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Thread: 'official' DVDs

  1. #1
    Forum Master
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    Exclamation 'official' DVDs

    Well like I say in my auction...I do not sell 'official' DVDs from countries that don't respect or enforce copyright laws (Asia, China, Thailand, Malaysia, etc) Is ‘’ILEGAL’’ to sell any New release from US DVD’s from countries that don’t respect or enforce copyright laws (Asia, China, Thailand, Malaysia, etc) to here in US, because only ‘’LEGAL’’ release in here is REGION 1 (US,CANADA), and all new release ‘’ALL’’ REGION or ''FREE'' REGION or REGION ''0'' is from only for sale for overseas NOT for US Sales Market, because real original item REGION 1 (US,CANADA) don’t exist for sale in any country overseas, all this stuff is simply ‘’bootlegs’’ and ‘’fake’’ !!!
    FACT:you can't sell 'official' DVDs new release movie or show or any series or any Xbox, psp,nitendo or game cube game not on-line not in stores, because all this stuff is only for sale for overseas Asia market not for US market, and this is US copyright law simple as that...period...
    I am from US and as I can see in here in very short time for e-bid US many sellers come with new stuff 'official' DVDs and Games and list for sale in E-Bid US page and I see many show's, series (LOST,FRIENDS,ETC...ETC...),and stuff for M.Jackson all come from overseas Asia market this mean ILEGAL stuff for sale because I know US copyright law for this stuff very well...and interesting things is most of like this sellers come from E-bay to sell in here and most of like this sellers not more exist on E-bay for selling...why ? Heheh...now all this things start here now and I not saying all this stuff is ''fake'' I just saying all this stuff you can't sell on US market because of US copyright laws...in the end I just say too I am not bad person and anybody can be smart and try to not go against law because if you go you gonna pay very heavy price for copyright stuff...good luck everybody...

  2. #2


    You need to put in your DVD listings what 'region' it is.

  3. #3
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    Exclamation 'official' DVDs

    Yes you are right...but as I am saying all sellers must be very carefully believe me very carefully if seller try to sell copyright stuff...because I know Copyright law in US...and law say it ''is ILEGAL to sell any new release movie,game,shoes,software...etc...etc...which is come from overseas import market''...because all this stuff is for sale and resale only on Asia market and you can't sell this all stuff in US market for legal way simple as that...period...and by the way if you go in any legal retail store in US you can find only DVD region 1 (us,ca) movie new release, game ntsc system,etc...etc...you not find any Hollywood blockbuster movie, TV show region all or region free or region 0 or any game region free or something like that...so if legal retail store can't sell this stuff regular private person can't too simple as that...and thanks for reply I just try to look on my business but I like to give warning to regular people in here before is too late who try to sell similar stuff because for one ''illegal'' item you try to sell on any price... you pay very heavy price up to $250.000.00 !!! if catch you a sample...life is very simple I never understand why people always try to complicated own life...thanks again and have a nice day...

  4. #4


    Oh, I know DZ. The few DVD's I have listed are 'Region 1' because I obviously purchased them here in the US. I do own one 'Region 2' and that's because we had, at one time, a DVD player that was a 'multi-region'.

    I was trying to say earlier though that you will need to list the region that your DVD's are in your listing or they will never sell. Just wanted to clarify my last post.

    Why do people try complicate their own life?

    People do what they do even when they know they shouldn't do it.

  5. #5
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    Exclamation ''official'' DVDs

    Well you again right, and for Region 2 (Europa) I personally have movies which I buy from Amazon U. K. and if person need to watch like this movies he need Multi region DVD player to watch Region 2 (Europa) and original movie Region 2 (Europa) is like Region 1 (US,CA) this mean cover is right disc is right and person is gonna not have problem to watch like this stuff if have Multi region DVD player, but for Asia stuff you gonna have it many problems like: no guarantee to play, cover most of time is not same, upc code is not right and come on different packing not like US stuff this mean too most of this stuff come in here only from two ways whch is: people in Asia buy like this stuff on regular store in Asia and resell in here or same people copy same stuff and resell on here too which is in both way ILLEGAL simple as that...as I say ''official'' movie region 1 (US,CA) just don't exist on Asia market for legal sale because of simple fact people in Asia can't watch original Region 1 (US,CA) stuff because DVD player in Asia market not have code for region 1 (US,CA) same is in here people can't watch region 2 (Europa) if not have multi region DVD player and can't watch region 2 (Europa) on regular US DVD player...well from the past in History of copyright stuff %99 come from Asia market for Europa for Region 2 %100 from the West is original rest of this come from East Europa country which is mean is same stuff like from Asia market...and similar same stuff is same for any Xbox,psp,nitendo,game cube game only legal is NTSC system and for Europa PAL system...well in the end again I write much but as I say ''don't play'' this game with copyright stuff because people who run and watch illegal activities if catch you person can pay very heavy price...thanks again and have a nice day....

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by DZAMBO View Post
    Well you again right, and for Region 2 (Europa) I personally have movies which I buy from Amazon U. K. and if person need to watch like this movies he need Multi region DVD player to watch Region 2 (Europa) and original movie Region 2 (Europa) is like Region 1 (US,CA) this mean cover is right disc is right and person is gonna not have problem to watch like this stuff if have Multi region DVD player, but for Asia stuff you gonna have it many problems like: no guarantee to play, cover most of time is not same, upc code is not right and come on different packing not like US stuff this mean too most of this stuff come in here only from two ways whch is: people in Asia buy like this stuff on regular store in Asia and resell in here or same people copy same stuff and resell on here too which is in both way ILLEGAL simple as that...as I say ''official'' movie region 1 (US,CA) just don't exist on Asia market for legal sale because of simple fact people in Asia can't watch original Region 1 (US,CA) stuff because DVD player in Asia market not have code for region 1 (US,CA) same is in here people can't watch region 2 (Europa) if not have multi region DVD player and can't watch region 2 (Europa) on regular US DVD player...well from the past in History of copyright stuff %99 come from Asia market for Europa for Region 2 %100 from the West is original rest of this come from East Europa country which is mean is same stuff like from Asia market...and similar same stuff is same for any Xbox,psp,nitendo,game cube game only legal is NTSC system and for Europa PAL system...well in the end again I write much but as I say ''don't play'' this game with copyright stuff because people who run and watch illegal activities if catch you person can pay very heavy price...thanks again and have a nice day....

    LOL Your rambles are hard to read.

    Sorry. No periods, no sentences.

    But I know the gist of what you're saying.

    Have a great evening!!

  7. #7
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    Smile ''official'' DVDs

    Well...this is my way...but nobody perfect....anyway thanks again for reply and understanding me....

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by DZAMBO View Post
    Well...this is my way...but nobody perfect....anyway thanks again for reply and understanding me....

    Would be a boring world if we all were perfect hun.

    By the way, good luck with your sales. Ebid's a nice alternative.

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