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Thread: who can convince me to return?

  1. #21
    Forum Saint cmjewels925's Avatar
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    If you're not prepared to do any promotion yourself then nothing will change for you.

    It's really a very simple equation. You can get good sales with low fees on 'alternative' sites (or even your own site) if you're prepared to do some work or you can get some-one else to do the work for you and pay for the privilege.

    CMEJewellery For all your jewellery needs.

    Beads 'n' Bobs For beads.

    Charms 'n' Findings For charms and jewellery making supplies.

  2. #22


    I have been on ebid for over a year and had at least a sale a day if not more. Lots from old customers, lots from multiple sales, lots as result of google searches, etc.

    We have all learned alot about selling on alternate site over last year. We always share that information with new sellers. If you don't take advantage of what we learned and are willing to share, then you will continue to have few sales. You had few sales here for some reason. It is possible to change whatever was wrong, and start sales coming. Depends on lots of things, what you sell, the price, the economy, how you presented your items, etc etc etc.

    Most of us are starting to get more and more sales even thru this week. In last week I sold 40 items, others sold 20 or more, most sold at least a few at a time when sales are usually slow. So sales are coming here, and that is hard to judge from an outside view, since the #1 reason we are selling more is that we are stocking more. That is the key to more sales here. Unlike feebay, we don't have to pay for listing/relisting so we can list 1000 and not spend a penny.

    And having more listings is like having 1000 or 2000 hooks/lines in the water. You snag more fish. Put on 2 or 5 or 7 items, don't list to get the google link, list as 'run until sold" and I guarantee, no one will see your items. List 400 or 500, do everything right and the sales should come.

    You have to get smart and list using the tips we mentioned on forums. I can't say specifically why your clocks did not sell. Too high? Did you give a discount, hold a sale, charge less than on feebay? Shipping too high? Did you explain how items are fragile and guarantee they arrive safe and sound but may cost more? Did you include enough photos? Did you run them in a store too. Use auction, buy it now and 10 automatic relists so it appeared on google searches (within a few minutes)? Did you have a strong about me page with photo? Did you contact all your customers and offer discount to shop on ebid (to save you fees)?

    On an alternate site, even the #1 like ebid, all your little ducks have to be in a row to successfully sell. Rules/policies are different, so sellers have to accomodate that. Some are vital to selling successfully, especially those that lead to google links, and assure customers you are a good seller.

    Only you can decide if you want to invest the time to open 5 free stores, list 500 or 1000 items, and follow some common sense rules that work to increase your sales. But there are no guarantees. Your items may be too high priced to sell at this point. Or customers may not want to pay high shipping costs. Or a dozen other things. Life is a risk. Only you can decide if you want to take the risk and spend time and energy to list here. If you are on feebay selling collectables, that choice may be made for you veyr soon. feebay wants to sell new items from big companies, and not have to fool around with collectables and smaller sellers.

    If YOU decide to give it another try and are willing to listen to us, we will help you. Try to get that on feebay!

  3. #23


    deltadelta48/ Thanks for taking the time to reply,made interesting read.When I offered sales here most never sold. Put else where with a increase in price to cover fees,they sold within days.
    I will try again after seen what the revamp is but will not be hugh amounts. I no longer deal in large quanity's but look to quality instead.
    Although if I search the store ,Iam sure I could find some low price collectables.Lets see what the changes are
    Thanks to all whom replied,have a good new year.

  4. #24
    Forum Newbie
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    I have had sales,Give away prices,BUT I have picked up a few new bidders.I think it will be slow going,but I'm giving it my all thru 2010.GO EBID!!!

  5. #25
    Forum Saint
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    im not giving away prices

  6. #26


    Well I have re-listed a credit card so thats a start. How many photos for free can be put on. Gallery + ??. Have life membership.

  7. #27
    Forum Diehard
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    That's great news and good luck, i believe you can put up to 5 photos.

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by tonyreddevil View Post
    im not giving away prices
    No, no one gives stuff away. But everyone has cheaper stuff they can sell at cheaper prices to tempt buyers to look at their more expensive things. I have had people buy one 99 cent item and a month later come back and spend $25. That is what sellers are aiming for not to sell $25 items for 99 cents!

  9. #29


    Hi, just added the first piece for sale. Would appreciate if you folks would take a look and advice on any corrections and changes.

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by maljosselection View Post
    Hi, just added the first piece for sale. Would appreciate if you folks would take a look and advice on any corrections and changes.
    Take the trouble to return,only to find my listing has been removed.
    Have raised a ticket to enquire what was wrong. Impressed not!

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