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Thread: Ebid vs the DarkSide

  1. #1

    Talking Ebid vs the DarkSide

    I'm a newbie here. I've been selling on the Dark Side for 4 years now - in that time I've seen my prices go up for using them and my advertising go down - and numerous problems with auctions arbitrarily being pulled with no explanation other than a computerized generated explanation - despite frequent attempts for a real reply from a living being.

    In any case, I'll get to the point. I am a newbie here. Already I've listed something that was pulled, when that happened I thought to myself "oh no - same thing all over again" However, I did receive a computerized generated email - BUT when I responded, they did answer back and *gasp* they actually told me WHAT the problem was! Now - anyone who has EVER dealt with the Dark Side KNOWS they NEVER tell what you did wrong - but just pull the auction! How refreshing it was to actually know what I did wrong! I'm sure all Sellers will agree with me - they don't mind complying with ANY rules and regulations as long as they know exactly what they are and what they did wrong and HOW to rectify their wrongs!

    Personally - So far - Ebid in my opinion is the greatest thing that has come along in the last 3 years (before that- the Dark Side was actually ok - that is before they got greedy and forgot the sellers make their money) I intend to spend the £100/month I was spending on the Dark Side to promote Ebid and my Shops.

    So - all you newbies (like me) Ebid is the greatest - if you want to get sales - PROMOTE them - in every way possible! Let's make sure that Ebid surpasses the Dark Side as being the Largest Auction Site on the net!

    Anyways - sorry about the rant everyone - but it was such a refreshing change to come here and to experience the difference in the Dark Side and this staffs reaction!

    Hope to meet all the Ebid faithfuls eventually and welcome the newbies (like myself) in the future!


  2. #2



    Welcome to eBid! Put a signature in your postings so that we can nose at your auctions.

    I had the same problem on the dark side. They pulled some of my auctions and when I pointed out that the same thing was being sold on Amazon, I got the standard template answer which didi not make sense. I kept listing the item as I knew it was authentic, but now they've suspended me for a year and when I appealed, guess what? - I got a standard template reply saying they were right.

    Soooo, I've got a year to help promote eBid. Make sure you join in the forum to put forward your ideas to promote eBid!

  3. #3


    I'm not quite sure what you mean by putting a signature in my postings - but in promoting Ebid - it's quite simple. Email Campaigns - Mail Campaigns - for those who can't afford to advertise - google or yahoo for free advertising accounts - also - print and put out flyers across town where you live - also - trade links (google or yahoo link exchange) It doesn't cost a lot to advertise - just make sure you do.

  4. #4


    If you click on the user CP in the forums, you can choose 'edit signature' If you get the web address of your store and copy it, you can paste it into here (sorry, I'm not very good at explaining things!). Like in my posting above, you can see the link to my store.

  5. #5


    If people are interested - if you google or yahoo search for free advertising - you can find ways to advertise your auctions and stores - also, as suggested before - put flyers up - the best thing is word of mouth - and believe it or not - that's a form of word of mouth in your locals. Think of it - if someone goes online - they'll definately remember Ebid due to a local flyer over anything else.

  6. #6


    Thank you - you're quite sweet to let me know about the signature! Perhaps you could also let me know about putting a pic as well on the forums like you have??? I hate to appear stupid, but I'm more familiar with websites than auction forums, although I've used auction sites for years - just never dealt much with forums.


  7. #7


    No problem - go to the user CP and do edit avatar and you can load up your own picture. I've only been using the forums a couple of months, but most people here are very friendly and helpful. If you haven't already, read the ;what's been going on' thread in the news forum at the top, it's very informative. Also the 'Promoting Your ebid and eBid store' thread is where we're posting all our ideas from Gazza's challenge. See what you think of people's ideas so far.

  8. #8


    Thanks - you've been most helpful. A big difference indeed to this Auction Site as well to the forum. Thanks for all of your kind help!



    I'd rather live my life caring, loving, & trusting others and be thought of as a fool than to die never have cared, loved nor trusted another and then be known as a fool. ~ author, myself.


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