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Thread: GHOSTS !!!!

  1. #1
    Forum Saint
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    Default GHOSTS !!!!


    Some useful definitions:

    Ghost, n, gohst, the soul of a deceased person ; the soul or spirit separate from the body ; a phantom

    Orb, n, awrb, a globe ; a circle ; an orbit ; a heavenly body ; the eye ; the golden cross-crowned sphere of the regalia.

    Ectoplasm, n, ek-to-plazm, the emanation said by spiritualists to proceed from the body of a medium and to form to material basis of spirit faces, etc.

  2. #2
    Forum Saint
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    Default GHOSTS !!!!


    Some useful definitions:

    Ghost, n, gohst, the soul of a deceased person ; the soul or spirit separate from the body ; a phantom

    Orb, n, awrb, a globe ; a circle ; an orbit ; a heavenly body ; the eye ; the golden cross-crowned sphere of the regalia.

    Ectoplasm, n, ek-to-plazm, the emanation said by spiritualists to proceed from the body of a medium and to form to material basis of spirit faces, etc.

  3. #3

    Default Re: GHOSTS !!!!

    We think we have a resident ghost,

    Steve's Dad died of cancer just before we got together and he didn't know I was even Steves Girlfriend, but I had seen him rushing past as I was in Steves room with a group of friends, he didn't get to see our daughter either which was really sad.

    I have a hatch between the living room and the kitchen and I stand there sometimes making a coffee and out of the corner of my eye I can see someone walking past, but there is nobody there when I look properly.
    Things go missing all over the house. everyone swears it wasnt them and then weeks later they turn up in really silly places.

    The kettle sometimes switches itself on and starts to boil and my daughter has said she has seen someone looking through her bedroom window. and also my neice who stayed in that room said there was one of an old lady. (Steve's nan died when I was six months pregnant with Lauren.)
    but do I believe them?

    Having said that this house is not cold or foreboding, it is so welcoming everyone seems to drop in all of the time so I don't get to be on my own much, all the neighbours kids, friends and family seem to radiate towards this house..

    anyone got any Idea if this is just imagination?

    Gilly x

  4. #4

    Default Re: GHOSTS !!!!

    We think we have a resident ghost,

    Steve's Dad died of cancer just before we got together and he didn't know I was even Steves Girlfriend, but I had seen him rushing past as I was in Steves room with a group of friends, he didn't get to see our daughter either which was really sad.

    I have a hatch between the living room and the kitchen and I stand there sometimes making a coffee and out of the corner of my eye I can see someone walking past, but there is nobody there when I look properly.
    Things go missing all over the house. everyone swears it wasnt them and then weeks later they turn up in really silly places.

    The kettle sometimes switches itself on and starts to boil and my daughter has said she has seen someone looking through her bedroom window. and also my neice who stayed in that room said there was one of an old lady. (Steve's nan died when I was six months pregnant with Lauren.)
    but do I believe them?

    Having said that this house is not cold or foreboding, it is so welcoming everyone seems to drop in all of the time so I don't get to be on my own much, all the neighbours kids, friends and family seem to radiate towards this house..

    anyone got any Idea if this is just imagination?

    Gilly x

  5. #5

    Default Re: GHOSTS !!!!


    I wouldn't say it was your imagination. If people always feel welcome at your house, then the spirit of those people must be warm and welcoming people.
    I have had some similar experiences and believe that spirits might like to spend some time in this world before they move onto the next.

    I hope that makes sense and it isn't just MY imagination this time! lol

  6. #6

    Default Re: GHOSTS !!!!


    I wouldn't say it was your imagination. If people always feel welcome at your house, then the spirit of those people must be warm and welcoming people.
    I have had some similar experiences and believe that spirits might like to spend some time in this world before they move onto the next.

    I hope that makes sense and it isn't just MY imagination this time! lol

  7. #7

    Default Re: GHOSTS !!!!

    Do spirits always move on?

    I haven't seen anything for a while now but things still end up in stupid places.. like my neice she came to visit (on derby day) and couldn't find her purse. it had £5.00 in it so she was quite cross. we hunted high and low and turned the house over, spring cleaned and still couldn't find it.

    Last Friday, my daughter was trying to plug her playstation in and found the purse which was inside a strange handbag? (I have yet to find out whose handbag it is - behind the television :shock:

    We have our television up on a shelf which is set into brick and don't keep anything behind it except wires as there is no room.


  8. #8

    Default Re: GHOSTS !!!!

    Do spirits always move on?

    I haven't seen anything for a while now but things still end up in stupid places.. like my neice she came to visit (on derby day) and couldn't find her purse. it had £5.00 in it so she was quite cross. we hunted high and low and turned the house over, spring cleaned and still couldn't find it.

    Last Friday, my daughter was trying to plug her playstation in and found the purse which was inside a strange handbag? (I have yet to find out whose handbag it is - behind the television :shock:

    We have our television up on a shelf which is set into brick and don't keep anything behind it except wires as there is no room.


  9. #9

    Default Re: GHOSTS !!!!

    ooooh spooky! I'm gonna love this section!!!!!!!

    I used to see ghosts when I was younger, and thought it was quite normal.

    Orbs I think I have seen a few on photos, but not been convinced yet, I think they are hard to prove.

    But I have also had funny smells and feelings, with out seeing any thing, but I know who they reminded me of, a person in spirit.

    OMG I can't believe this section is here!!!! It's great. [/b]

  10. #10

    Default Re: GHOSTS !!!!

    ooooh spooky! I'm gonna love this section!!!!!!!

    I used to see ghosts when I was younger, and thought it was quite normal.

    Orbs I think I have seen a few on photos, but not been convinced yet, I think they are hard to prove.

    But I have also had funny smells and feelings, with out seeing any thing, but I know who they reminded me of, a person in spirit.

    OMG I can't believe this section is here!!!! It's great. [/b]

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