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  1. #11


    well in that case if you have anything other than knives to sell you could list them here.... seems a bit daft to waste $50 as you have paid it already... and unless you use gallery (or other extras) it will be free... and even gallery only has a 2% FVF, so it will still be cheaper then "you know where"

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by astral276 View Post
    eBid, being a UK registered company, is governed by UK law. UK law restricts the sale of knives. The gist of which can be read here: http://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/Images/sfy17_tcm9-8333.pdf

    The problem you have with selling such items online is how do you ascertain the age of the person you are selling to? While the law states that it is the seller's responsibility to comply with the law eBid would not be immune from complicity in an offence should it go to court. Merely declaring itself to be a venue, so I am told, is not a defence.

    eBid did allow the sale of certian categories of weapons but, as is so often the case, the few abused the system and spoilt it for everyone. It was then withdrawn at: http://meetup.ebid.net/showpost.php?...8&postcount=78 refers.

    As you were well aware (you ststed so in your post) such items are subject to restrictions or bans on most selling sites, so you should have made an extra effort to determine their status on eBid before signing up. The information is there so your failure to read it is not eBid's fault.
    Its a shame that governments as they gain power destroy the rights of the common man. I have watched as Gun laws in socialist countries are increased and have learned that to no avail they resort to knives to kill.
    True freedom in socialist countries is just smoke and mirrors. laws are passed for the "so called good of the commom man", but really its just big brother dictating as Hitler and others once did. Its not about safety but control of the populace. My hope is that some day people in the UK will wake up from their slumber and remove the penny's off their eyes.

    The US is trying to lean leftist or socialist as well, but many mllions of Americans have awoken in the last year.


    so I choose to not partake in excessive control of the populace. I have been a knife collector for 30 years and traded all over America. I buy and sell guns on www.gunbroker.com (member for 10 years) with absolutely no problems. My guess is that the UK feels that englishmen and women can't be trusted with their own lives. Slave in their own country. Why do i say that, I have talked with freedom loving Englishmen who kick against the pricks some are close friends in Sussex. Oh and they have knives.

    JMO. More later on this .
    Last edited by sovereignman; 7th October 2009 at 12:49 AM.

  3. #13
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    I had I believe 18 auctions running and two stores up in the last 1 1/2 days, it not my loss it's e-bids. Maybe E-Bid should re-incorporate in a free country? Just a thought.

    I don't like the idea of banning any thing as regarding goods, censorship is not healthy for a society. A disarmed society is a slave society.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by somersethedge View Post
    which I think is called flatware in the usa

    what you should have read is


    which is a list of banned items

    eBid reserves the right to judge whether the content is appropriate. Please read the list below to familiarise yourself with prohibited auction listings/items

    Items and services that infringe on another party's copyright, patent, license, trademark or other proprietary right.
    Any item that is illegal to sell under any applicable law, statute, ordinance or regulation. Items to which a false or illegal description is applied.
    Stolen or illegally imported goods.
    Firearms, Military weapons, Explosives and ammunition.
    All Knives, swords and machetes.
    Fireworks, pyrotechnics, and explosives.
    Drugs, drug paraphernalia, narcotics, prescription medication.
    Human body parts.
    Live or stuffed animals, pets, livestock or animal body parts, skins, pelts.
    Clothing advertised as used, dirty, soiled, or unwashed.
    Device or component used to illegally acquire the use of a utility or service, i.e., TV Descramblers.
    Stock, bonds, or securities of live or existing companies.
    Books, Manuals, Software, or literature promoting violence or containing hate literature.
    Books, Manuals, Software, or literature that provide instructions on how to perform or engage in any form of illegal activity.

    maybe you and others should look at other items up for sale?

    Auction ID : 19595517 (Gallery Auction)


    Good ol jons items hummm?
    Last edited by sovereignman; 7th October 2009 at 04:44 PM.

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by sovereignman View Post
    maybe you and others should look at other items up for sale?

    Auction ID : 19595517 (Gallery Auction)


    Good ol jons items hummm?
    Did you report the item?

    We on the forums do not make up the rules, we just try to abide by them,
    Every auction has a report function at the side and by reporting an auction admin look at the item and decide (well thats what is meant to happen in theory)

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by sovereignman View Post
    maybe you and others should look at other items up for sale?

    Auction ID : 19595517 (Gallery Auction)


    Good ol jons items hummm?
    The item has been removed now it would seem

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by sovereignman View Post
    Maybe we should ban flatware it stabs, maybe we should ban pens and pencils they kill in the right hands, maybe we should ban hat pins they kill in the right hands. But you are right I should have read the fine print. Management owns it management runs it, management doesnt get another nickle out of me back to EBAY where collectible knives , and swords and machetes. are allowed. Who would of thought knives were banned,an every day tool in the right hands, either a bunch of leftist woman runsthis site or a bunch of pantywaists. JMO.
    There is no need to insult the country where ebid originates from. If you don't like the rules..my advice is to leave...although there are an awful lot of nice people from all over making up ebid. You might stick around a while and find out for yourself...

  8. #18
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    There is a market for everything under the sun even knives, but you wont find that market on ebid ... you need to look elsewhere. Good luck but your product is really not PC or flavour of the month right now -- Maybe attitudes will change. I dont know. It aint the knives it's the peeps that's holding them that attracts the bad publicity.

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