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Thread: Export Listings to Google Base Format link

  1. #61
    Forum Newbie
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    Pattersonville, New York, United States
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    Default Upload to google base

    Hello, newbie here. I have a few questions about google base. Is it totally automatic with no set-up by me and/or do they use MY email address to upload to google base? if so, I have another store on that listed with google base with that same email address and it is going to screw it up because the urls will be different.

  2. #62


    Hi, and welcome to ebid.

    Good news, you do nothing to get the google download BUT your listings must be buy it now AND set for ten automatic relists. This assures google the item will still be there when an interested person clicks on it.

    So just make sure your listings are bin and auto relist and the items often show up on google searches within an hour. ebid downloads continually I think. I have had some items show up in 15 minutes!

    Check out the selling tips on past forums to get your listings selling fast. If you don't sell within 2-3 weeks, come back and have us look at your listings. You may need a tweek or two to get going.

    Also, ebid is different because of the google link and because we use it to list all our items like a real store (because we have no listing fees). The more items you list, the more you sell here. Not like feebay where you just put on your best items and almost always they sold quick. I have about 450 items and usually this generates about 2 sales a day. Now with the new site it is higher than, had ten sales on Wednesday alone. But I plan to double my stock to keep the sales coming.

    For this reason too, have a really generous multiple sale discount for shipping. Don't hint at it or make them contact you, spell it right out. You will sell lots of multiples here. Also think about putting them on auction too (never use "run until sold), as it moves your items up the list until it reaches top then auction ends. This gets you lots of exposure on ebid, just as the google link gives you lots of exposure on google searches. Both are very important to selling here.

    Good luck on ebid!

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