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Thread: Does anyone else see animals that aren't there?

  1. #1

    Default Does anyone else see animals that aren't there?

    I see dogs... simple as that... I can be sat watching TV and I will move my legs for the dog to get past me.... quite OK you may say but I don't have a dog!
    I have been at a friend's house when my friend, her Nan and I all stepped back - we all moved out of the way for the dog to get past... there was no dog... I have been told by a medium that I have a faithful Jack Russel spirit companion though I have never owned such a dog nor do I ever see a Jack Russel dog when I see these dogs that aren't there....
    Anyone know anything about this?... (Shrinks need not apply 'cos I know I'm crazy without professional help LOL) :lol:

  2. #2

    Default Re: Does anyone else see animals that aren't there?

    I don't see animals that aren't there, but I do see other things that aren't really there inc spiders. My bf thinks Im hallucinating . I have seen like small images of floating people in mid air, spiders on walls and on the bed that aren't there, things flying towards me from across the room and peoples heads on the bedroom walls!!!!!! No one believes me though, they think I am hallucinating or dreaming :*(

  3. #3

    Default Re: Does anyone else see animals that aren't there?

    I don't see animals that aren't there, but I do see other things that aren't really there inc spiders. My bf thinks Im hallucinating . I have seen like small images of floating people in mid air, spiders on walls and on the bed that aren't there, things flying towards me from across the room and peoples heads on the bedroom walls!!!!!! No one believes me though, they think I am hallucinating or dreaming :*(

  4. #4

    Default Re: Does anyone else see animals that aren't there?

    I don't see animals that aren't there, but I do see other things that aren't really there inc spiders. My bf thinks Im hallucinating . I have seen like small images of floating people in mid air, spiders on walls and on the bed that aren't there, things flying towards me from across the room and peoples heads on the bedroom walls!!!!!! No one believes me though, they think I am hallucinating or dreaming :*(

  5. #5

    Default Re: Does anyone else see animals that aren't there?


    it could be a spirit dog that attached to you from somewhere that you've visited or a house that you lived in.

    domesticated animals only give loyalty to those whom they trust and like.

    i can't see it being any different when they are in spirit.

    he/she must have picked up that you are the kind of person that he/she wants to be with!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Does anyone else see animals that aren't there?

    Doodoot, I was told by a medium that I had a dog with me all the time but it's not always the same dog that I see... there have been at least 3 different ones... perhaps canine word has got around the spirit world!???

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Does anyone else see animals that aren't there?

    It could be a few things ..

    1) It could be your Spirit guide as most are animals , from bears , wolves birds (in general most types of animal)
    If it is one of these then you are extreamly lucky to see them as everyone has one but a very few have actually seen or will see them ..... Sometimes you could have more than one animal spirit guide but it is very rare to find them to be the same type of animal

    2) It could be a ghostly spirit from the other side as it is not just humans that have spirits and just like humans when a cherished pet of yours or someone elses passes on it sometimes stays about in spirit(ghostly apperition) and like human ghostly spirits they can attatch themselves to someone they find apealing or a place they wish to be as it is not always at the location of departure to the other side they will be found like some would say

    Either way you should feel very lucky that these animals have shown themselves to you as it means they trust you enogh to let themselves be seen by you !!!!

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