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Thread: Can you help me to help you advertise?

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Default Can you help me to help you advertise?

    Hi to all,

    I'm a new member of eBid, but my business is not new, its been years in the making. I spend upto 6 days a week out buying and selling. I attend record fairs, markets, auctions and bootsales.....where literally hundreds and hundreds of both buyers and sellers pass my stall, or stop to chat or even better stop to buy

    Now that I've opened a shop with eBid, of course I will be mentioning it to people as often as I can, but what I was wondering was, do you produce flyers of any kind?

    Because if you could provide me with leaflets of somekind, I could distribute them among people who would be keen to read this type of litrature...Its not the same as wasting flyers in a high street on people who don't want to know, they would be going directly to bargin hunters and eager sellers

    Anyway, just a thought, hope it was ok to ask? I'm looking forward to my future here on eBid, so thanks for providing an alternative to FEEbay


  2. #2
    Forum Saint
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    Hi there, and welcome aboard. When you write to the forums you're addressing your fellow ebid sellers, rather than the management of the site itself. They do drop by now and again though, so you never know when something might get a response from somebody on high.

    This is a friendly, co-operative site (on the whole, we all have our off days! ) and we do what we can do help our fellow-sellers promote themselves, and us in the bargain.

    On my FAQ site I have a number of things you can download and print to help you promote eBid and your own stuff, plus that of your fellow sellers. Take a look here http://www.bykimbo.com/ebid/help/index.htm#download for a start. If you look through there you'll find some fliers produced by Brishada than can be used to show how many different sorts of shops there are on the site.

    Naturally, being unofficial and no funded in anyway, everything there is for you to print yourself, but the articles are free to download so if you can swallow the printing costs there's some useful resources.

    Welcome again, and happy selling!

  3. #3

  4. #4


    Kimbo - thanks - I have taken advantage of your 'help' too.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by brittonsmusic View Post
    Hi to all,

    I'm a new member of eBid, but my business is not new, its been years in the making. I spend upto 6 days a week out buying and selling. I attend record fairs, markets, auctions and bootsales.....where literally hundreds and hundreds of both buyers and sellers pass my stall, or stop to chat or even better stop to buy

    Now that I've opened a shop with eBid, of course I will be mentioning it to people as often as I can, but what I was wondering was, do you produce flyers of any kind?

    Because if you could provide me with leaflets of somekind, I could distribute them among people who would be keen to read this type of litrature...Its not the same as wasting flyers in a high street on people who don't want to know, they would be going directly to bargin hunters and eager sellers

    Anyway, just a thought, hope it was ok to ask? I'm looking forward to my future here on eBid, so thanks for providing an alternative to FEEbay


    Hi and welcome to ebid!

    Sounds like you are very busy and have contact with lots of people. That is great for your business and ebid too. Flyers are a great idea, as suggested and very handy to pass out at fairs, or in your mailed packages.

    If is also handy to have some cardstock postcard sized cards to hand out too. Holds more info than a business card. Good size for ebid.net info, info on your website, info on your ebid stores, a bit about ebid's history, plus your email address.

    All info is in one place. Post on community bulletin boards, send to old customers, hand out of dissatisfied feebay sellers, give to anyone who asks you what we Yanks call the "what do you do" question. Email the content to friends and family to announce your new ebid stores, etc.

    Also, after a week or two, if you have not had sales or lots of viewers, let the group look at your listings and suggest little tweeks to get your sales going. Holiday season is fast approaching, and you want to get a piece of this pie.

    Good luck!

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