Hi all
I'm based in Northern Thailand 8) which is often called the handicrafts capital of South East Asia - certainly feels that way at times.

One of the products available here is hand made paper using Mulberry tree bark - this is great because the mulberries are sustainably managed woodlands, and we all know that new tree growth converts more gunk to oxyhen than mature woodland does - anyway, the harvested bark has to be less than three years old to be any use for paper making.

What's this got to do with eBid amd eBidders?
Well, it seems to me that there's a hard core of forum users who represent the most active vendors in the site, and that the crafts section are always looking for new ideas. The paper itself is fantastic - see my online catalogue at www.gazlannathai.com (in the crafts section) for pictures - I've got about a third of it complete now.
This paper can be used to make loads of things, examples will also be appearing on the website over the next few months, and the cost compared to making it yourself is cheap.

So here's the deal - browse the catalogue and email me your requirements - I'll then post it as a private buy-now auction and we do the trade through eBid ... I already have listings for mixed sample packs up on the site, but this route refers to your specific needs instead of random packs.

Regards all