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Thread: HTML View Formatter Request

  1. #1

    Default HTML View Formatter Request


    a feature that would be very helpful would be an html presentation formatter in the html entry screen that makes the html easier to examine and edit including, e.g.,

    A. different colours for tags, qualifying variables, text etc.

    B. Line breaks after e.g., </span>, </div>, </table> and </td> statements

    Thank you,


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    Solar Ship
    Last edited by alltheginjoints; 26th July 2008 at 07:19 PM.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by alltheginjoints View Post

    a feature that would be very helpful would be an html presentation formatter in the html entry screen that makes the html easier to examine and edit including, e.g.,

    A. different colours for tags, qualifying variables, text etc.

    B. Line breaks after e.g., </span>, </div>, </table> and </td> statements

    Thank you,

    Hi Alltheginjoints,
    I do all that before my html gets near the listing page.
    I find the free programs Notepad++ & CSE HTML Validator lite, invaluable,so it might be worth giving them a try.
    Last edited by Gothicina; 26th July 2008 at 04:57 PM.

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  3. #3



    I mostly do the same, the display was designed in Nvu first and then cut/paste to the html viewer, however I then needed to make several small edits.

    Nvu, MS IE and Flock all showed the page the same way, however Ebid did not. Some underscore lines became black, some fonts changed size etc. I found the code at these locations was missing the needed local qualifiers (amazing that all the other renderers did not seem to mind) and inserted them. One remaining difference is a blank line inserted in some table entries before the text, I have yet to find a fix for this.

    It is still useful to have a local formatter for these edits, and it is a relatively simpler parser to write, even four colours and five break line triggers would do wonders. More advanced features such as indentation would be a bonus.

    I started writing the listing with Nvu and became frustrated with its "foibles" and limited help pages (it took a long while to find out how to copy tables properly). I then tried Coffee Cup Visual Designer, Net Objects Fusion Essentials and some others however found limitations in each (CCVD will not start with an existing html page, NOFE does not reference offsite images and refuses to re-install with the common dll not found bug and the company will not provide any assistance etc.) .

    I returned to Nvu and found solutions to each problem such as reloading when the normal or preview displays stop operating, editing code to separate tables that have become nested together, starting tables from scratch rather than trying to remove columns from larger tables which can lead to malfunctioning tables (the properties column count refuses to change).

    I will look at Notepadd++ and CSE HTML Validator Lite. The ideal lowcost HTML webpage designer that I have in mind would have an easy to use WYSIWYG like MayuraDraw, which is in fact a vector graphics editor. It already exports to SVG (has does so since 1999) which appears to be a form of XML code, and is a mature product that has not been developed in several years. I wonder if a programmer could take this and transform it into an intuitive HTML webpage designer ?

    Thank you,


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    Solar Ship
    Last edited by alltheginjoints; 26th July 2008 at 07:19 PM.

  4. #4
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    I've used the free notetab light html editor for years, it's a great program for my needs.


  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by alltheginjoints View Post
    I mostly do the same, the display was designed in Nvu first and then cut/paste to the html viewer, however I then needed to make several small edits.
    If it's any help, if you write your listings in HTML, copy & paste into the HTML view & never use the WYSIWYG editor, most tags are left alone, even css links, BUT, if you ever use the WYSIWYG editor, that strips out most css (inline is still ok) & some other formatting & can cause problems.

    MAHATMA GANDHI - "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated."

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