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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #19111

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Yes, it seems to me that the medical field has learned to prolong our lives too well sometimes. I think some of us are still reeling from last week.

    On a cheerier note, here are some new pictures of my handiwork -
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    The green scarf is Liz's, the rest I will sell, I think.

    I am now off to see if I can't clean up Missy On without getting her totally wet.

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    I YDC, Do you?

  2. #19112

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Carol, that is so sad. And it certainly is going to be hard for everyone since you live in such a small town. I agree with Old, so many times I think they just want people to live longer so they can make more money off them if they have insurance. I've also seen cases where people were "neglected to death" because they had no medical insurance. It just "ain't right"! I know if my neighbor could have picked up and loaded a gun, that's the way he would have gone and I can't say that I would have blamed him - he had no life and no hope.

    Speaking of your small town, did you all hae any damage from the storms last night (Monday)? I was watching the radar but they didn't show Carpenter on the map, so I wasn't exactly sure where the tornado warnings were in relation to you.

    Love the little turtle! Growing up with the last name of "Snapp" you can imagine how many turtle jokes I had to listen to - lol!!

    Off to go water the lilies - maybe that will make it rain??? I sure hope we aren't in for another drought this year - some of my perennials didn't make it last year so I've been out looking for replacements.....

    Y'all take care! Big Hugs for you WYO - if you need to talk, I'm here!


  3. #19113

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Shes - The weather was close, about 5 miles away from where the video that is on The Weather Channel was taken. I have heard there was a total of 8 tornadoes and the closest to town report of damage was about 3 miles. All to the south. The storms moved in from the Southwest and went Northeast. A friend has probably lost her house, but she doesn't live there on a regular basis so she wasn't there at the time. It is sad, but at least no one was hurt. For anyone who wants to look -
    It is in the 3rd row 2nd one in.

    I thought I might have to take Missy On to the vet's today, but she has actually had a good day. Her appetite remains the same and she potties normally so it is hard to think the time has come, yet. She does have trouble walking sometimes, but she is walking on all 4 feet and mostly does fine in the house. She is having trouble negotiating the deck, so I take her out and put down in the yard and stay with her. Tonight she went back up the steps (2) on her own. She has been up and about today from about 12:00 to 5:00. Of course, once I got on the computer she went into nap mode. The widow that I have been helping offered to drive me to the vet's which was a bit of a surprise, but she just doesn't have the personality of a person you want around while your grieving your pet. I hope that doesn't sound too critical, but she is a bit of an odd duck. Sometimes I think a hardened farm woman and other times I think "Wimp" and I never know which one I'm going to get, but she is an honorable person and she cared for her poor husband for many years. I imagine she is a bit lost right now, not knowing what to do next.

    Anyway, that's how my day went, I didn't do much else. I have signed up for a craft fair before the local electric coop annual meeting. I'm not sure I want to start that occupation, but it is only 2 hours and they provide an 8 foot table and 2 chairs. It is next Thursday.

    Hope everyone is feeling good and maybe even up to onery-ness.
    <a href=http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures target=_blank><font color=#111111><span style=font-family: Tahoma>http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures</span></font></a>

    I YDC, Do you?

  4. #19114

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    If the Weather Channel link doesn't work here is a youtube link -
    <a href=http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures target=_blank><font color=#111111><span style=font-family: Tahoma>http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures</span></font></a>

    I YDC, Do you?

  5. #19115
    Forum Master Posbear's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good morning
    Greetings from a grey Cheshire.

    Firstly I need to send a big warm English bear hug to Wyo <<<<<<hug>>>>>>>>
    I hope that things get better for you and Missy.
    Shesa..you can have hug too, for being.....Shesa .
    I'd hug Trish, but she's not here, I hope she's OK.
    Old. you can have a bloke hug.
    Meebo can have a hug too.
    in fact, hugs to anyone that needs one.
    Yes. today I am huggy bear

    My son had a great interview, loved the place and got on well with the owner.
    Alas, typically he got the usual.. "I'll let you know" on his departure
    So that's another job on the list that he's waiting to hear back from..

    I haven't forgotten about the jewellery making stuff, I have all of it here, next job is to sort it out, ready made from findings, beads etc...
    All of my German postcards have all ended on eBid, I know I have some British and American ones, so I'll give them a go on here.

    I need a cuppa. so join in and help yourselves..

    Til the next time.....byeee

    Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.

  6. #19116

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Howdy folks!
    Had a great holiday, it's been rather manic since our return, here in the Richardson household (nothing new there!).
    I'm just getting ready to go for yet more blood tests as there was a message on the answerphone to make an appointment - oh joy! Hope there's now't wrong with the samples they took before we went away. I would love a big bear hug Posbear, and I also send hugs to everyone that would like one.
    I sure hope that your son gets that dream job Pos, Wyo I'm sending all comforting thoughts to you, what a tough time you're having - I think a wee drop of JD might do us both good .... maybe serve some drinkies up later.
    Can't stop longer, must dash.....
    be good (not!)
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  7. #19117

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hey, all!

    Taking a break from housework - was supposed to rain all week and haven't seen a drop yet - but will get on with my "rainy week plans" as it's to stinkin' humid to be outside anyway! The lilies are in full bloom and really need the rain, so I've been out watering already this morning.

    WYO - That tornado clip was fascinating and scary at the same time. So glad that no one got hurt!! Keep enjoying every day you have with Missy O and I know when the "time" comes, she will let you know. Food in, poo out is good but the best "tell" is watching her water intake and output and checking for any signs of discomfort in the kidney area. I can't say I blame you for not wanting "poor company" at this time. Good luck and HAVE FUN at the craft fair - when I used to go I always spent more than I made - lol!!!

    POS - hugs are always welcome!! Right back atcha! Hope your son gets that biking job! When I was an employer, I was always impressed by the ones who called back to let me know they would really like to have the job - hint! LOL!! Sorting the jewelry is one step closer to listing It is so much easier to list "like" items all at the same time so you have less to change in the listing.

    TRISH - we're going to have to start calling you "Pincushion"!!!! I DO have a doctor appointment Friday and will have some bloodwork done but it's mostly to discuss the Lymph issue (if there is one?) and setting up more tests for MRIs, scans, etc of my bone/joint issues to compare to ones taken about 5 years ago. Personally, I'd rather give blood than go through all that other garbage since they only come to town on certain days or I have to go out of town for them

    Better get on to cleaning furniture in the living room.......


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    Y'all have a great day!!


  8. #19118

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Oh, that bear hug felt good! Thanks!

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    and right back atcha all.

    Missy On is acting pretty perky today, for her anyway. She doesn't have the energy she once had, but I'm used to that. I increased her dosage of Rhymdil (sp). She was only taking 1/2 of a pill daily, so I went to 3/4. Checking with the vet today to see what to do on a more permanent basis.

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    Trish I dug out a bottle for us.

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    I get the rest of your orders now.

    OK, I have new yarn to put away.
    Last edited by wyocowgirl1; 15th June 2017 at 09:47 PM.
    <a href=http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures target=_blank><font color=#111111><span style=font-family: Tahoma>http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures</span></font></a>

    I YDC, Do you?

  9. #19119
    Forum Saint
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day all

    Good to see everybody back home & on the KT - Cheers for the drinks & hugs (not that blokes do hugs) but I'll accept one from a bear!
    Here's the bear around when I was a youngster - Funny "Old" Humphrey B Bear.


    Naturally you all know my most favourite bear now!


    Wow - I'm very glad we don't have those tornadoes here, the cyclones are bad enough! Happy to hear pooch is doing well.


    Here's breakfast to go with that cuppa!

    And a drinkies

  10. #19120

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Blimey, sure is quiet here in the lounge!
    Better wake you all up with a choon!

    This is especially for me ole pal Al - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeJkDewhTEw
    How's the fishing doing? How are the kiddies? Had any good pool parties/jams lately?

    I expect the extraordinary hot temps we are experiencing here in UK may have sent some folks out into a lovely shady nook in the garden.
    I love it, being of a tropical type! Bring on the Sangria, Pimms, G&T's, Pear Cider, barby's etc. and daft songs like this .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7x1pyqOdUc
    WARNING! It's an earworm!

    We had a great family barby on Sunday - it was quite a job though to keep the little 'uns protected from the blazing sun - factor 50 applied loadsa times, and happy to say that they didn't burn despite the scorching sunshine here on the East coast.
    Played some good music, guitars were out - singing was brill, excellent harmonies - siblings have a knack of keeping a perfect harmony.
    Of course, I joined in ...... can't play a musical instrument (apart from piano, and there wasn't one about in the garden!) can't sing - so I did my best at drumming with a couple of wooden spoons on saucepans. (You may now call me Trish -the -Loon .. as in Keith Moon)

    Now then, I have to report that my Lucia, my baby girl, has had her first racing accident.
    Bottom pic shows her and her partner at Snetterton (If I remember correctly) .....
    ...... & when she went down on a bend Saturday at Donnington Park .......
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    She is ok, nothing broken, just concussion, bruised ribs etc. Her gear prevented her from major injury - the visor on her helmet is all broken, but it saved her face from what could have been horrific injuries.
    Bike can be repaired.

    Old, thanks for the drinkies me ole pal, are those strawberries on the brekky? What a novelty idea!
    We have bumper crops of strawberries, cherries, and raspberries - some will end up as jam and also raspberry vodka, which is to die for, as we add honey as well as sugar - last years brew is almost depleted - just got a couple of inches of vodka sodden raspberries to add to Cornish ice-cream .... swoon!
    Has the geetar turned up yet son? How you getting on with the new neighbours? Got any more gigs lined up?

    Wyo, that JD is almost gone now - you are very norty tempting me (I'm easily led, as you may have noticed!).
    Just loved your pics of the things you have created - awesome.
    Hope Missy O is holding on, glad that she is responding to the meds. I just absolutely know what it's like to lose your bestest ever doggie friend,
    I still mourn for my Kaiser - .....sheesh, better have a swig of the good stuff to console us .......
    I got rather a good supply in -

    Hey Shes! How ya doin' hun?
    I think I might change my user name to 'Pincushion Pat' ! Lol!!!
    Apparently - after much questioning as to why I need to give so many blood samples, at last I have been given a reason -
    I have higher than normal paraprotein levels, plus the polycythemia problem - so I have to be monitored very regularly.
    How did you get on with the quacks on Fri? Did you get your Lymph issue sorted - if there was one?

    Posbear - c'mon out - stop hibernating, winter is passed!
    Did your son hear back from the job interview? Fingers crossed that he got his dream job. If he didn't, encourage him to continue
    to seek more work. I have been through all this with my 5 kids - it's sooo sad when they don't get the job they really, really wanted,
    but fate always will sort 'em out - eventually they end up in a job they are good at and that makes them (and parents!) happy.
    Oh, BTW - my super bass enhanced speakers are gathering dust. Got a choon to blast it off?

    Meebs, put the kettle on tomorrow morning if you have the time ..... and I sure would appreciate some of your home-baked bread
    with a dollop of some of your lovely jams!

    I'm too tired now - plus I need to eat - I'm rather hungry and my dinner that was cooked 6 hours ago must be as shrivelled up as my skin .....
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