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Thread: Any Crystal Healers kicking around?

  1. #21
    Forum Diehard brishada's Avatar
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    How’s it going with the Crystals?
    Have you been experimenting with them or meditating with them?
    As I said before, let intuition be your biggest guide, once your intuition takes hold you don’t even need a pendulum, you’ll just know.
    If there’s anything specific you want to know, feel free to ask, I’ll try and help if I can.
    Am 3/4 way through writing my Case Studies, really must get them finished really soon, I need to be doing more Healing, not enough hours in the day at the moment!

    Hope to hear from you soon,

  2. #22


    Is crystal healing something that can only be learnt by someone with a 'sixth or intuitive sense' or is it something than anyone can learn.

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

  3. #23


    as a hereditary healer/medium/pagan I am probably not the right person to reply to you but.....

    I think everyone has the ability to work psychically, however that said, not necessarily everyone will be a healer or a medium or what ever.... my mother is a great intuitive healer but is not a medium. Maple is just starting out but can relate to crystals and can sense spirit. I can do hands on and distance healing but crystal healing leave me cold.

    all I can suggest is pick up a crystal and see if it "talks" to you.

  4. #24


    Thanks somers. I've seen a few nice ones here with a new member, who also has charts too, so maybe I'll give a crystal a try and see how it feels.

    Thanks again,

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

  5. #25
    Forum Diehard brishada's Avatar
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    Hi Babs
    I wouldn’t necessarily say you COULDN’T just learn it, but you tend to find a certain type of person is drawn to it, again it also doesn’t mean you would NEVER be drawn to it, for some the time has to be right, I think synchronicity has a huge part to play.
    For some, it’s an awakening…a memory triggered from times when we all used Crystals…yes, that time did exist. Over time those memories have faded (we’re talking a long long time…).
    Children have that knowledge in them, their intuition is amazing. Unfortunately when humans hit puberty alot of that knowledge fades.
    You don’t need a chart to use Crystals or a Pendulum. If you want more info. on how to use a Pendulum, please feel free to PM me. Infact you can use almost anything as a Dowser, it doesn’t have to be a special tool. I don’t carry a Pendulum with me.
    Contrary to belief, you can use anyone’s Pendulum, as long as you show it respect and use your intent correctly it won’t do any harm. Those that think a Pendulum needs to be programmed are misled.
    As Somerset said, if you feel drawn to Crystals, just go with the flow and see what unfolds…
    The way to choose a Crystal is as individual as you are, no two people are the same, you will find the way that is right for you. Again if you want more info. please PM me.
    Happy Adventures…

  6. #26


    Hi Sharon

    I understand what you're saying. It is something that has been 'conditioned' out of us in order to get us to conform to what the majority refer to as 'civilised'. If the majoirity didn't understand it, and it went against the beliefs of the church, it was blasphemous etc. and a burning offense.

    I feel drawn to the simpler way of doing things, and drawn away from a lot of the modern ways. My late father had certain gifts, but exactly how to name them, I can't.

    I have a few books here, and will have a read of them. Thank you for your offer of help - I will keep that in mind if I need any. Thanks again.

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

  7. #27
    Forum Diehard brishada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BabsnRay View Post
    Hi Sharon

    I understand what you're saying. It is something that has been 'conditioned' out of us in order to get us to conform to what the majority refer to as 'civilised'. If the majoirity didn't understand it, and it went against the beliefs of the church, it was blasphemous etc. and a burning offense.

    I feel drawn to the simpler way of doing things, and drawn away from a lot of the modern ways. My late father had certain gifts, but exactly how to name them, I can't.
    Hi Babs
    Yes, that’s a pretty close summation! We have become too bogged down by material things and human emotions. I will try and dig out something for you, it’s a wonderful ‘story’ that explains more about our earthly form and our mission on this planet. It’s beautifully written, I think you’ll ‘get it’. I’ll PM the link when I find it.


  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by brishada View Post
    Hi Babs
    Yes, that’s a pretty close summation! We have become too bogged down by material things and human emotions. I will try and dig out something for you, it’s a wonderful ‘story’ that explains more about our earthly form and our mission on this planet. It’s beautifully written, I think you’ll ‘get it’. I’ll PM the link when I find it.

    Thanks Sharon, very gracious of you, and much appreciated. Thank you.

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

  9. #29
    Forum Saint maplegin's Avatar
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    Hi Sharon & Babs have aquired an aqua aura agate, this week which was recomemded by a friend she felt so much better when she was given it so somer has given me one, the friend had infact been depressed, & she said she felt every thing lifting from her, so any thoughts from you would be very welcome, will clean it under running water, unless you feel shouldnt as I usual wash away any negetivity in them, Somers mum also is having one as she hopes it will help working on a friend of ours who somer & his Mum have been doing healing on, it was good to see the effect the healiing had & it was the first time in weeks that shed actualy had a decent sleep.
    Some how one suddenly feels drawn to a crystal.
    Sharon any ideas about the stone, would be gratefully received, couldnt find one in your store.
    speak soon

  10. #30
    Forum Diehard brishada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maplegin View Post
    Hi Sharon & Babs have aquired an aqua aura agate, this week which was recomemded by a friend she felt so much better when she was given it so somer has given me one, the friend had infact been depressed, & she said she felt every thing lifting from her, so any thoughts from you would be very welcome, will clean it under running water, unless you feel shouldnt as I usual wash away any negetivity in them, Somers mum also is having one as she hopes it will help working on a friend of ours who somer & his Mum have been doing healing on, it was good to see the effect the healiing had & it was the first time in weeks that shed actualy had a decent sleep.
    Some how one suddenly feels drawn to a crystal.
    Sharon any ideas about the stone, would be gratefully received, couldnt find one in your store.
    speak soon
    Hi Pam
    Is it an Aqua Aura QUARTZ? I’ve seen Quartz, Tektite and Obsidian coated with precious metals but not Agate (doesn’t mean it isn’t one, just that I’m not familiar with it if that’s what it is).
    Aura Quartzes are high grade Quartz that are blasted at high temperatures with precious metals which results in a permanent bonding and beautiful colours. Quartz is the most powerful healing Crystal on the planet, and will amplify the energy of any other Crystal, likewise metals, being natural conductors, raise the vibration of the Crystals. So, a combination of Quartz and Metal results in a truly powerful Crystal.
    Perfect for lifting depression and anxiety, like most Blue stones will aid the Throat Chakra, is also helpful to those working in the realm of Spirit. It safeguards against psychic or psychological attack, discourages malevolent or parasitic energies from interfering with one’s energy field, stops drain or spiritual vampirism. It protects from harm and attunes to the vibration of higher realms (e.g. angelic). It aids those who wish to be conscious channels for spiritual wisdom, a stone of spiritual elevation, Aqua Aura converts negativity and disperses it as loving energy which in turn amplifies the healing.
    You can cleanse Crystals in a number of ways, if you want more info, just shout…


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