Due to a few too many loose ends still to tie up we will be putting off the launch of our new site for a few days. I'm sure a few of you will not be surprised due to our stretching of time in the past, but in the context of things we'd rather not put out a site that we know has a few bugs still.

The main reason is the new WYSIWYG editor that we have built into the site updating to a new version in the last couple of days. It has had the effect of mangling our users HTML, one description was almost doubled from 23k to 50k during testing yesterday. I think we will be moving back to the old one of the current site.

Another problem is with the new Store search facility we've build to search for stores by title or owner, it started playing up yesterday and a little more work is needed.

We've also changed to a single unified listing form for listing and editing auctions and the changing feature from free to gallery etc is not quite perfect yet.

Sorry for the anti-climax everyone but we'll be going down come rain or shine on Friday (8th Jan) at 6am London (1am New York).
