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EIRE, BIRDS, Blackbird, white 1998, 30, #3

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MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Silesia Folk Costume, man, red 1959, 1 Zl (131211110)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:53 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Caving expedition - Cuba 1961 , white 1980, 2 Z? (131210403)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Folk Costume - Kurpie, yellow 1983, 30 Zl, #2 (131210600)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, King Przemysl II , violet 1994, 5000 Zl (131210763)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Lowicz Folk Costume, man, blue 1960, 2 Zl (131210779)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, LIPCA, poster art by Karol Sliwka, red 1979, 1.50 Zl (131210788)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Lodz Concentration Camp, brown 1984, 16 Zl (131210791)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Michal Scipio del Campo , brown 1984, 5 Zl (131210802)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Sobotka u Slowian, Midsummer's Eve, brown 1977, 90 Gr (131211069)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, SPACE, Rocket Design, blue-green 1963, 30 Gr (131211081)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, St Mary's Church Krakow preaching, blue 1960, 20 Gr (131211038)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Rycheza of Lorraine, violet brown 1988, 10 Zl (131211027)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, PPR, Worker with flag and dove, red 1962, 60 Gr (131211020)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, PZPR in the shape of Poland, red 1975, 1.50 Zl (131211018)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Pan Twardowski, red 1968, 60 Gr (131210971)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Piast eagle, tomb of Henryk IV Probus, green 1975, 60 Gr (131210962)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Planting Saplings, green 1971, 40 Gr (131210970)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Monument in Walcz, grey 1967, 40 Gr (131210890)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Monument in Lodz-Radogoszcz, green 1967, 40 Gr (131210887)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Silesia Folk Costume, woman, red 1959, 1 Zl (131211109)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Shipyards in Gdansk, brown 1962, 1.55 Z? (131211105)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, orange 1967, 60 Gr (131211172)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, The Devil Boruta, brown 1986, 10 Zl (131211179)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, The gnome Koszalek-Opalek, green 1962, 40 Gr (131211185)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Three Children and School, blue 1959, 60 Gr (131211197)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:52 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
GERMANY, Europa CEPT: Arrows, green 1973, 30 Pfennig [bargains] (131265917)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:51 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
GERMANY, Europa, Europa blue, 40mm (128693205)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:51 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, green 1968, 2 Zl (131211180)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:51 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
GERMANY, Map and Crest, Hessen, 1993, 100 Pfennig (128693231)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:51 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Sculpture, Crying Woman, gold 1969, 40 Gr (131211108)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:51 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
SRI LANKA, OLYMPICS, Athens, Running, green 2004, 20.00 (131480943)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:51 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, OLYMPICS, Boxing, Melbourne, brown 1956, 20Gr (131480958)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:51 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
CHINA, Huan Sing, orange 1932, 40 Yuan (130265800)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:51 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
CHINA, Ch'en Chi-Mei, orange 1932, 1 Yuan (130265802)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:51 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Puss in Boots, blue 1968, 20 Gr (131211031)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:51 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Polish Recovered Territories, red 1965, 60 Gr (131210976)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:51 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Sculpture, Miners by Magdalena Wiacek, blue 1971, 60 Gr (131211139)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:51 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, Sculpture, Descending Christ, violet 1969, 40 Gr (131211138)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 16:46:51 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, FLOWERS, Alpine Rose, blue 1972, 50 Gr (131210609)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 15:40:44 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition. Great service.

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
SINGAPORE, REPTILE, Dragon Dance, pink 1968, 30c (128864256)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 15:40:44 (EDT)

Nice item.good authentic condition.

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
CHINA, Huan Sing, orange 1932, 40 Yuan, #3 (130265822)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 15:40:44 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
CHINA, Tianenmen Square, violet 1964, 5 Yuan, #3 (130265825)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 15:40:43 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

MiketW [+1220]
billsstamps (SELLER)
INDIA, FLOWERS, Sugandha Rose, violet 1984, 2.00 Rp (129706003)

@Mon 22 Sep 2014 15:40:43 (EDT)

Lovely item,v.g.authentic condition Great service

m.lestin [+26]
billsstamps (SELLER)
DDR, Carl von Linne, Systema Natura, red 1958, 20 Pfennig (128820549)

@Sun 21 Sep 2014 08:42:41 (EDT)

Fully satisfied

bgcshelford [+64]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, AIR, Ilyushin II-12 over Wroc?aw, violet 1954, 1.50 Zl (128151658)

@Fri 19 Sep 2014 12:43:24 (EDT)

Arrived safely many thanks

bgcshelford [+64]
billsstamps (SELLER)
POLAND, AIR, Ilyushin II-12 over Warsaw, blue 1954, 1.55 Zl, #2 (128151638)

@Fri 19 Sep 2014 12:43:24 (EDT)

Arrived safely many thanks

bgcshelford [+64]
billsstamps (SELLER)

Arrived safely many thanks

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