The Notion Shop is expanding, reaching out to an even greater clientele by listing products on eBid.

Why? Well, admittedly, the changes eBay has made to its listing fee structure, final value fees and feedback system are the biggest motivators for this decision. But, in addition, I discovered a great deal of interest in the products I sell, particularly the tartan lines, on the part of U.K. buyers. eBid originated in the U.K. and has built a rather respectable community.

Also, the eBid fee structure is such that I don't have to raise prices to cover higher selling costs.

I will continue to list on eBay and will still ship from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada to all parts of Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. and the world.

This week I found asparagus in the supermarket. That's always been a reassuring sign for me that, no matter what winter may throw at us between now and March 21st, spring would definitely come again.

Actually, this winter hasn't been too bad here in Edmonton. It's the east coast that's had the worst of it. But the weather's known for springing last-minute snow, wind and ice storms on Alberta.

So to keep my spirits up I start to plan spring projects.

There's another new baby on the way this year. My niece is expecting her third child. And my husband's daughter gave birth to a little girl who is now 9 months old. That makes three grandchildren so far.

I feel an urge to make baby blankees - little quilts, crocheted blankets and special detailed blankets featuring heirloom sewing techniques. So, since I'm stocking up for my own projects, my customers can look forward to some new items such as quilt batting, pressing tools, specialty needles and crochet sets.

I loved making blankets and clothes for our kids when they were younger. And decorating their rooms - curtains, quilts, wall hangings. But now that they're teenagers they have very particular preferences when it comes to their clothes. As for decorating their rooms, I'm not even supposed to enter without knowing the secret password and promising not to more anything from their "organized" mess.

So, I'm looking for creative outlets as I approach the empty nesting stage of my life. I know many there are many who have made incredible contributions with their skills.

One woman I know of hand-made little dresses for girls living in Haitian orphanages. Another group of women knit and crochet head caps and blankets to cover the incubators in the NICUs of local hospitals.

A client located in northern B.C. belongs to a group that knits red-and-white afghans for soldiers in Afghanistan.

If you contribute your skills and end-products to a cause, I'd love to hear about it. I can profile you or your group on my website and encourage others to find their own way to make a difference.