed to me at the time to have been underhand, which it did, I now don't think that it was underhand I just think that it was handled wrongly.

    Any changes to the YDC has always been done through the person running the YDC, it wouldn't work any other way. If it was a major change then the person running the YDC would put it to a vote. It has always been that way as it is the farest way of doing it and it stops one person turning the YDC into something that they want rather than into something that the majority want. It keeps it transparent.

    I don't think that folk see the YDC as a sacred cow, folk just have strong opinions about what is good for the YDC and what will harm it.

    Quote Originally Posted by bykimbo View Post
    To be honest, I've spent the last few months promoting YDC like stink, and doing everything I can to look for ways to improve it and spread the word... and all that seems to happen is that the old guard complain that it's not like it used to be. No, neither's any other part of the world economy. Well, YDC is nothing to do with me, I'm just an interested party who wanted to see it work as well as possible and looked for ways to make the most of it in an increasingly difficult economic climate. I am grateful for everything YDC has done to help the RNLI, and proud of what we've all achieved, but I think it's time I gave my head a rest, and the wall a chance to recover. So I'll stop hitting one with the other and put my energies elsewhere.
    What's wrong with "the old guard" pointing out what they see as problems with the YDC?. Discussion of the problems could lead to solutions to the problems being found.

    Don't give up now, I've seen you promoting YDC on Facebook and I'm sure that it helps so don't back off now lass.

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  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by smiffy49er View Post
    How wonderful it would be if EVERY ebid member put up just just one item for the YDC. Wouldn't have to be expensive just an item you had lying in a drawer.

    That would be a serious amount of charity money.
    And that is a most excellent idea! maybe if we all make a date to add a listing and then shout it very very loud to everyone we know - like sending everyone we know in our email address books ( being careful not to spam of course ) the details - like an invite with a link to come take a look, a bit of explanation and the suggestion that they can also get rid of their stuff in the charity bit of they so want to.

    If we were allowed to leave the links of our e bid shops if we wanted to in the emails that would be good and all it would need is for someone to draft the text in a post and everyone could copy and paste it into one email and voila!

    Just an idea.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by yorkiesauctions View Post
    There is no "inner circle",
    I disagree. From my point of view I'd say the YDC was the area of ebid with the strongest clique mentality. Any group, anywhere, is bound to develop cliques, alliances, leaders, followers... it just happens. Human nature is tribal.

    the YDC can only grow if new blood join in and therefor new comers have always been more than welcome and regulars have always done as much as they can to encourage them. It's all part of the fun.
    I agree, that's always been the aim. I'm just not convinced it's as successful as it could be. And welcoming in newbies doesn't mean the oldbies don't exist.

    I said that it seemed to me at the time to have been underhand, which it did, I now don't think that it was underhand I just think that it was handled wrongly.
    I think it's a shame that you found it necessary to air that view, if it's as dead as you say. Nothing good gained by telling people that for some time you believed they'd been sneaky about.

    Any changes to the YDC has always been done through the person running the YDC, it wouldn't work any other way. If it was a major change then the person running the YDC would put it to a vote. It has always been that way as it is the farest way of doing it and it stops one person turning the YDC into something that they want rather than into something that the majority want. It keeps it transparent.
    So you said, and I asked how anybody was supposed to know what the unwritten rules for change were, if they were unwritten and never mentioned until somebody thought they'd been broken?

    I don't think that folk see the YDC as a sacred cow, folk just have strong opinions about what is good for the YDC and what will harm it.
    I disagree with the first part. Whenever changes are discussed... even in the vaguest terms, there are plenty of people ready to say "It doesn't need changing, leave it alone!! It ain't broke!!!" If people can't even entertain the possibility of thinking about maybe considering perhaps talking about allowing the chance to maybe look at... you've got a sacred cow.

    What's wrong with "the old guard" pointing out what they see as problems with the YDC?. Discussion of the problems could lead to solutions to the problems being found.
    Nothing at all. Where did I say that? Discussion is good.

    Don't give up now, I've seen you promoting YDC on Facebook and I'm sure that it helps so don't back off now lass.
    Sorry, decision made. But I hope YDC continues and flourishes and I'll certainly be nicking ticks along with the best of 'em.
    Last edited by bykimbo; 3rd April 2010 at 11:44 AM. Reason: typo

  7. #57
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    And of course ebid must have a massive data base of email address so a newsletter to all ever registered could have an impact too - it would be silly not to ( spamming law adhered to).

    Actually i can't think of a better way to attract buyers - monthly charity auctions, bargains to be had!!! It would be good to see some bidding!

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by bykimbo View Post
    I disagree. From my point of view I'd say the YDC was the area of ebid with the strongest clique mentality. Any group, anywhere, is bound to develop cliques, alliances, leaders, followers... it just happens. Human nature is tribal.
    I have to disagree with your disagreement.

    To me a clique is where somebodies opinion means more if they are in the clique than somebodies opinion who is not in the clique. That has never been the case as far as the YDC is concerned. Everyone's opinion matters, in fact it is essential for the survival of the YDC.

    Quote Originally Posted by bykimbo View Post
    I agree, that's always been the aim. I'm just not convinced it's as successful as it could be. And welcoming in newbies doesn't mean the oldbies don't exist.
    There is always room for improvement lass. Oldbies and newbies all have their part to play.

    Quote Originally Posted by bykimbo View Post
    I think it's a shame that you found it necessary to air that view, if it's as dead as you say. Nothing good gained by telling people that for some time you believed they'd been sneaky about.
    I think it was essential that I voiced my feelings at the time to show how people get rubbed up the wrong way or come to the wrong conclusion when things are not done in the correct manner.

    Quote Originally Posted by bykimbo View Post
    So you said, and I asked how anybody was supposed to know what the unwritten rules for change were, if they were unwritten and never mentioned until somebody thought they'd been broken?
    That is a very good point lass, and one that we should maybe look into. It may be a good idea to add a line or two to the rules telling folk to contact the person running the YDC at the time with any ideas for change or improvement.

    Quote Originally Posted by bykimbo View Post
    I disagree with the first part. Whenever changes are discussed... even in the vaguest terms, there are plenty of people ready to say "It doesn't need changing, leave it alone!! It ain't broke!!!" If people can't even entertain the possibility of thinking about maybe considering perhaps talking about allowing the chance to maybe look at... you've got a sacred cow.
    I'm sure that there are a few folk stuck in their ways who don't like change and want the aYDC to remain exactly as it is, but you get folk like that in all walks of life. I think you're reading too much into it. Personally I like change, it's exciting to try something new, but if I don't think certain idea's are good I'll say so or if I think a change would harm the YDC I would not want to try that change for fear of the harm it might do. But I'm always open to ideas as I'm sure most folk are.

    Quote Originally Posted by bykimbo View Post
    Nothing at all. Where did I say that? Discussion is good.
    I read where you said "all that seems to happen is that the old guard complain that it's not like it used to be" as you not liking it when folk complain about the YDC, whereas I see those complaints as the opening of a discussion about the problems. Complaints are an excellent form of feedback and open the doors to discussion.

    Quote Originally Posted by bykimbo View Post
    Sorry, decision made. But I hope YDC continues and flourishes and I'll certainly be nicking ticks along with the best of 'em.
    Well I for one will be sorry if you don't remain an active member in these type YDC related threads lass. We need opposing points of views to help come up with new ideas. In this thread you have raised a point which I hadn't thought about and I'm sure others hadn't thought about too, the point about how are folk supposed to know how things are done re: changes.

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  9. #59


    Back to the original question, I don't think there would be as many YDC sales if items weren't cheap. I tried listing some more expensive items for BCC, not really expensive, just a few pounds, but sold very little. It would be good to list more expensive items and raise more money, but not everyone can afford to donate that much so donating little bits and pieces is a good way of taking part. Also, there is the risk that the bids will be way below what the item is worth.

    I think a lot of people are happy to place bids on the cheap items to join in and help and good cause, which makes it fun and the more people that join in the better. It would be good if we could do both, but I'd worry about listing a more expensive item and it going for a small amount.

    The cheap and joke items are good for people who already participate in YDC, I like that side to it and wouldn't want that to change but I don't think they will attract outside bidders who don't know what the YDC is.
    Last edited by nhoneymonster; 3rd April 2010 at 05:12 PM.
    See my YDC auctions here

  10. #60
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    [Quote by Bykimbo]I'm expecting this to make the sparks fly... but please bear in mind it's a *question*, okay? [UnQuote]

    Thanks for starting this thread Kim........enjoyed reviewing alot of thought provoking responses.

    I enjoy the fun aspects of YDC, but would definitely like to see expansion to a more general audience. It would be nice if eBid showed more tangible support. This would definitely add credibility to YDC efforts and attract a wider & more general audience. I also think it could pose some undesirable risks for eBid because they do not exert the needed control over YDC activities to protect their corporate interests.

    I noticed the comment that YDC is not a clique. I have to disagree. As a USA participant, it has from time to time come to my attention that USA participants sometimes feel left out of the YDC "inner circle". Be this perceived only or a reality is really immaterial.

    For instance, right now there are still 27 USA YDC auctions running. That pimp thread seems as good as totally finished. I do know that there is steady and reliable support for the USA participants by some YDCers from across the pond. But honestly, I believe there is less USA involvement in general because of "the perception".

    I hope I don't experience too many sparks; it's just an opinion for consideration.

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