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Thread: Just looking at Facebook

  1. #21


    I'm relatively new to facebook, but surprised by the number of common interest groups that are actually of interest to me. Only time will tell if they are actually a useful resource

    I'm not that interested about telling people which colour of socks I've chosen to wear today & why
    I try & keep my privacy high & my contributions relevant

    Having said that I've just created another account solely to promote our store on eBid

    Lots to do but I can see a few potential interest groups that might be interested in our products and I can join and drop some hints and photos of our products
    Been doing a bit now & again on Flickr with similar strategy.

    Time consuming, but had a bit of fun..

    I've yet to play with Facebook applications, but I think you need friends to use these
    At 1st glance they seem to have a bit of a chainletter effect, so maybe there's some way of promoting eBid that way

    Oh well, back to the listings !!

  2. #22
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    Thumbs down Privacy is my concern

    Well I don't do facebook obviously with my reply. But I think as much as you put on the internet, that's as much as you are giving up freely in your privacy.
    I always see it everywhere when people talk about generating traffic to your site, but it seems to me, there will be a bigger price to pay. As it is, so much of our privacy is out the window when we are online in ways we might never realize.
    Facebook may seem harmless, but you never know until you read about some horrid breach.
    I had a cousin who made me want to scream when she would send me these emails from tagged.com and I NEVER clicked on them. Boy am I glad. After a year of telling her stop and not clicking I read in the NYT that tagged.com had a practice of raiding your address book when you clicked on it, then they would send out these emails to everyone in your address book making it look as though you sent them.
    I predict, next year sometime we'll see something similar about Facebook.
    Of course I may be paranoid but I live in the country that for the past eight years simply forgot our Bill Of Rights...
    well here's to good luck to all and cheers,

  3. #23
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    I do understand the privacy issue, that people are concerned about but after selling online for so long, I do think Privacy goes out the window.

    With every sale or NPB you have giving your name, your address, email and often telephone number. With your contact messages, you can give out more info, without even thinking about it.
    And on some places you can even let people know when your home will be empty with the holiday button.

    I recall when my wife and myself were first talking about selling a few things online way back when and they asked about my email. I went and opened a spare just in case it was going to be flooded with spam. Then when telephone numbers were asked for I made one up. The address was an old one. Do not mention when she wanted to actually buy something online, My answer was "you think I am crazy? I am not giving them my money"

    I don't know, the world keeps changing, as it did before, and I figure we have to adapt or just fade away, as what is the alternative to going out and finding the new users that are needed?

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