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Thread: 8 days on ebid- anyone got time to check my shop?

  1. #11
    Forum Master foxescome's Avatar
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    Thanks Sparkdeco.

    I love the things you have in your store, some of them look familiar from times of past! Wish I had held on to them now!

    I tend to sell only things I know a bit about & from suppliers I know well & traded with for years. The trouble with skincare & particularly perfumes is that there are a lot of fakes around and I would hate to buy any.

    I am looking at lower end priced stock at the moment but not sure if I want to invest just yet.

    Thank for the advise and for taking the time to look for me, :-)

    For Everything a Girl Could Want
    Skincare, Perfumes, Purses & Handbags.



  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by foxescome View Post
    'Seems like I have seen more computer-knowledgeable people say that Google dislike it'

    Have done this - thanks

    'I see a problem with the way you list, using run until sold. Never use this feature'

    Have done this - thanks

    'You also give them an option to buy it at $1 or so more if they want it right now.'

    Couldn't work out how to do this one though!!
    Good for you!

    Working it out? i.e. $40 item, start auction bidding at $38.99, set reserve at 38.99, and then set buy it now at 39.99. Some buyers like auctions, some buy it now. You appeal to more people.

    With reserve at starting bid, buyer gets two emails, one confirming bid and other saying they met reserve price. Very positive message.

    Look at potential buyers as part of a big pie. If you sell only expensive perfume, that eliminates 3/4 of buyers! Of 1/4 left, maybe half don't like perfume. So only 1/8 of pie remains. Awfully small group of potential buyers!!!

    To increase buyers you increase amount you sell (i.e. 500 perfume choices), plus vary the prices of items, and plus vary the items. Scented drawer sachets, gift wrapped, $10? Purses in $20-50 range? Smaller bags under $20? Smaller perfume sizes? Sample perfurme sizes in gift box? Vintage perfume bottles? Lacy hankies? Scented hand lotions? Just like a store. A perfume store does not do well, but Macy's who sells perfume plus lots of other stuff sells well. Selling on ebid is like having a store, stock your store and customers will come. No one shops at a store with 20 items that are pulled at end of 7 days (like selling on feebay). They want choices and lots of stuff to look at.

    Not to say don't sell $50 or $80 items, leave those on, but they will sell slower. All of us are finding that things under $20 move much laster.

    Good luck!

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by sparkdeco View Post
    Hi Foxy,
    like the look of your items but would be too expensive for me. That doesn't mean to say other 's won't buy though. I think if you add some cheaper stuff too, you will get the buyers.The things I sell vary in price and I now get buyers going for the dearer things as well as the cheaper stuff.
    Good luck
    Exactly. When someone has everything over $50, and all items similar, it is going to be very hard to sell.

    Just like you say, buyers like variety. My last few buyers took items from all areas of my stores, cookbooks, doilies, beads, tablecloths,advertising, dolls, they bounced all over, not spending a lot per item, but buying well over $50 in total. In this economy that is just fine with me, my $99 items can sit until next year if they have to.

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