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Thread: Terry Goodkind - Legend of the Seeker books

  1. #1

    Default Terry Goodkind - Legend of the Seeker books

    Am looking for advice on this one - and hopefully someone that has read a few of his novels.

    A friend watched the entire series 1 on telly (as I did - thought it excellent), and as Christmas pressie, am gonna get them 2 or 3 books from the series.

    Question is - after searching around - I have no idea which order I should be purchasing in!

    Anyone any ideas?

  2. #2


    Think am slowly fathoming this out.

    I believe Wizards First Rule should be first?

    Followed by Stone of Tears ?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by MagnetsAndHangers View Post
    Am looking for advice on this one - and hopefully someone that has read a few of his novels.

    A friend watched the entire series 1 on telly (as I did - thought it excellent), and as Christmas pressie, am gonna get them 2 or 3 books from the series.

    Question is - after searching around - I have no idea which order I should be purchasing in!

    Anyone any ideas?
    You have to be careful with "The Sword of Truth" Books, same goes for the Robert Jordan "Wheel of Time", & George R R Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" ones, as over the years, some publishers have split the books into parts & published each separately.

    1. Wizard's First Rule (1994)
    2. Stone of Tears (1995)
    3. Blood of the Fold (1996)
    4. Temple of the Winds (1997)
    5. Soul of the Fire (1999)
    6. Faith of the Fallen (2000)
    7. The Pillars of Creation (2001)
    8. Naked Empire (2003)
    9. Chainfire (2005)
    10. Phantom (2006)
    11. Confessor (2007)

    Debt of Bones (2001) Debt of Bones is the prequel
    Last edited by Gothicina; 17th November 2009 at 01:26 PM.

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  4. #4


    There is also a short story by him in the book Legends. The story is related to the sword of truth series.
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