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Thread: Google Products - Buy It Items should NOT appear

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by astral276 View Post
    You missed out Froogle.
    Ah yes! the original (and how could I FORGET!!?? That's the URL I type in to get there anyway! - its much shorter and easier to remember than base.google.com or shopping.google.com or products.google.com.. LOL!)
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  2. #12
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    It doesn't matter where the product is coming from...Say I sell "Super Widget" on my website and it is sent to Google Base and listed. I also sell "Super Widget" on EBid, Etsy, Bondazle, etc. That item can not appear or will be considered a duplicate.

    Ebid is considered a Marketplace, that is why they offer you the option of not listing your items on GMerchant. If your ecommerce feed gets removed, EBid is not held responsible, you were given the option. They are submitting your items on your behalf, Ebid is not selling them, you are. I guess one

    Here is what one merchant said:
    "There is an ongoing discussion on the Google Help Forum regarding these multiple feeds. I send a daily feed to Google from my Web site and was having *Bay send a product feed as well. I was under the impression that as long as I wasn't sending the feed directly from *Bay, there would be no issues.

    "This apparently isn't the case. On Oct. 31 my Web site feed stopped updating. Since I hadn't changed anything at all- the feed is sent automatically from my Web site- I hadn't a clue. Based on recommendations from the G Help Forum discussion, I stopped the *Bay feed. Shortly after, my Web site feed went back onto G with no problem. It appears that if you have duplicate products on any website such as *Bay, Etsy, Bondazle, etc. your website feed will be disallowed by G."
    Last edited by pawtasticpet; 14th February 2010 at 09:50 PM.

  3. #13


    how can google even *TELL* ?? say merchant one sells Widget A merchant 2 also sells Widget A .. and a feebay or ebid or other seller lists Widget A as well.. and there is no way to tell for sure whether the Third seller is Merchant 1, merchant 2 or an independent merchant.. So basically that would mean if ANYONE lists the same products that you do on another marketplace, then Google will remove YOUR product feed??!!

    Does not make sense. At all.
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  4. #14
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    Google can tell... look at that link I posted at the beginning of this thread.

    "Ebid-pawtasticpet" right above my store listing. Exact same product and price.

    I do believe that's pretty obvious! LOL!

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by pawtasticpet View Post
    Google can tell... look at that link I posted at the beginning of this thread.

    "Ebid-pawtasticpet" right above my store listing. Exact same product and price.

    I do believe that's pretty obvious! LOL!
    I suppose it depends on your username then

    for my listings they would come up as Ebid-idealproductsales and my e-commerce store has no mention, or any relationship whatsoever , to my username here.. other than my templates -

    In any case.. since most of my e-commerce traffic does NOT come from google (and indeed, I had increase in traffic while I had identical products listed at my FeeBay store.. and my data feed was never affected in any way.. ) I have no issue with taking the chance on that -

    I believe the real issue is in cases where a merchant may have several websites that list that merchant's products and people trying to purchase those products are then *directed* to the primary merchant's website to complete the purchase - I.E 5 stores, but only 1 checkout URL - thus taking advantage of traffic from multiple websites and content and pushing it all to one.. (it used to be a rather common tactic before google put their foot down.. ) - Just the same way google assesses a duplicate content penalty when various web domains and urls contain identical content which hurts search engine ranking.

    When Someone from Google itself makes an official clarification on that issue (and not just conjecture from some forum posting - no one from google specifically said yea or nay, that I can find) then I'll go by that determination or rule.. til then, I'll leave things as-is - in any case, I believe I read somewhere that eBid is a partner with google (some sort of special status) so if MY e-commerce store product feed is removed, no biggie - I do not believe eBid's would be.

    One lesson I have learned over the years- Regardless of what people may say in forums or anywhere else- self-proclaimed "experts" rarely ever are as expert or authoritative as they would like people to think they are..

    So, unless I have direct confirmation of any given theory or rule from the company involved, I rarely pay any attention to what any so-called "expert" claims.. Ive been burned WAYYY too many times from believing these "experts" rather than doing my homework, contacting the company , and get confirmation straight from the powers that be.

    Ah well.. I imagine eBid has that "turn it off" button for a reason - what the reason may be , I have no idea.. in any case, personally, Im not going to worry about it, looking at my website's stats- most of my traffic comes from links and ads rather than from any of google's product feeds..

    Like was said earlier, if it does not appear to be working- toss an email at support (AT) ebid (DOT) net and let them know what the issue is.. they DO want to try and make sure that things are working properly ..
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  6. #16


    From Google.

    Duplicate and borrowed content

    We do not permit duplicate products in the same account or between multiple accounts. If products are available on multiple sites under the same ownership, one site must be chosen to exclusively submit those products. For example, if you own two websites that sell the same product, you may not submit that product for both sites, regardless of pricing or promotional differences. If you have one product (such as a memory card) that is compatible with multiple systems (such as different cameras), we require that you list that product only once - supported models can be listed using the compatible_with attribute.


  7. #17


    There we go.

    I own my website- Ebid owns theirs.. doesn't come under duplicate products... depending on how they define the ownership of the listings on eBid , I imagine..
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  8. #18
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    Duplicate content is just that regardless of where it is sold. The issue is with product ownership not where it is sold. If you own product and are selling the product on EBid and then sell the same stuff on another site and feed it to Google shopping as well, that is totally against the duplicate content policy.

    I hear you all and I'm just trying to follow the rules that Google Merchant has put into place. I do a huge amount of daily sales from there and I just can't risk losing my product feed. My dogs need to eat.

    I use the same business name when I sell under different Marketplaces, in an effort to build brand recognition. Also it is what my business license is registered under.

    I've contacted EBid and hopefully they will resolve the problem.
    Last edited by pawtasticpet; 14th February 2010 at 11:07 PM.

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