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Thread: Governments should set up a task force

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Rubysafira View Post
    LOL Ebid broke the law too and must be criminals because they sent me my pen & car decal sticker from the UK and marked the custom form as 'gift'.
    Same here, but I didn't pay money for them. I doubt if Buddy Points are considered legal tender. If they decided to tax them, wouldn't they have to take Buddy Points as payment?

  2. #12


    Did I pay for what hun...the car decal and the pen?

    Yes I did.

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by TiasTreasures View Post
    Same here, but I didn't pay money for them. I doubt if Buddy Points are considered legal tender. If they decided to tax them, wouldn't they have to take Buddy Points as payment?

    Hey, now that could be another potential buyer. LOL

  4. #14


    United States Government Homeland Security website pertaining to Internet purchases:

    Packages whose declared value is under $200 ($100 if being sent as a gift to someone other than the purchaser) will generally be cleared without any additional paperwork prepared by CBP. However, CBP always reserves the right to require a formal entry for any importation and generally exercises this option if there is something unusual about the importation, or if important documents such as an invoice or bill of sale do not accompany the item.


    Have to sign off.... T-storm here.

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by canuckbid View Post
    I think the governments should get together and setup a task force. Spend a few million dollars and order something from everyone selling online. Then they could check for illegal or knock off items. Also if the seller shipped as a "gift" or is legally selling and shipping their items. Impose big fines and take away their ability to sell online. How many sellers buy stuff from China to resell? Some is legal and some is not. It would clean up the market place big tme I think. Same as on ebid. If you ship items as a gift you are no better than the criminals that put the illegal goods on the market in the first place. My thoughts alone of course which usually come under attack. That does not bother me.

    edit: The legal items they could resell through a legit outlet to recoup some of the money spent.
    There are wars going on around the planet.
    Global warming is wreaking havoc on our planet.
    There is a world wide credit crunch.
    There are bugs like swine flu killing thousands - if not more.

    And you want the goverments to spend millions of dollars to sort out on-line sellers?

    Real vote winner huh

  6. #16


    You betcha. If you had read all the posts I said they could resell the legal items through a legit outlet. Stop the flow of counterfit material that break legit companies. Shut down all the sellers that break the law. If you are not part of the solution then you are a part of the problem. Of course all the thousands of sellers that do not abid by the rules would not agree with. I do not much care about that. I'ld like to see the online marketplace cleaned up and let the legit sellers make a living. Tough to do with all the black market and the cheaters. The online market place runs everyday regardless of the other items you mentioned. They do not pertain to this problem at all.

  7. #17


    It sure is an imperfect world, so many rules, so many violations! Actually US already polices for fake goods, and fraud and many are convicted of it each year. All the fake goods are destroyed. I am sure Canada, UK, etc, does same.

    I doubt the devil is stoking up the BBQ for those who mark a $10 package a gift so that the buyer avoids a 25% tax. Our US postal workers are sometimes the butt of jokes, but I doubt they will go to hell for encouraging sellers to mark stuff as gifts either. Mostly because the USPS is going broke and needs the extra postage that overseas packages represent.

  8. #18


    The market is filled with illegal goods and needs to be cleaned up. I would think that there is hundreds of thousands of items shipped everyday if not millions. Think about how much money the government is not getting because of false documents and people cheating the customs. Even at 1 dollar a shipment. Have you seen the deficit lately? I think the countries could use the money or they will have to raise taxes. If they ever did a task force it would be great. The cheaters and sellers of illegal items would be running like rats. It would make the online sales greatly improve for those who sell by the rules. Get rid of alot of shady operators. Would not bother me abit. Also this topic of shipping prices. We know USA and Canada have alot higher prices. And I thought you sell to make money? Not everyone wants to sell just to make numbers. The idea is to try and make a little money or why even bother? If you are going to just break even I'ld rather read a book or watch a movie.

  9. #19


    This already happens to some extent in the UK.

    Local trading standards offices do purchase online for the purposes of obtaining evidence for legal proceedings where they think there is a problem with an online seller in the context of consumer protection or other relevant legislation. Additionally, other public sector agencies investigating benefits fraud will purchase online and will pass on to trading standards or the police any information about wrong doing by an online seller.

    Inward packages coming to the UK through the mail from outside of the European Union are subject to inspection for the purposes of levying import duty and VAT where appropriate. Packages where the value of the contents is over the threshhold for paying such taxes do get held or are not delivered until the tax is paid. I have experienced this personally.

    Online selling mirrors to a large extent what happens with face to face selling so what these public sector agencies are doing with online sellers mirrors what they do with face to face selling.

  10. #20


    This would not be in my top 100 of things that I would like to see done.
    There are far more important issues out there that need to be dealt with by various governments.

    As for - ''if your are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem'' - absolute tripe.

    Ah well - I suppose there are always people out there who know what is best for everyone.

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