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Thread: eBid Stores Glitch?

  1. #1

    Question eBid Stores Glitch?

    Help! The listings in my eBid stores have disappeared from the stores - they are still there and viewable on the site, just not attched to their proper stores any more.

    Before anyone suggests going into each listing and editing them by choosing a stores category, I'll just point out that I've tried this and the option isn't there.

    What to do?

  2. #2
    Forum Saint
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    You don't have any stores online, which is why you can't put items in them. Stores will go offline over night if they're empty. How sure are you that you ever put your items into your stores successfully in the first place?

  3. #3


    Thanks for your reply, bykimbo. Yes, the listings were in the stores originally and yes, I did know that stores go offline if empty.

    Here's the sequence of events...

    14 Feb: Going away unexpectedly & unsure of my return date or computer access while away, I decided that the best option (with regard to home security & response time to any buyers) was to end all my listings, then repost them when I got back.

    All of my listings were already assigned to, and in, stores - I knew that my stores would go offline when empty, but assumed that if I went into My Stores & put them back online on my return, then reposted the closed listings, all would be well.

    21 Feb: Returned home, put stores online & reposted auctions. Went off happily to do mountains of laundry, answer reams of snailmail & email, restock the larder, organise family &c.

    24 Feb: Finally had time to come back to eBid. Aargh! Where have my stores gone! Checked that listings were there - OK they still were, but not in the stores.

    25 Feb: Remembering that the option to assign a listing to a store should be there in "edit" mode, had a look at a random selection of listings - no option available. Saw your reply but was just going off again. I did try putting the stores online again, though, & trying to put some listing in them - no joy.

    01 March: Have looked & tried again - no joy, hence back here.

    Any helpful suggestions? Or do I need to contact Admin direct?

  4. #4


    BTW, I forgot to mention, this is the status of the stores when seen in "my eBid stores":

    The Novelty Rock Emporium (Offline)(71)
    THRIFT 4 U Quality Clothing (Offline)(6)
    Brown Owls Surprise Store (Offline) (30)

    So it looks like the system thinks that the items are in the stores, but for some reason the items don't seem to be assigned when you look at them individually.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by highfellsdrifter View Post
    BTW, I forgot to mention, this is the status of the stores when seen in "my eBid stores":

    The Novelty Rock Emporium (Offline)(71)
    THRIFT 4 U Quality Clothing (Offline)(6)
    Brown Owls Surprise Store (Offline) (30)

    So it looks like the system thinks that the items are in the stores, but for some reason the items don't seem to be assigned when you look at them individually.
    What happens when you turn the stores online? Are you remembering to update section 2 when you turn the stores online individually?

  6. #6
    Forum Saint Armstrongs's Avatar
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    Your stores are still showing "offline"

    When you clicked the radial to put them "online", did you scroll down to underneath the colour swatches and "update section 2"?

    Yvonne x

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  7. #7
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    When you put the stores back online again did you remember to click on the Update Section 2 button? From what you have described all you need to do is successfully put the stores back online and everything should be back as it was.

  8. #8


    Thanks for your replies so far...

    In reply to astral, Vonz & Naturalist - yes, I did Update Section 2 (that was something I picked up on when I started on eBid last October!), but the stores remain stubbornly Offline.

  9. #9


    Everything seems to be OK now. Goodness knows what was going on - just one of those random glitches that works itself out, I suppose...

    Thanks to all for your help!

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