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Thread: Users moving to ebid from "biggest on line market place"? Just curious

  1. #11


    The sellers are moving over here.
    The buyers are coming more slowly, but they are coming.
    So set up your stores.
    Sit back, and while you are doing that, promote your stores.
    Just remember.
    David beat Goliath.


  2. #12
    Forum Lurker
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Derby, Derbyshire, United Kingdom
    View AllNewCDDVD4You's Feedback (+139)
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    Hi and welcome to ebid
    I closed up on t'other side with a feedback over there of 3500 and opened here last June and although much slower on here,have never regretted it,as so fed up with the ever changing policies and huge fees
    You need to be patient here and to keep on listing
    Make sure you log on every day as this will show up to potential buyers
    Buy a few items while you wait for the buyers, to build up some ebid feedback,and also help the sellers over here
    If you are using auction,use the buy now option as well, as these are picked up by Google.
    Suggest you don't use the Run until Sold as these always stay at the bottom,below the other auctions.Instead 7-10 days with up to 10 relists will keep them visible
    Another little thing to watch out for when listing,is to click for immediate start (count down on auction) rather than on first bid ,which again keeps them low down
    Hope this helps and the best of luck

  3. #13


    Welcome to eBid!

    Sellers are arriving daily, and based on the sales in our five stores, so are the buyers. More than half of our sales have been to new members, and January was our best month since we moved here.

    List everything you can. There's no charge for the listings, so you can wait for the buyers to find them without going broke.

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by mawnsta View Post
    Just curious to see if there has been a recent influx of new users on ebid due to the ever changing policies of the "biggest" online market place (to remain unnamed)?

    I have been an avid seller on "that site" since 1999 and finally gave up. Their policy changes every time you blink, and constantly siding with buyers, even when they were 110% wrong, and just didn't read the auction. Somehow we are to absorb all these fees and loss of time and money, not to mention the fact we can not leave a buyer the proper feedback (if not good), but they can leave it for us? This needs to be a mutual feedback system. I expect to get what I deserve, and I also expect to be able to leave it for someone if they do not pay me or take weeks to do so.

    I have just signed up here on ebid, and I look forward to a long relationship with them.

    I appreciate any feedback
    Hi and welcome to ebid. You are amongst friends here, sellers help sellers, kind of a new concept.

    Many of us either walked the plank or jumped ship. More come on daily, and those are just the ones who come onto the forums to chat. Being the #1 alternative site is bringing them in (so is fair feedback,etc)!

    Sales on alternative sites is different. Check out past forums for selling tips. Leave feebay techniques behind, they won't work here i.e. running limited number of items a week, expecting bids on every one. No bidding wars here either, first bid usually takes it.

    Google searches generate most of our buyers, ebid downloads hourly if you use buy it now and ten automatic relists. Good to use a 7 day auction and put in your store too for maximum exposure. As mentioned, list lots of stock and this will begin to generate daily sales for you. Might be 200 or 400 or 1000, but via google searches, it brings in more buyers than listing, say 20.

    You will get sales thru google searches, inviting your old customers over, selling to ebid buyers/sellers, and thru your own marketing efforts flyers in feebay packages, link from your website to ebid, handing out info at fairs, antique malls, advertising your ebid stores somewhere, doing mailings etc). By working on all of these,you will generate sales.

    When you get up and running and do not have a sale in 2-3 weeks, come back and let us look at your listings. You may need a tweek or two to get sales going. Don't let talk of 'slow sales" bother you. Most of us have daily sales AND in last month have tripled what we usually sell. And January February is usually slow! If you follow all the tips, you will too.

    Welcome to ebid!

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