Feedback Page For janewales [+186]

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98% 187 positive comment(s)
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1% 1 negative comment(s)

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janewales [+186]
Jbonse (BUYER)
Manchester City v Arsenal Football Programme, Decembver 1962 (190343793)

@Sun 01 Jan 2023 20:25:18 (BST)

A great buyer with prompt payment, a pleasure to sell to. Many thanks.

janewales [+186]
keytor8522 (BUYER)
Private Listing

@Thu 23 Dec 2021 19:48:43 (BST)

A lovely easy transaction, many thanks.

janewales [+186]
DancingForRain (BUYER)

Lovely to deal with, very fast payment, many thanks

janewales [+186]
Anniemcc2 (SELLER)
Wordsworth - selection of his poems (145232101)

@Mon 29 Feb 2016 20:58:57 (BST)

Lovely book, great condition, very helpful seller. Thank you.

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