Hi, I just joined a few days ago and for the most part I like many of your features better than those of Ebay. That being said, I have noticed that the search results are very touchy. You must type in exactly what the seller has written for the results to come up. Perhaps you could try something like what ebay has where when you type in keywords for a search and very few or no results are found it will say nothing matched in the search results but what they did find and you can click on it. Usually these results omit a word or two you typed. If the search were improved, this would help the buyers to find what the sellers are selling that they want. Also, I have some auctions listed and I do not see where i can see if anyone is watching it. I see how many views there are on each but not the actual watchers. I may just be missing this but if it is not a feature I think it would be a good one for us sellers. Overall good job and keep up the good work.