These recipes can be used in an electric oil burner, or regular oil burner. Personally, I use a ceramic oil burner that you place a candle inside, water in the top and put the drops of oil in the water. The heat from the candle warms the entire ceramic fixture and causes the oil to evaporate into the air. It works wonderfully. Hope you enjoy them.

Morning Starter
3 drops of May Chang - Stimulating
4 drops of Mandarin - Happiness
3 drops of Myrrh - Inspirational

Afternoon Reviver
2 drops Spearmint - Invigoration
3 drops of Ginger - Stamina
3 drops of Lime - Eases Stress
2 drops of Nutmeg - Increases Energy

Brainstorming Sessions
2 drops Spearmint - Invigoration
2 drops of Juniper - Preparation
2 drops of Rosemary - Creativity
1 drop of Myrrh - Inspiration
3 drops of Lemongrass - Expansion

Harmonious, Enthusiastic Environment
2 drops of Bergamot - Cheerfulness
3 drops of Grapefruit - Re-Balance
3 drops of Nutmeg p Increases Energy
2 drops of Pine - Raise Self Worth

United, Motivated, Go-Getters
2 drops of Black Pepper - Direction
2 drops of Patchouli - Unity
6 drops of Rosewood - Receptivity

Power Blend
2 drops of Ginger - Stamina
3 drops of Grapefruit - Optimism
2 drops of Nutmeg - Increases Energy
3 drops of Pine - Raise Self Worth

Induction Blend
3 drops of Basil - Self Expression
3 drops of Peppermint - Purpose
3 drops of Lime - Eases Stress
1 drop of Cedarwood - Courage

Enhancing Team Loyalty and Unity
2 drops of Basil - Self Expression
1 drop of Vetiver - Centered
3 drops of Jasmine - Live with Passion
4 drops of Patchouli - Unity

Raising and Inspiring Team Spirit
2 drops of Basil - Self Expression
3 drops of Peppermint - Purpose
2 drops of Cedarwood - Courage
1 drop of Lavender - Nurturing
2 drops of Pine - Raise Self Worth

Re-Balancing the Extremes
5 drops Geranium - Re-Balance
3 drops of Eucalyptus - Integration
2 drops of Ylang Ylang - Peace

Breaking Patterns

3 drops Spearmint - Invigoration
2 drops Cedarwood - Courage
4 drops Rosewood - Receptivity
1 drop Chamomile - Let go

Motivational Meeting
1 drop Ginger - Stamina
2 drops Nutmeg - Increase Energy
3 drops Spearmint - Invigoration
2 drops Jasmine - Live with Passion
2 drops Black Pepper - Direction

Basic Staff Training
2 drops of Bergamot - Cheerfulness
2 drops Grapefruit - Optimism
2 drops May Chang - Stimulating
4 drops Rosewood - Receptivity

Reduce the Seriousness and Lighten Life
2 drops Bergamot - Happiness
4 drops Orange - Remove Seriousness
2 drops Ylang Ylang - Peace
2 drops of Lime - Ease Stress

Heart Nurturing Environment
2 drops of Rose - Love
4 drops of Lavender - Nurturing
2 drops of Jasmine - Live with Passion
2 drops of Ylang Ylang - Peace

Setting Budgets
1 drop of Patchouli - Unity
2 drops Lemon - Rationality
2 drops of Juniper - Preparation
3 drops of Clary Sage - Clarity
2 drops of Eucalyptus - Integration

Releasing Anger
3 drops of Ylang Ylang - Peace
5 drops of Lime - Ease Stress
2 drops of Eucalyptus - Integration

Relieve Impatience
4 drops Palmarosa - Adapatbility
1 drop of Chamomile - Let go
2 drops of Clove - Attachment
3 drops of Marjoram - Anxiety

3 drops Vetiver - Centered
3 drops Cedarwood - Courage
4 drops Geranium - Re-Balance

Improve Memory
3 drops Basil - Self Expression
2 drops Lemon - Rationality
1 drop Lemongrass - Expansion
4 drops May Chang - Stimulating

Mental Focus
4 drops Petitgrain - Consciousness
3 drops Spearmint - Invigoration
3 drops Clary Sage - Clarity

Relieve Overwhelmed Feelings
5 drops Petitgrain - Consciousness
2 drops Lime - Eases Stress
3 drops Vetiver - Centered

4 drops Rosemary - Creativity
2 drops Lemongrass - Expansion
2 drops Jasmine - Live with Passion
2 drops Basil - Self Expression

Increasing Productivity
3 drops Patchouli - Unity
2 drops Thyme - Willpower
2 drops Ginger - Stamina
2 drops Jasmine - Live with Passion

Negotiating Environment
4 drops Basil - Self Expression
3 drops Cinnamon - Introversion
2 drops Thyme - Willpower
1 drop Vetiver - Centered

Relaxing Environment
4 drops Lime - Ease Stress
3 drops Marjoram - Anxiety
2 drops Geranium - Re-Balance
1 drop Vetiver - Centered

Emergencies and Shock
2 drops Vetiver - Centered
3 drops Tea Tree - Understanding
2 drops Patchouli - Unity
3 drops Eucalyptus - Integration

Job Interview
4 drops Cypress - Transition
3 drops Pamarosa - Adaptability
2 drops Neroli - Choices
1 drop Frankincense - Protection

Releasing Negative Emotions
3 drops of Chamomile - Let go
3 drops of Grapefruit - Optimism
4 drops Cypress - Transition

Releasing Tension
2 drops of Chamomile - Let go
5 drops Lime - Eases Stress
3 drops Orange - Removes Seriousness

Fear of Success
3 drops of Marjoram - Anxiety
2 drops Chamomile - Let Go
2 drops Cedarwood - Courage
3 drops Jasmine - Live with Passion

Relieving Frustration
2 drops Tea Tree - Understanding
4 drops Geranium - Re-Balance
2 drops Clove - Removes Attachment
2 drops Juniper - Preparation

Creative Visualization
5 drops Rosemary - Creativity
3 drops Lemongrass - Expansion
2 drops May Chang - Stimulating

Relieving Boredom
5 drops Jasmine - Live with Passion
2 drops Bergamot - Cheerfulness
3 drops Nutmeg - Increases Energy

Preventing Burnout
4 drops Nutmet - Increases Energy
2 drops Frankincense - Protection
2 drops Geranium - Re-Balance
2 drops Ylang Ylang - Peace

Resolving Conflict
2 drops Tea Tree - Understanding
3 drops Sandalwood - Contemplation
4 drops Cinnamon - Warming
1 drop Rosewood - Receptivity

Enjoying the Extrovert Within
2 drops Pine - Raises Self Worth
2 drops Rose - Love
2 drops Black Pepper - Direction
4 drops Cinnamon - Warming

The Obsessive / Compulsive
2 drops Vetiver - Centered
3 drops Palmarosa - Adaptability
5 drops Orange - Removes Seriousness

The Perfectionist
5 drops Geranium - Re-Balance
2 drops Clove - Removes Attachments
3 drops Lime - Eases Stress

Right Here, Right Now, Blend
3 drops Jasmine - Live in the Now
1 drop Sandalwood - Contemplation
2 drops Yland Ylang - Peace
2 drops Bergamot - Cheerfulness
2 drops Patchouli - Unity