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Feedback Page For Odif [+51620]View Odif's eBid Stores.

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Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 93/162 Inkay (206178183)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 86/162 Pancham (206178181)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 88/162 Cacturne (206178182)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 80/162 Swinub (206166935)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 71/162 Woobat (206166928)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 72/162 Swoobat (206166929)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 73/162 Elgyem (206166930)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 68/162 Ralts (206166925)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 69/162 Kirlia (206166927)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 52/162 Magnemite (206166920)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 58/162 Gastly (206166923)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 46/162 Froakie (206166917)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 29/162 Staryu (206140170)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 30/162 Starmie (206140171)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 36/162 Piplup (206140172)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 43/162 Vanillite (206140174)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 44/162 Vanillish (206140176)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 13/162 Scatterbug (206140164)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 23/162 Pansear (206140165)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 25/162 Fennekin (206140167)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 3/162 Pinsir (206140160)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 10/162 Quilladin (206140162)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:01 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 115/162 Doduo (206178194)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 100/162 Ralts (206178188)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 121/162 Teddiursa Reverse Holo (206133025)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 102/162 Floette Reverse Holo (206133024)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 37/162 Prinplup Reverse Holo (206133020)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 8/162 Chespin Reverse Holo (206133019)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 4/162 Cacnea Reverse Holo (206132953)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 95/162 Bronzor Reverse Holo (206133023)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 57/162 Dedenne Reverse Holo (206133022)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 39/162 Snover Reverse Holo (206133021)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 146/162 Professor's Letter (206179689)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 142/162 Houndoom Spirit Link (206179164)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 131/162 Noibat (206178665)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 129/162 Rufflet (206178199)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 125/162 Starly (206178198)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 110/162 Fraxure (206178192)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 105/162 Spritzee (206178190)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 97/162 Mr, Mime (206178185)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 95/162 Bronzor (206178184)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 83/162 Hippopotas (206166937)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 81/162 Piloswine (206166936)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 77/162 Cubone (206166934)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 75/162 Sandshrew (206166932)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 74/162 Beheeyem (206166931)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 65/162 Misdreavus (206166924)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 57/162 Dedenne (206166922)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 56/162 Stunfisk (206166921)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

Odif [+51620]
Goalkarl (BUYER)
Pokemon Breakthrough 116/162 Doduo (206180045)

@Sun 29 May 2022 11:41:00 (EDT)

Excellent Ebidder, Welcome Back Anytime A+++++++++++++

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