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Thread: Thanks ebid

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Smile Thanks ebid

    Hi Everyone,

    I have just joined Ebid because I could not keep up with the extortionate listing, selling fees and and petty rules and regulations on the BIG BOYS SITE, I am a small private seller, I have a collection of ladies items which I have hoarded over the years that I now wish to dispose of but I realised that it had got to the stage where I was more or less giving them away due to the wopping listing and selling fees and free postage incurred.

    Its early days for me as yet but I find Ebid to be a great site, the subscription options are very competetive, gallery presentation is great, the site is easy to follow and friendly. The BIG BOYS SITE has had a good run but is now on the downward slope as it is the sellers as well as the buyers that keep their site in business. As the sellers leave to go to other Auction sites their buyers and shareholders will do likewise.

    I have looked at the messages boards on the BIG BOYS SITE where sellers moan and groan about everything but still continue to list with them as they are misguided into thinking that other auction sites do not get as many hits or sales etc., Logic tells me that sites such as Ebid will get more sales and hits if more sellers and buyers give them a try, its as simple as that. It may take a while to get going but honest sellers who offer a good service to buyers will soon become established.

    Great site, brilliant, THANK YOU EBID.

  2. #2


    Welcome aboard! A lot of us came here, from the same place, for the same reasons as you have. Things are picking up, and the site is growing very fast. I'm always happy to see new sellers.

    If you have any problems, come to the forums and ask for help. You'll be amazed at how quickly someone will come along with the answer. Check out some of the threads, there's a lot of free advice already waiting.

  3. #3
    Forum Newbie
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    Smile Thanks ebid

    Many thanks for you response, I had a query yesterday and also received a very fast response which is brilliant.

    I have just settled up my account on the other site where I had a 100% positive feedback. Enough is enough, I won't be listing anything else. Obviously any website has to make a profit thats what business is all about but greed is another matter. Many of the sellers helped make the BIG BOYS SITE what it is today. Honest private and business sellers are getting a very rough deal at present from the BIG BOYS SITE.

    As for some of the business sellers, it is sad that some won't take the plunge and move to another Auction site such as Ebid. One has to speculate to accumulate.

    If I were a shareholder with the BIG BOYS SITE I would be getting quite worried and be contemplating putting my money elsewhere, enough said!

  4. #4


    Welcome to eBid you may find a read of this thread will help you get up to speed. http://helpdesk.ebid.net/showthread.php?t=100959
    Just shout if you need a hand with anything, plenty of friendly folk round here.

    For low cost Prints and Affordable Originals just Click the Logo

    and check out my other stores

    Ken's Cave

    Fantastic Fotos Store

  5. #5
    Forum Newbie
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    Default Thank you ebid

    Many thanks Ken, what a friendly site this is. I Will check out the help desk.

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