When listing based on altering another similar listing, if I have a load of photos in that listing I want to get rid of them and introduce the new ones.

The only way I can see to do this is to press the 'remove photo slot' to remove them one at a time. I'd expect another button there to remove them all.

In fact the whole idea of photo slots seems a little odd to me. There are 5 shown, which I guess is a hangover from back when that was the free limit. As a user I'm not interested in 'photo slots'. Users just want to select or upload their pictures.

Sometimes when selecting my pictures I'd like to be able to click on them to examine them full size (or even crop/rotate/sharpen them, but perhaps that's being overly hopeful). Reason being that I want to check if this photo really is of the item I think it is, or perhaps it's for the next one I'm listing (this is when I've had a photo session of a whole set of fairly similar things). But I can't see how to review such a photo other than by going ahead and then sorting it out later in the process.

Maybe I'm missing something. If not, I hope this is useful feedback.