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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #19721
    Forum Saint
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Nice owls, Wyo

  2. #19722

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hey All!

    Good to see some activity in here - but where IS Pos & Books? Now that I'm not having to sharing bandwidth, I can listen to more choons!

    Old, I'm so glad that "Michael" is masking progress! You'll need to do a video when he gets that Moonwalk down pat! I just got 2 chicks out of 11 eggs. Bantys often try to set 2-3 in one nesting box the more, the merrier??? But allowing that to happen means the eggs get too hot and the embryos die. Is that too hard to understand?

    While I'm on the subject of critters, I'll share some sad news. Sweetie Pie, a 14 y/o Munchkin girl went to 'Kitty Heaven" on 6 July. Yesterday, Macy a bobtailed Munchie girl, 11 y/o, joined her.

    Trish, so glad to see that you didn't run off with Adam! LOL!! Wonderful news about Debbie!! She sure does deserve to have a wonderful Holiday!!

    No, the write up of the event in the park was very short and sweet, with absolutely NO mention of the rock band - just a picture of the country singer that opened the concert. I do have a feeling that some heads rolled! LMBO!

    Wyo, I've never heard of the crocodile stitch but it is perfect for those owls! Mom mentioned that pin you made her the last time I talked to her. She is using the idea to make something for the great granddaughters, but I can't remember what. She is off on her annual vacation to babysit the dog sat my niece's house in the country. It's only about 25 miles from home but a nice change of routine and scenery for her.

    Gosh, it just not seem like it is time for harvest, but sure enough it is - out there! We've got 100 more GDDs here and I guess I've gotten used to that - lol!

    Meebo, it's nice to see you pop in once in a while

    I'll have to pass on the cocktails - still on the chemicals to control the muscle spasms but they are getting better every day. I don't see my neurosurgeon until the 27th but I have been doing some light stretching exercises with my neck and shoulders when they get stiff.

    Waiting for my truck battery to charge up so I can go to town today to see my regular doctor. This will be the first time I've drove since Feb!!! I hope I haven't forgot how - LMBO!! I'm so glad I found the battery charger and asked questions about it - just hope I'm doing it right!

    You all take care,


  3. #19723
    Forum Saint
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day all

    Nice work Wyo! - what a hoot
    Sorry to hear you've lost 2 pets Shesa, but they had a fairly long run. Still, it's not easy when they go.
    Take it easy with the driving - short stints at first, & then the day later, you'll know how tough it is on your neck (or not)
    Those bantums are great little Mothers, they hatch anything. Years ago, an Uncle of mine, sat a bantum on 6 duck eggs.
    She hatched all 6 no problem - but was a little confused when her babies all went swimming, & she couldn't.
    Yes, I sure hope booksie & Pos are doin' OK - I'm getting a bit worried.

    OK choons & a drink/s

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  4. #19724

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    'Morning/evening y'all!

    Yet another beautiful day - no rain forecast for quite a while yet. Boy, we sure do need some of the wet stuff, everywhere is baked and parched.

    Wyo, those owls are gorgeous, love that crocodile stitch - you are a clever girl!
    Shes, sad news about your pets, it's very painful to lose them after sharing so much time of your lives together. I still shed a tear for my beloved Kaiser ...
    I hope you managed to get there and back from town safely, and your doc's appt. went well. Lucia phoned yesterday - she was so excited - her broody bantam has hatched a chick (just one!) She doesn't know if the other eggs will hatch in due course, but has learned that you have to ditch them after a few days if no more hatch - is this right? I won't know any more until she returns from Aberdare road race this weekend. She isn't racing, but her partner is - it's too high speed and dangerous for my liking, just pray that no-one gets hurt.

    Old, loved the choons and watching the vids - great stuff! And yes - I miss books and Posbear. I too am worried - Pos has no listings up here any more ....

    Teagan has just rang, her, Matt and the kiddies are coming to stay the weekend, as it's JR's birthday today and we will be celebrating that!
    I guess I shall have to start cleaning the house up and putting an order in from Fresco for home delivery. No doubt barbecue stuff will be first on the list!
    Never a dull moment in this house ....
    Catch you later, ciao
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  5. #19725

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

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    Hey up mi ducks !

    Just spent a while trawling through the previous few pages of posts. Hope all who have been having ills are starting to feel much better.

    Sorry if my absence worried anyone, it has been too bloody warm of late and besides I have been trying to list as much stuuf as possible just lately. Many more of the record collection and large amount of stamps. I really do have far too much stuff hoarded away but very reluctant to part with most of it.

    As always still listening to plenty of music old and new. I will get back to the posts another day to have a proper listen to what everyone has shared.

    Anyway as requested here are a few tunes from me, enjoy everyone and hope you all have a bostin' day.



    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JebowNHkA_M Oh I wish they would for a few hours !



    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4lZI7K_y6I Can't believe this was over 5 years ago


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO1LbkuPfqo Rain is becoming an obsession






    Hope that's something for everyone, now back to the listing.

  6. #19726
    Forum Saint Maelbrigda's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    we had a little rain this morning now it is warmer than the last few days!

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmuYSQbs_3M more rain
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    Please have a look. I combine postage wherever possible.

  7. #19727

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

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    We had rain Sunday night. I am considering entering Sadie in the Miss Wyoming Mud contest, I think she has a chance to win first place.

    I have been helping my neighbor across the street with her dogs.
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    Buddy is the white with black ears. They told her he was Blue Heeler/Aussie cross. We have our doubts about the Aussie part. More like Greyhound or Whippet perhaps. Anyway, he isn't house broken yet, so I try and get over there and let him outside. She is gone a lot of hours because of her job. When the weather gets cooler he can stay out all day, but right now he has to come in during the heat of the day. So far, we are not making much progress. Angel is the Basset and she's a real sweetheart. She's an older dog.

    The streets of Carpenter are still not safe, the state renewed my driving license. What a struggle! I had to get a state certified birth certificate and marriage license copies. But it went off without a problem when I got there. The lady that helped me was an Aussie Mom, so we had a great time. The picture is lousy, but aren't they all.

    Glad to see y'all checking in again, hope we all stay healthy and uninjured. I was invited to a cream can supper last night and I forgot about it until too late to go. It was a big affair with a barn dance, so I reckon they didn't miss me.

    I awoke last Saturday about 3 am to the smell of wood burning. I had not heard of any forest fires, so I was a bit concerned, but after checking out the house and the town (through the window) I went back to sleep and when I awoke again at 6 am (courtesy of Sadie) I began to smell barbeque! My neighbor across the street had his big smoker fired up and I got some brisket and ribs when I went to check it out. He was catering a dinner. The beginning of August he will be cooking and selling at county fair. I shall have to go up and buy some. He is originally from Texas, so it's good barbeque. Almost as good as Wyoming BBQ.
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    I YDC, Do you?

  8. #19728

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hey all!!

    Pretty bad when I have to check on this thread first to see when I was last on the site - lol! I've been spending a lot of time on the puter, cleaning it up, changing passwords, checking out FB to catch up with friends, etc. Just checked my bandwidth usage to see if I could listen to some choons and kinda funny how I'm in mid-cycle and have only used 1.8 out of 12 GB so far. I had read several places that Androids use a lot of bandwidth and was assured that none were being used in the house - right!! I've been in a great mood - every day finding some little thing that makes me happier than I've been in quite a while!!

    Thanks all for the condolences - I think it is harder when they have been with you longer than "average" - they seem to leave a bigger hole.

    Yes, Banty's will set anything - I loved Old's tale about the banty that hatched out the duck eggs!! ROTFLMBO!! I can only imagine her shock when her babies hit the water!!

    Trish - there are a lot of reasons why eggs might not hatch. Sometimes the hen will push one away if she knows it's gone bad so I always check the nesting box for cold ones during her setting period. Temperature and humidity have to be just right for eggs to hatch - if either is off they won't. Humidity is important the last few days - if there isn't enough, the chick can't break through (pip) the shell. Yes, if some haven't hatched after about 2 days from the first one, it's best to ditch them before they rot and burst open. If Lucia gets serious about hatching eggs, she should learn how to candle them.

    I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating JR's birthday!! It is a lot of work to get ready for a houseful, but I know how much you enjoy them visiting. Follow the "KISS" rule for preparations - no body is going to be checking for dust bunnies or remember exactly what they had to eat, as they will be too busy making wonderful memories. Hopefully you'll have a day or so to rest up afterwards.

    Driving - I made it to the doctor's and ran all my errands and yes, the next day I was sore, but it was not intolerable. Had things gone as planned, I would have seen my neurosurgeon on the 13th and he would have sent me to physical therapy or given me some exercises to do to help strengthen the muscles. I had to reschedule to the 27th of this month but have been doing some light stretching and of course, some actual work (being careful!) I drove into town this morning to get feed and feel okay - just need to figure out how to get 175 lbs of feed into the feed shed - one small bucket at a time if I have to - LOL!

    Books - good to see you again! Loved the t-shirt! LOL!!!

    Thanks for all the choons, especially the rain ones - I've got to play them again to try to attract a bit of rain here!! I'm not in any shape to go out and do a rain dance! We keep getting "promises" but nothing happens - except we got a very light sprinkle for about 2 minutes after I got back home this morning. I am grateful the horrible stuff moving across the country yesterday and last night missed me. It spawned tornadoes up north and caused a lot of flooding in the surrounding states. When it got to TN, it sort of split in two and went around my area.

    Wyo - are you certain that Sadie is purebred? Looks like there might be a bit of "piggy" in her bloodlines - lol!! I can see the Heeler in Buddy's face and ears, but the rest is questionable! Don't know what happened, but Jake got hemotoma in one of his ears and now it flops over. Angle looks like a sweetheart - those "feel sorry for me and pet me" eyes get me every time I see a Basset. I don't think I could ever own one as any kind of discipline would be out of the question - lol! It's good of you to help out with them.

    Thanks for the warning - if I ever get back out west, I'll be sure to avoid Carpenter - NOT!! If I ever got within a couple hundred miles, you'd get a visit for sure!!

    What is a "cream can" supper?? Never heard of it but if it involves barn dancing, I'm sure it would be fun!!

    LMBO about the smoker! I guess I'll have to use the grill?? Warning - don't ever try SD BBQ! The first time I was invited for BBQ, I was fed hamburger mixed with a can of tomato soup - seriously gross!!!! I started making and canning my BBQ sauce and it was a hot seller at the craft fair every year - pun intended! LOL!!

    I did get some help with the yard and except for the weeds in the flower beds, it's looking good. Hopefully the boy will be back on Monday to start cutting up the tree tops that have blown off this year in the woods and do some work down at the spring. I was warned that after getting paid, it would be a couple of days before he would show up again, so I've offered a bonus when all of the projects are finished - hope that works!

    Well, off to check out the forums.

    Y'all take care!!


  9. #19729

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    A cream can supper is potatoes, corn on the cob, cabbage and Polish sausage put in a cream can and cooked in a fire pit for 1 to 1 1/4 l hours. I just looked at my Best of The West cookbook and it says Milk Can Supper and they put in carrots, onions and beer.

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    for our UK friends, just in case.

    I can see the Heeler in Buddy, but no Aussie or "pig". Sadie has a path worn along the fence line where she "runs" with the dogs next door, Loki, Spice, and Atlas.

    Last edited by wyocowgirl1; 21st July 2018 at 04:41 PM.
    <a href=http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures target=_blank><font color=#111111><span style=font-family: Tahoma>http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures</span></font></a>

    I YDC, Do you?

  10. #19730

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Quick update, after posting the Rain tunes yesterday we had our first proper shower for around 6 weeks, lasted a couple of hours. Since then it's back to the heat.

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