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Thread: Considering the future of the directory

  1. #21


    I'm astonished that anyone would do such a thing! What I don't understand is why the entire thread was pulled. Couldn't just the offending posts be deleted by eBid admin, instead of the entire thread?

    Please, don't stop helping us. I don't know if I ever thanked you and all the other people here who helped me so much. So, thank you! And yes, please keep up the directory.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by TiasTreasures View Post
    I'm astonished that anyone would do such a thing! What I don't understand is why the entire thread was pulled. Couldn't just the offending posts be deleted by eBid admin, instead of the entire thread?

    Please, don't stop helping us. I don't know if I ever thanked you and all the other people here who helped me so much. So, thank you! And yes, please keep up the directory.
    When the site was smaller, the Guys did just remove offending posts, but now it's larger they generally just zap the whole thread.

    Some people seem to bank on this & set out to distrupt useful threads, just to get them removed.

    "There's nowt as queer as folk."

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  3. #23
    Forum Master tjsprinting's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    As Gothnica said
    "Nowt so queer as folk"
    the other saying that springs to mind
    " dont let the beggars grind you down" (well a slightly stronger word was involved!)
    Kimbo, from what I have seen in the few months I have been here, you, along with a few others, do more to promote both ebid and sellers , and help the newbies get along, by offering advice and promotion, than the management itself( Sorry Gazza I know you are really busy your end)
    The directory was a brilliant and positive idea, you should be praised for it not slapped with a wet fish and struck down.
    It has to be your decision as to whether to continue, but I hope for all of us that you choose to stand up and carry on.
    Dont know about Forum Saint, you are an EBID Ambassador of the highest rank.

    Made to measure internal and external softwood doors and gates.
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  4. #24
    Forum Saint JanetB's Avatar
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    I cannot comprehend why anyone would attack and make public accusations of ulterior motives against a highly respected eBid member who volunteers a lot of their time helping and advising others for free including offering members a free space on their website to advertise their stores linked back to eBid which, in turn, creates revenue for eBid. A lot of us do it because we genuinely want others to succeed and don't think about the 'competition' aspect.

    Kimbo, don't give up the excellent work you have done so far. You can be extremely proud of all the hours you have put in to helping others on the road to success. You have a compassionate and humane nature and I sense you really enjoy helping others. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    As the saying goes:

    You can please some of the people all of the time.
    All of the people some of the time.
    But you can't please all the people all the time.


  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by TiasTreasures View Post
    What I don't understand is why the entire thread was pulled. Couldn't just the offending posts be deleted by eBid admin, instead of the entire thread?
    I think they did try just deleting a few posts but then someone wouldn't let the subject drop - like a dog with a bone - and so then the whole thread disappeared.

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by jeweleffects View Post
    I cannot comprehend why anyone would attack and make public accusations of ulterior motives against a highly respected eBid member who volunteers a lot of their time helping and advising others for free including offering members a free space on their website to advertise their stores linked back to eBid which, in turn, creates revenue for eBid. A lot of us do it because we genuinely want others to succeed and don't think about the 'competition' aspect.

    Kimbo, don't give up the excellent work you have done so far. You can be extremely proud of all the hours you have put in to helping others on the road to success. You have a compassionate and humane nature and I sense you really enjoy helping others. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    As the saying goes:

    You can please some of the people all of the time.
    All of the people some of the time.
    But you can't please all the people all the time.


    You are so right about the fact that we should want sellers to succeed here. The last thing we should want is for eBid to look like a dead zone, where people list things, but never sell. If someone buys from you or anyone else, they've come in to look around and may buy from someone else or tell friends. I do the best I can and don't concern myself with competition.

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by rethreads View Post
    You are so right about the fact that we should want sellers to succeed here. The last thing we should want is for eBid to look like a dead zone, where people list things, but never sell. If someone buys from you or anyone else, they've come in to look around and may buy from someone else or tell friends. I do the best I can and don't concern myself with competition.
    This is so true! I sold to a new member a couple of weeks ago. He came back a week later and bought something from another eBid seller.

    I am delighted! This is how we make eBid grow.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by TiasTreasures View Post
    This is so true! I sold to a new member a couple of weeks ago. He came back a week later and bought something from another eBid seller.

    I am delighted! This is how we make eBid grow.

    Thanks again to all who have contributed to this discussion. I've decided to continue the directory, and continue advertising the service in here. I'll be starting a fresh thread to invite new joiners shortly.

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by bykimbo View Post

    Thanks again to all who have contributed to this discussion. I've decided to continue the directory, and continue advertising the service in here. I'll be starting a fresh thread to invite new joiners shortly.
    Good deal, kimbo. And if I haven't already asked to be included, I will.

  10. #30
    Forum Saint Huddylion's Avatar
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    Well done Kim keep up the good work
    My feedback of
    is 100% positive and has all been earnt here on Ebid

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