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Thread: Crafters could you please make some comments?

  1. #21
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    It makes no sense to have buyers wade through hundreds of listings. Would you want to do it?

    and many sellers are putting things in categories as like us they didnt know where to put them or this was the lesser of the evils so if we have nice clean categories with all the sub categories we need; you may find a new attitude with sellers.

    Do you know they have the crochet patterns in sewing and embroidery? when they belong in knitting and crocheting? That doesnt make any sense to us and we have been crocheting for over 30 years. We would be looking for them in the crocheting and knitting category and not sewing and embroidery!!!

    and isnt this for a sellers benefit to have all the sub catagories they need for when this site grows? There is going to be a huge revamp soon so we have the ability to get things as we who use the catagories need them.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Gothicina View Post
    Hopefully this will be sorted when the guys bring in the "ghost" categories, which I assume will be part of the revamp.

    I'm intrigued by the "ghost" categories Gothicina, any idea what they will be for? I have a general idea in my head of what it means but dont want to appear a complete idiot
    Actually I've just spotted your link so please ignore me

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by tbklover View Post
    It makes no sense to have buyers wade through hundreds of listings. Would you want to do it?

    and many sellers are putting things in categories as like us they didnt know where to put them or this was the lesser of the evils so if we have nice clean categories with all the sub categories we need; you may find a new attitude with sellers.

    Do you know they have the crochet patterns in sewing and embroidery? when they belong in knitting and crocheting? That doesnt make any sense to us and we have been crocheting for over 30 years. We would be looking for them in the crocheting and knitting category and not sewing and embroidery!!!

    and isnt this for a sellers benefit to have all the sub catagories they need for when this site grows? There is going to be a huge revamp soon so we have the ability to get things as we who use the catagories need them.

    As I have already said - twice - if you feel that items are listed in the wrong category - the contact support@ebid.net.

    I am not in a postition to spend time going through items to check if they are in the right or wrong categories, and if I did find them, the only people who are in a position to do anything about it are either the sellers who have listed them or support. As I have said, not all sellers come to the forums.

    As you have already spent time going through the listings which is why you have posted here, then perhaps you are in a better position to make the report to support.

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

  4. #24
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    Babs; would you please listen to what we are trying to say? There is nothing wrong with your listings in the categories. We are however saying it would be better for you to have them where people can find them so if candles and soaps were separated out; wouldnt that make sense? and if you further sub divided each of them into various things like supplies; finished products (handmade and commercial) ; etc wouldnt that be helpful to you?

    Dont you think we dont have things to do and yet we are trying to help you and ourself so that the craft categories have things in it that buyers will find!!! and yet all you can do is argue and argue!!!

  5. #25
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    FYI; we dont sell or make candles or soaps so its not a problem for us to have that category messed up!!! We also dont sell supplies for them either!!!

  6. #26


    You obviously have given this more thought and time than I intend to and obviously seem to know more about book categories and other categories than the owners of the site do.

    As you perhaps can or cannot appreciate, I am happy with things as they are.

    With that in mind - I will make no further comment on this subject other than to say - my suggestion to contact support if you feel that there are items incorrectly listied and as a result you feel that your items are not getting the views that they should.

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by tbklover View Post
    Hence the 2nd thread Bykimbo asking if crafters are willing to help clean up one category each so that we can have good categories for our buyers. You are right; buyers are not going to be wading through the lot but if we all make an effort to clean it up and keep it clean then it would not be too much work?
    Lets see. Tomorrow I have to pack up about 35 items and get them into the mail. Then I have to start to list the stacks of linens, books, etc here as the holiday rush is on and I want to get my inventory way up. All of us sellers are making an effort to get more listed and get a wider variety listed too.

    Nope, I don't think I will have time to look at the craft categories and "clean it up and keep it clean". If I have a spare moment, I might be able to grab a sandwich.

    As sellers, our job is to sell. Not try to clean and straigthen up all the little piles of merchandise that others are selling. That is not selling, that is putzing. That does not help our pocketbooks and certainly does not help ebid's either.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbklover View Post
    Delta; it must be nice to be so selfish that you dont care about other people. Yes maybe you are selling alot but its to everyone's benefit to have items not in jumbled categories and if you have time to make all these comments on our threads; you have time to take a few moments and help this site to sell more items of your own and others.

    At times; you need to give back to the greater good and yes this means at times; not thinking of yourself even if you are in a great deal of need too.
    Why have you decided to make personal assumptions...

    are you implying that anyone who hasn't the time to 'tidy up' the categories is selfish and doesn't care for other people.

    I for one don't have the time or the inclination to take time out from my busy life of working for charities to tidy up here.. I think I give more than my fair share back to the greater good...

    I don't wish to offend you but please think before you make personal comments.

  9. #29

  10. #30


    For some strange reason, I can not find OP's original comments about me to quote here except what was posted by Stitches. Again, funny how stuff vanishes.

    First, thank goodness I don't get upset by comments other people make about me. I can't control other people and well, they can't control me either. I have to set my own priorities and everyone else must set their own too. We can't run other people's lives.

    Second as I said,we are all very busy people. We run businesses, we have websites, stores here etc. Like everyone else, we have families, responsibilities etc, so our time is valuable because we have to pay our bills. BUT, last month many of us decided that with more new sellers coming on board, we should make more effort to visit the forums and help them. Most of us check out the forums at least once or twice daily for that purpose. It takes time, but we think it is important so it became a priority for us.

    Unfortunately, your priority has become the state of the craft section and its numerous messy bits. No one agree with your proposals for sweeping changes. No one. And no one agreed that cleaning the category up was a number one priority with everyone. No one.

    Your job, if you chose to do it, is to report each and every violation in crafts and ask for all those listings to be pulled. That is a huge undertaking for stuff that is constantly being listed, relisted, sold, or pulled. All of us are telling you it is not worth the effort, time could be spent doing other stuff like helping new people and selling stuff. Sorry you disagree with that but I stand by that.

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